
Enigma's Human Torch Mod

Started by Enigma, December 31, 2023, 04:05PM

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December 31, 2023, 04:05PM Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 11:26AM by Enigma
:humant:Enigma's Human Torch Mod v1.4 :humant:

This is my Human Torch mod. It contains the following:

*He uses his MUA1 voiced lines and grunts, voiced by Josh Keaton.
-He uses his unused MUA1 Bored lines.
-His No Work lines are also used as No Power lines because No Work lines aren't used very much and they also fit very well as No Power lines.
-His Menu Breaks are also reused as various types of lines.
-His Stats lines are used for other things, since that type of line isn't used in XML2.
-I used one of his Taunt Throw lines for a Taunt Knockdown line, since Taunt Throw lines aren't used in XML2.
-I replaced one of his I See You lines, as I felt it implied he's going to kill the enemy and that's too dark for him.
-I fixed an issue one of the pain grunts had with an audio pop that distorted the end of the sound.
-I added the 1 Death grunt and 3 Pain grunts from the Dark Human Torch NPC.
-I've split his Dark NPC Struggle grunt into 3 smaller grunts, which I've used for various types of grunts.
-I've created a callout for his new 2nd Xtreme.
*He uses his MUA1 PS2 flight begin and end sounds.
*Firebrand uses one of Human Torch's MUA2 PC power sounds and the 8 random loop sounds it uses in MUA1 Retail.
-The loop sound no longer lasts too long after you stop using the power.
*Bonfire uses one of Human Torch's MUA3 power sounds.
*Inferno uses its MUA1 Retail power sound.
*Burning Barrage randomly uses 2 of Human Torch's 6 different MUA2 PC fireball power sounds each time the power is used.
*Nova Burst uses one of Human Torch's MUA2 PC power sounds.
*Fire Vortex uses one of Human Torch's MUA3 power sounds.
*Hothead uses its MUA1 Retail power sound.
*Fired Up uses its MUA1 Retail power sound.
*Fantastic Fire uses one of Human Torch's MUA3 power sounds.
*Nova Flame uses one of Human Torch's MUA3 power sounds.

*I've used his MUA1 Prototype powers coding as a starting point, as that's closer to how XML2 power coding works, and I modified them to powers to work in XML2 as well as rebalanced them for XML2 and streamlined their coding where possible.
*He has a 10% resistance to Elemental damage and starts with a 5% resistance for Fire damage.
*I've removed the MUA1 Melee animations that won't work in XML2, heavy1, knockback1, and knockback2, and turned them into his menu animations.
*I fixed the trip2 animation so that it will work properly.
*I've rewritten all power descriptions.
*I've added in combo text and AI coding where they were missing.
*All powers now burn enemies.
*I've given him the Fire Mastery passive.
-For this version, I've added in a chance for Melee attacks to burn enemies, which was one of his MUA1 Prototype passives, although I've made it only affect non-powered Melee attacks.
*I've given him the Fire Combat passive, which he had in the MUA1 Prototype, but I've renamed it to Flaming Combat because that what we renamed it for everyone else in the XML2 Ultimate Patch.
*I've given him the Point Blank passive, which he had in the MUA1 Prototype.
*He has his MUA1 power Flame Thrower
-I've renamed it to Firebrand because Sunfire also has a power with that name.
*He has his MUA1 power Fire Storm.
-I've renamed it to Bonfire.
-It's now listed as a Trap instead of a Projectile.
-It's now a tap the button power instead of a hold the button power.
*He has his MUA1 power Fireballs.
-I renamed it to Burning Barrage.
-Its now knocks back enemies instead of popping them up.
*He has his MUA1 power Inferno.
-It now burns enemies.
*He has his MUA1 power Wildfire.
-I've renamed it to Nova Burst because Pyro has a power called Wildfire.
-It now burns enemies.
*He has his MUA1 power Nova Blast.
-I've renamed it to Hothead.
-It's now listed as a boost instead of a special.
-It no longer adds Fire damage to Melee attacks. It now increases his Defense Rating instead.
-Level up info now more clearly explains how this power works.
*He has his MUA1 boost Ring of Fire.
-I've renamed it to Fired Up.
-It now increases Attack Rating instead of Defense Rating.
-It now adds Fire damage to Melee attacks for all other party members and burns enemies.
*I added a new power inspired by Canino's Fire Vortex power from his MUA1 Human Torch booster. Unlike his, mine creates a fire tornado trap.
*I've created a new Xtreme that uses an unused animation of him flying in the shape of the Fantastic Four logo.
-I've reused the name of his MUA1 Retail Xtreme, Fantastic Fire.
*Created new power requirements.

*He has his MUA1 loading screen.
*I made 3D heads for all skins.
*Only his Ultimate and Dark MUA1 huds depict his PS2 skins, which have different heads then his PC skins. Also, his huds for his Original and Classic skins don't fit the they're supposed to be for. So, I've made XML2-compatible versions of his Ultimate hud and used that for all skins except Dark (which uses its own hud) and Civilian Modern.
*He uses the PS2 versions of his Ultimate and Original, Classic skins.
*I made a new version of his MUA1 Flame On skin. It's now at the same resolution as the rest of his skin and has orange Cel Shading. I also fixed an issue with it.
*I made a new version of his MUA1 Civilian Modern skin. I've fixed all issues with it, made it more accurate to the comics, made the face look more like his MUA1 Flame ON skin's face and the much different face on this skin's official MUA1 hud, made a new XML2 style hud (since the official MUA1 hud couldn't be used due to its background being unremovable), and made a 3D head. I've also renamed it.
*He uses his MUA1 icons.
-Nova Flame uses his unused icon.
-Because I was 1 icon short, I've used 1 of the icons BaconWizard17 made for my Cannonball mod, specifically the one for the Thermo-Chemical Energy Mastery passive.
*He uses his MUA1 Prototype flight effect, but I've attached it to his feet instead of his hands.
*He uses his MUA1 Prototype Flaming Combat trail effect.
*Firebrand uses one of its MUA1 PS2 effects.
*Bonfire uses its MUA1 PS2 effects.
-Both the MUA1 PS2 and Prototype projectile effects didn't work properly, so I've had it use one of the same effects I used for Fireballs.
-I fixed one of the effects which had the black burn texture oriented vertically instead of horizontally.
-I removed part of the impact effect because it was out of place and was unnecessary.
*Inferno uses its MUA1 Prototype charge effect and its MUA1 PS2 impact effect.
-I removed the camera shake from the impact effect.
*Burning Barrage uses its MUA1 PS2 effects.
-I removed part of the power effect that didn't work properly.
*Nova Burst uses its MUA1 PS2 effect.
-I've removed the camera shake from it and also removed part of the effect that didn't work properly.
-Unlike both the Prototype and PS2 versions of MUA1, it doesn't use a hit effect because using hit effect with radials in XML2 causes problems.
*Fire Vortex used an effect I made.
*Hothead uses its MUA1 effect.
-Unlike in MUA1, it doesn't have an aura effect on enemies burned by the boost. Since enemies already have that red filter over them by default when they're burning, I didn't see a reason to also have a flame aura effect on them too. Plus, it cuts down on the number of effects used.
*Fired Up uses its MUA1 PS2 power and aura effects.
-I removed the camera shake from the power effect.
-I removed the part of the aura effect that was a weird giant glowing wall that following him around, because I thought it didn't make sense and didn't look very good.
-Unlike in MUA1, it doesn't have an aura effect on enemies burned by the boost. Since enemies already have that red filter over them by default when they're burning, I didn't see a reason to also have a flame aura effect on them too. Plus, it cuts down on the number of effects used.
*Fantastic Fire uses his MUA1 Prototype flight effect.
*Nova Flame uses an effect I made.
*The fire effect that appears on his Modern Civilian skin in MUA1 doesn't work so instead I used the same one that I used for Magma's AOA skin.
-The only part of his MUA1 Flame On effect that works properly is the turning on and off part, so I've used the same Magma effect for the rest.

*Alternate Xtreme 1
-This is a modified version of his MUA1 Retail Xtreme.
-It uses the same power sound it does in MUA1 Retail.
-It uses the same impact effect as in MUA1 PS2, but I've remove the charge effect because it didn't really work very well and didn't make much sense.
-There are 2 different versions: 1 with its MUA1 Retail name Fantastic Fire and 1 with its MUA1 Prototype name Fire in the Sky.
*Alternate Flame On Skins:
-Cel Shaded and non Cel Shaded versions of alternate Flame On skin I made based upon Human Torch's Marvel Nemesis skin and how his Flame On form looked during the Silver Age.
*Flame On as Standard Skin:
-Versions of his default Flame On, Flame On Silver Age, Nemesis Flame On skins available for use as any standard skin. Also include 3D heads.
*Bonus Conversation Huds:
-Civilian Modern MUA1 Style: A MUA1 style version of the hud I made for his Civilian Modern skin.
-Flame On Silver Age 1: A red recolored version of my MUA1 Flame On LS conversation hud.
-Flame On Silver Age 2: A red recolored version of the XML2 style version of my MUA1 Flame On Unused conversation hud.
-Flame On Silver Age 3: A red recolored version of the MUA1 style version of my MUA1 Flame On Unused conversation hud.
-MUA1 Flame On LS: A custom conversation hud I made using the part of his MUA1 loading screen that features his Flame On mode.
-MUA1 Flame On Unused: I took his unused unfinished MUA1 Flame On hud and I painted in more flames so the whole background would be covered and fixed various errors with it. For the MUA1 hud, I removed enough flames so that the background would be visible and added the blue glow to it.
-MUA1 LS: A conversation hud version of the part of his loading screen that I used for his default character select portrait.
-Nemesis 1: A green recolored version of my MUA1 Flame On LS conversation hud.
-Nemesis 2: A green recolored version of the XML2 style version of my MUA1 Flame On Unused conversation hud.
-Nemesis 3: A green recolored version of the MUA1 style version of my MUA1 Flame On Unused conversation hud.
*Bonus Character Select Portraits:
-Civilian Modern: A custom character select portrait I made featuring his Civilian Modern skin.
-MUA1 Flame On: A custom character select portrait I made using the part of his MUA1 loading screen that features his Flame On mode.
-Nemesis: A green recolored version of my MUA1 Flame On character select portrait.
*Non Cel Shaded Skins:
-Non Cel Shaded versions of his default Flame On skin and Civilian Modern skins.

-Skin Swap: Flame On (Me) (17800)
-Skin: Ultimate (MUA1 PS2) (17801)
-Skin_Astonishing: Modern (BaconWizard17) (17802)
-Skin_AOA: None
-Skin_60s: Original (MUA1 PS2) (17804)
-Skin_70s: Classic (MUA1 PS2) (17805)
-Skin_WeaponX: New Marvel (BaconWizard17) (17806)
-Skin_Future: Future Foundation (UltimateVeNoM) (17807)
-Skin_Winter: Dark (MUA1 PS2) (17809)
-Skin_Civilian: Civilian Modern (Me) (17808)

*BaconWizard17: Cannonball Mastery Icon, troubleshooting
*Canino: Fire Vortex name and idea
*nodoubt_jr: coding to get skin swapping working
*Maegawa: troubleshooting

-Applied previous fixes to Alternate Xtreme files.
-Rebalanced Burning Barrage.
-Fixed issue with a power requirement.
-Fixed an issue with the packages.
-Rebalanced Nova Burst.
-Fixed issue with one of power requirements not working.
-Burning Barrage now is a hold the button power like it is in MUA1.
-Burning Barrage now knocks back enemies.
-Rebalanced how long burning parts of powers last.
-Fixed issues with Fired Up.
-Removed burning from Fired Up.
-Removed Flaming Combat's chance to burn enemies.
-I've updated my Human Torch Flame On skins to fix a few minor issues.
-I made XML2-style huds for the Ultimate and Dark skins. All other skins except Civilian Modern use the Ultimate hud.