
Alchemy 5.0, Found by KingAdam85

Started by LarsAlexandersson, February 18, 2019, 08:12AM

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Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on June 05, 2019, 02:48AM
Yes, it's working for rigged models, animations, I could export some, but old Alchemy is better to rig, because of big issues

So would you recommend sticking with the older Alchemy/3DS Max versions then?

June 06, 2019, 12:31AM #16 Last Edit: June 06, 2019, 07:52AM by UltraMegaMagnus
Quote from: Tony Stark on June 05, 2019, 08:48PM
So would you recommend sticking with the older Alchemy/3DS Max versions then?

Yes, until the exporter gets the lacking feature, vertices error fix and MUA Editor compatible, the only reason to use 3DS 2010 is to create new animation and preview more igb files.
It also seems that Alchemy 5 is a trial version, when I open 3DS 2010 it says Alchemy 5 has expired  :wtflol: or it's my setup.

Due to the Alchemy 5 we found is a trial version, according to UltraMegaMagnus. Best suggestion is to use regedit's regcleaner, then reinstall:,57.msg195279.html#msg195279
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

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Edited the first post. When you want to run this after the trial expires, use RanAsDate. It will let you fake the current date/time for an app. Tested and it works great. It will even make shortcuts for you so you don't have to use it each time. Much safer/easier than playing with Registry keys.

July 08, 2019, 07:17AM #19 Last Edit: July 08, 2019, 07:32AM by Teancum
So you can change the language of Alchemy finalizer. In the finalizer folder open alchemy.ini. Change

lang = .jp

to something like

lang = .en

This will allow all the text to display in English. I assume other languages are also supported.

Also, here is the translation of the Alchemy PDF


* * About ALCHEMY evaluation version * *
Package configuration
Files related to ALCHEMY are aggregated into the AlchemyEvalKit directory.
• Alchemy50-BaseEvaluation-YY-MMDD.exe This is an installer that includes all ALCHEMY applications. (For designers, including programmers)
• Read Alchemy Evaluation Procedure first. Pdf This file
• Microsoft It may be necessary on a designer's PC that does not have the development environment installed. If the application does not work, try installing it.
♦ directx_mar2008_redist.exe DirectX9 runtime (after deployment, install with DXSETUP.exe)
♦ VC2008sp1_vcredist_x86.exe Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)
♦ VC2008ATL_vcredist_x86.exe Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 Redistributable Package ATL Security Update (x86)
Set up your development environment using the Alchemy50-BaseEvaluation-YY-MMDD.exe installer.
The installer performs the following steps:
1. The first dialog displays "Welcome to the Alchemy Setup Wizard". Select [Next].
2. Read the license agreement carefully, and if you agree with the terms, select I accept to agree with the license agreement.
3. In the "Choose installation location" dialog, you can specify the installation folder for the ALCHEMY distribution. Use the default location or select Browse to specify a different location. Select the installation destination folder, then select Next to proceed.
4. In the "Set Environment Variable" dialog, set the environment variable to identify the installation destination of ALCHEMY. Environment variables should always be set with the name of IG_ROOT (without changing the default)
Please give me. You also need to add the DLL directory to your PATH environment variable to run Windows applications and plug-ins.
5. In the Select Component dialog, select the required component. ArtistPack includes plugins for AlchemyFinalizer, Maya, Max. The designer may be only ArtistPack. SDK (DirectX9) includes the SDK for Win32. Please install both programmers.
6. If you selected ArtistPack in 5, the “Exporter Plugin Settings” dialog will be displayed. Check the installation destination of each modeling tool and select the required plug-in. Plugins can be manually installed after installation.
7. Installation is complete
About trial period
It will be 90 days from the first launch of ALCHEMY application.
After that, it can not be started.
About access to the Internet
The dialog "This application access to, to get user information. Do you permit access?" Is displayed when the ALCHEMY application is started for the first time. This is used to get the launch status of the application through the internet. (Only the access log is kept and the data transmission such as personal information is not performed) Please select Yes if you want to access. If you select No, it will not be accessed. The same access may be required other than at the first startup, but also in this case a dialog will be displayed and confirmed.
Access information is not used except for our sales activities.
About support
For support during the trial period, you can use the ALCHEMY Support BBS General Forum.
Support BBS:
Since authentication is required for BBS access, please access as the following user.
User: alchemyEvalCd (not BBS right login name)
Password: Try2sTar
If you register as a user, you can post to the forum. Registration will be one representative per company. At the time of registration, please add (evaluation) in the "Company Name" or "Department" column.
Example) Company name: Game Co., Ltd. (evaluation) or department name: Development headquarters (evaluation) Registration is performed manually, so it may take up to 2 business days.
About other inquiries
• I want to switch to formal support
• I would like to extend the evaluation period
• I want to evaluate other platforms
• Consultation on titles
Feel free to contact our sales representative
Please contact us at
About file configuration after installation
Please refer to GettingStarted. Pdf "2. Alchemy Installation Guide" for details.
• ArtistPack Each Exporter Plug-in (if installed manually), ALCHEMY Finalizer,
Contains the ALCHEMY insight viewer
• Contains primarily command-line applications, such as the bin igen compiler.
• DirectX9 application development library (Release / Debug) is stored.
• DLL Contains the DLL used when executing the application. Normally, the installer sets the environment variable PATH.
• docs Contains the docs.
• include Contains the header file for application development.
• Plugin DLLs for extension are stored.
• relnotes Release notes are stored.
• samples Contains application sample code.
• shaders Contains the ALCHEMY Ether Shader definition file.
• sources Contains source code for applications such as Insight Viewer and Exporter. The release range is the same as the product version.
About the document
Documentation is aggregated into the docs directory of the installation folder.
• AlchemyAPI.chm API Reference for Programmers
• AlchemyArtistPack.chm Designer's Manual
• Introduction to Alchemy. Pdf Summary Presentation
• GettingStarted.pdf Getting Started Manual
• UsersGuide.pdf User's Guide
• YEBIS_dx9.chm YEBIS API reference for programmers (optional)
* * ALCHEMY evaluation procedure * *
For designers
Necessary environment
Either 3dsMAX 8/9/2008/2009/2010 or Maya 8.0 / 8.5 / 2008/2009/2010.
There is no support for 64bit native. Please operate in 32bit mode with 64bit OS.
How to proceed
1. Overview Description Please visit Alchemy.pdf.
2. Installation Normally, the installer sets up automatically. If you want to install the exporter plug-in manually, for example if you have installed the modeling tool after installing ALCHEMY, please see the "Installation and Setup" section of "3ds max exporter" and "Maya exporter" in AlchemyArtistPack.chm .
3. A description of each exporter can be found in AlchemyArtistPack.chm.
For programmers
Necessary environment
VisualStudio 2008 SP1
DirectX9 SDK March 2008 or later
How to proceed
1. Overview Description Please visit Alchemy.pdf.
2. Installation Normally, the installer sets up automatically.
3. Look through GettingStarted.pdf.
4. Please take a look at UsersGuide.pdf.
About running in a debug build
You need to switch the Alchemy execution environment to debug mode. The "Alchemy Runtime Settings" control panel will be installed on the Windows control panel. Select "Runtime Settings: DirectX9 Debug" from the Alchemy control panel and press the Apply button.
* * Evaluation points for programmers * *
Samples that are not tied to the framework
stored in the samples / gifts directory
-gifts / Basic / simple low-level drawing samples. Simple primitives such as GUIs and effects can use low-level drawing. As the scene management is unnecessary, CPU processing can be omitted. In general, after drawing a model in a scene graph, it is used as drawing a GUI in low-level drawing.
-gifts / Node / modifyScene Sample to read and draw IGB files. In this example, the search for nodes is performed at runtime, but you can simplify the runtime by creating shortcuts in the IGB file beforehand with tools on the PC side like the gifts / Animation / dynamic_transform sample. Is possible. (Incorrect data can also be found at the time of conversion)
-Gifts / Animation / actor_demo Character animation sample
-Create Alchemy Object using gifts / Basic / ODLexpedition ODL. It behaves as if it were an ALCHEMY standard object.
-Create optimization tool plugins using gifts / OptPlugins / ssOptPluginExperiment ODL. You can extend the functionality of Finalizer by placing the resulting DLL in the plugin directory (C: / Alchemy / plugins / optimizations). After placing the plug-in, you can see that the items in the Finalizer's optimization palette have actually increased. This is used, for example, to embed user-specific data or to create game-specific data. It is a function I want to master by all means.
BISHAMON plug-in sample
It is stored in the samples / BISHAMON directory.
See BISHAMON / supplement_BlendMagic.html for more information.
-BISHAMON / sample / simpl
Send feedback

PSP Settings recommended by jayglass
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

Quote from: LarsAlexandersson on July 24, 2019, 06:37PM
[...] since Mesh ConversionMod via Alchemy 5 is now work.
Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on June 05, 2019, 02:48AM
Yes, it's working for rigged models, animations, I could export some, but old Alchemy is better to rig, because of big issues [...]
I just wanted to be reassured that we can export rigged models with Alchemy 5. I got it running with RunAsDate and Texture Editor working with Alchemy 5 as well.

Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on June 06, 2019, 12:31AM
Yes, until the exporter gets the lacking feature, vertices error fix [...]
What are the errors? Every model I export crashes the game... Was anyone able to play with Alchemy 5 exported models?
On the other hand, I've got troubles with older 3ds Max too, running on my virtual Win XP, as I don't know how to crack Character Studio (I don't own a Max 4 or 5).

Instructions I use,236.msg194100.html#msg194100
                        by Aventureiromax (Alchemy 2.5)
and some more here,10718.html
                               although that's for mannequins and nothing there about rigging. Alchemy 2.5 too.

January 11, 2020, 11:45AM #23 Last Edit: January 11, 2020, 02:04PM by UltraMegaMagnus
It is indeed possible to rig and export igb for with Alchemy 5 and 3ds max 2010.
The biggest issue is that is lacking to move "igactor", but there is a workaround, before starting using skin modifier on your mesh, make sure to move pivot point to xyz;000 for all mesh in your scene. Never change pivot point after using physique/skin modifier or it will waste everything.

Igactor is important because if not placed at xyz;000 you will experience an issue when landing from a jump. It seems that igactor determines the position where the mesh lands or where the mesh is when jumping I forgot.

Impossible to export model using physique, skin modifier needed.

Merge skin option must be checked un Alchemy export dialogue or the model will ne cut in half ingame.

Also models with too much vertices seems to freeze during export.

Any models exported using Alchemy 5 will crash on MUA, unless you use an hexeditor, open the model, search for 2C value (you should see 09 value on it) then change 09 to 08 and save.

For these reasons, I do not recommend using Alchemy 5 for export, is is not convenient to use with all the workaround to use.
Also it is not compatible with MUA Editor, which is a must have to add additional texture map.

About older 3ds max version, sadly we cannot buy anymore older 3ds max, but a VM is available on Discord.
I highly recommend you to get get into the Discord server, because there is a virtual machine with everything needed to mod MUA for Virtualbox, it should work out of the box without the hassle to install and set everything.

Concerning conversion tutorial, Bacon is working on a writing tutorial as it is really needed, another rigging tutorials are available on the Discord.

Thank you for the quick reply.

I tested after the hex editing and it worked! I remember having read about it once, but forgot it obviously.
The model is now working perfeclty. No jumping issues. To me the trick with the pivot point is a logical step to position the model right. Also skin modifier seems easier to work with and I worked with it from the start anyway. Not too much trouble to me.

I believe this is the same VM that is on Discord:
Quote from: Tony Stark on January 15, 2013, 08:31PM
VirtualBox WinXP image preloaded with 3DS Max 5 and Character Studio 4.0
Thanks for pointing me to it. Now I still can choose what set up I want to use.

Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on January 11, 2020, 11:45AM
Also it is not compatible with MUA Editor, which is a must have to add additional texture map.
Actually there is a workaround: I wrote a batch file which will copy the necessary libraries to the Alchemy 5 location, and the original files back, after closing Texture Editor. The downside is, that you cannot run Alchemy applications and Texture Editor simultaineously.

Thank you again.

January 12, 2020, 03:29AM #25 Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 06:27AM by UltraMegaMagnus
Been a while since I used 3dsmax 2010 and Alchemy 5, but I'm not sure if we can hide properly bone during export with those version and of 3dsmax2010 does that automatically
In 3ds max, we just add bip01 to sellection, then hide all bones before export, while in 3dsax 2010 we cannot adjust actor creation and selection.

Alchemy 5 do has many benefits though, we can effectively generate mipmap  with Alchemy Finalizer 5, (since mipmaping texture file does nothing ingame) results are very blurry though.
Renaming animations, adjusting animation length are also major breakthrough.

Really Alchemy 5 is useful for Finalizer. Best to export with 2.5 where possible and then do any upgrades with Finalizer 5.0. There will be some situations where that's not a good idea, but it keeps things as compatible as possible.

Alchemy 5 Reinstallation Tips Updated
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

Quote from: Yeagerist09 on March 22, 2021, 02:47AMHelp me I cant install it strange massage appeared

If anyone else has this issue, just open "Alchemy50-BaseEvaluation-10-0529.exe" with 7-zip goto "$SMPROGRAMS\Alchemy\uninstall\" and export the uninstall exe, once uninstalled run the "Alchemy50-BaseEvaluation-10-0529.exe" and it should be fixed.