
Enigma's Captain America Mod

Started by Enigma, January 06, 2023, 06:17PM

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January 06, 2023, 06:17PM Last Edit: May 27, 2024, 10:31AM by Enigma
:capamer:Enigma's Captain America Mod v3.2 :capamer:

This is my Captain America mod. For this mod, I've used elements and ideas from the following sources: MUA1 Prototype, MUA1 Retail, MUA2 Wii, and nodoubt_jr's XML2 Captain America mod.
***He contains the following (I've also listed what's different from him versus his default MUA1 version where applicable):

*He uses his MUA1 voiced lines and grunts, voiced by Trev Broudy.
-He uses his unused MUA1 Bored lines.
-His Throw Taunts and Stats lines are reused for other things, since those 2 types of lines aren't used in XML2.
-He also uses the 1 Death grunt and 4 Pain grunts from his MUA1 Dark boss version.
-I've edit his Struggle grunt into 3 separate grunts which I've used for Pickup grunts.
-I've added more lines taken from his MUA1 conversation lines.
-I've used his MUA1 Menu Break lines for various different types of lines.
-I have the No Work lines also being used for No Power lines because they work well for it and because No Work lines aren't used very much.
*Shield Throw uses MUA1 Prototype's power sound, which is used for a power sound for the Dark Captain America boss in MUA1 Retail.
-It also uses Shield Throw's MUA1 Retail impact sound.
*Shield Bash uses its MUA1 Retail power sound.
*Shield Spin uses its MUA1 Retail charge sound.
*Shield Charge uses one of Captain America's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
-I've changed the sound coding so that the sound loops, because I didn't like how it worked and how the sound played as it was. And none of his used or unused MUA1 Prototype or Retail power sounds worked very well for this work no matter how the sound was coded, so that's why I used one of his Marvel Heroes sounds, which I feel fits better for this power than the MUA1 sounds do anyway.
*Shield Smash uses Shield Throw's MUA1 Prototype impact sound.
*Reverse Strength uses its unused MUA1 Prototype and Retail charge sound for its power sound.
*Rallying Cry uses Heroism's MUA1 Prototype power sound.
*Avenger's Shield uses its MUA1 Prototype power sound.
*Born Leader uses one of Captain America's Marvel Heroes power sounds.
-This power has an unused power sound in both MUA1 Prototype and Retail, but both versions are broken in various ways that I was unable to fix.
*I've increased the volume on his power sounds where necessary, as some were too quiet.

*All power descriptions have been rewritten from how they were in MUA1 so that they better explain what each power does.
*All powers have been rebalanced from their sources in order to fit in with the XML2 default characters and my XML2 character mods.
*Rebalanced all AI coding and added it in where it was missing.
*Changed some combo text to fit better with the powers they go to and added it in where it was missing.
*He uses his MUA1 Retail PS2 skeleton.
-I've hex edited to use his MUA1 idle.
-I've also hex edited it to remove Melee animations that didn't work properly in XML2.
*I've also hex edited it and coded his powerstyle so that his unique knockback will work properly in XML2.
*He has the generic passives Grab, Might, Block, and Leadership.
*He has double jump.
*He uses the hero fightstyle.
*He uses a version of his MUA1 Prototype Block that gives a chance to reflect projectile and beam attacks back at enemies as well as makes him immune to Grab, Knockback, and Popup. I've modified this to work in XML2.
*He has his MUA1 Prototype Shield Mastery passive. I've modified it to also levelup his chance to block projectile and beam attacks while blocking.
*For all powers and boosts that I'm using from MUA1, I've used the MUA1 Prototype versions of them as starting points, because they all have minor coding differences that made it easier for me to get them working in XML2.
*I've added in combo text and AI coding where it was missing in MUA1 and changed some combo text that seemed not to fit the powers they went with.
*He has his MUA1 power Shield Throw.
-This works differently than in MUA1 due to do limitations with how XML2 works. He throws it, it hits an enemy, then it's magically back on his arm. This is as close as I could get it, as XML2 doesn't support it working like a ricocheting boomerang that comes back to him like it does in MUA1. It doesn't piercing through enemies so that the timing will work and it will correctly appear back on his arm when it's supposed to.
-On the other hand, it does now work more like a quick projectile throwing power, rather than a more lengthly power like it is in MUA1, and I think it feels good and works well.
*He has his MUA1 power Shield Bash.
-I've modified this power a lot to change it from a hold the button power like in MUA1 to a tap the button power. The MUA1 version wouldn't really work in XML2, and I like the power better like this anyway.
-In MUA1 Prototype and Retail, this power's description says it stuns enemies but actually pops them up but also does knockback. I've made it actually stun enemies and doesn't popup or knock them back.
*He has his MUA1 power Energy Shield
-I've renamed it Shield Spin because the name Energy Shield doesn't make any sense. I've also rewritten the description because the shield isn't energized.
-It's default range and arc are incredibly and uselessly small, so I've increased both.
-It's level up info now says how much the knockback levels up by.
*He has his MUA1 power Shield Charge.
-It's knockback levels up.
*He has his MUA1 boost Reverse Strength.
-It now lowers his EP cost instead of increasing his Attack Speed.
-It now also grants him immunity to Slow.
*I've created a new power, Shield Smash, in which he smashes his shield upwards and popup enemies.
*I've replaced his MUA1 Prototype and Retail Boost Heroism with a new Boost called Rallying Cry.
-It still increases the whole party's Defense but it also now grants Stun and Knockback immunity.
-It also increases Combo damage, which one of his passives in MUA2 Wii does.
*Since his Avenger's Shield Xtreme doesn't really work in XML2, I've had to change it.
-Now, he holds onto his shield and swings it in a huge arc that hits all nearby enemies and immobilizes them. His MUA1 Retail effect for this power still matches the new way it works.
-Both the MUA1 Prototype and Retail versions of this power said they did Physical damage but didn't actually have any damage type set. It now actually does Physical damage.
*He has resistance to Mental damage.
*He has a new Xtreme Boost.
-I've called it Born Leader because that's the name of his MUA1 Prototype-only 2nd Xtreme power. What the Xtreme actually does won't really work in MUA1 and isn't really finished anyway, so I've had it grant Knockback immunity, increase XP, and increase the levels of all skills for the whole team.
*I've created a new passive, Super Soldier.
-It uses the same animation it uses in the MUA1 Prototype, which is in his MUA1 Retail skeleton but isn't used.
*I used the starting stats that nodoubt_jr had.
*I made some powers require other powers.
*I've changed the order the powers unlock in.

*All skins, conversation huds, and 3D heads have been hex edited.
*He uses his unused MUA1 Prototype Ultimate with Head Wings Cel Shaded skin as well as his 5 MUA1 PS2 skins: Classic, US Agent, World War II, and Ultimate without Head Wings and the following custom skins: Bucky and Heroes Reborn by Marquis and Unmasked by nodoubt_jr.
-tubularspaceman, with help from UltraMegaMagnus, made Cel Shaded versions of all 8 of the previously non-Cel Shaded skins.
-He also put the Cel Shaded version of the Unmasked skin the Classic model and removed the head wings. It's clear that the texture nodoubt_jr made was clearly originally intended for the Classic model but because he couldn't remove the head wings, he moved it to the Ultimate model instead, which the texture didn't fit as well.
*He uses his MUA1 Prototype Ultimate with head wings 3D head for the matching skin.
-I've reskinned that 3D head to make new 3D heads for the following skins: Bucky, Heroes Reborn, Classic, US Agent
-I've made new 3D heads for the all the other skins.
*Uses his official MUA1 Prototype Ultimate with head wings skin as his default skin because it's currently the only Cel Shaded one.
-It uses the default MUA1 Ultimate conversation hud because it has head wings on it.
*The Classic skin uses the default MUA1 Ultimate conversation hud, which the Official Characters Pack does as well.
*The US Agent, Dark, and World War II skins all use their MUA1 conversation huds.
*Bucky as Captain America uses the default MUA1 Ultimate conversation hud.
*I made custom huds for the Heroes Reborn and Unmasked skins.
*Because the shield wasn't attached to his arm on the Dark Cap skin but was instead floating next to him, I've retextured the Ulimate skin with the Dark Cap skin's body and shield textures, since the model is the same.
*Since he can only use one throwable shield model, and not one per skin like in MUA1, I've renamed the files accordingly. He uses the one that looks like his classic shield and the others are available "Bonuses" folder.
*The following powers use their MUA1 PS2 effects: Shield Throw, Shield Bash, Shield Charge, Avenger's Shield
-For Shield Bash, I've modified p2_charge because since it was originally meant for the MUA1 hold the button version, the effect didn't work right, and some parts of it looked strange or out of place besides. I've taken some parts of the effect out to compensate for these things and make it work better with my version of the power.
*The following powers use their MUA1 Prototype effects: Reverse Strength, Born Leader
*Rallying Cry uses Heroism's MUA1 Prototype effects.
*Shield Spin's MUA1 Retail effect is misleading, as it's only a blur effect attached to the shield and there isn't really a proper radial effect for this power, so I've replaced the MUA1 Retail effect with an effect I made.
*Shield Smash and his unique knockback use the same impact effect as Shield Bash.
*I've made versions of his MUA1 Ultimate and World War II loading screens as well as a version of the unused MUA1 Classic Captain America and Thor loading screen using a higher quality source image.
*His character select portrait is based upon the unused MUA1 Classic Captain America and Thor loading screen.
*He's using his MUA1 icons, including his 2 unused MUA1 icons. I've added onto these his 2 MUA1 Wii exclusive icons, which I've AI Upscaled and Denoised, and BaconWizard17's redone higher quality XML2 Regeneration and Block icon.
-I've edited his MUA1 and MUA2 Wii icons so that the blue circles around them are now big enough to fill XML2's full icon circles and so that the MUA2 Wii icons will fit in better with the MUA1 icons.
-His powers that were in MUA1 use their same icons, and Rallying Cry uses Heroism's icon, but Shield Smash uses Shield Bash's icon, Shield Bash uses Shield Charge's icon, and Shield Charge uses one of his unused MUA1 icon.
-Shield Mastery uses his other unused MUA1 icon.
-Born Leader and Super Soldier use the MUA2 icons.
-The Block icon was added to his icons file so that Block icon would appear properly in-game, since I modified Block.
*Shield Throw uses a Cel Shaded model made by tubularspaceman with help from UltraMegaMagnus. It and the bonus alternate ones he also made don't have the weird texture issues that the default MUA1 PS2 Classic, US Agent, and Dark Cap models have.

*I've made packages for all 9 default skin slots that allow his icons can appear in higher quality in the character select menu and so that each skin can have a unique hud and 3D head, which they all now do.
-These are also the X-Men Legends II Ulimate Patch-style streamlined packages.

*Alternate Shield Throw Model:
-There are alternate Cel Shaded models for the Shield Throw move for World War II, US Agent, and Dark Cap skins by tubularspaceman with help from UltraMegaMagnus.
-There are non-Cel Shaded versions of the Classic and World War II model. The Classic one is from the MUA1 Prototype and the World War II is from MUA1 PS2 Retail.
-None of these also made don't have the weird texture issues that the default MUA1 PS2 Classic, US Agent, and Dark Cap models have.
*Bonus Skins:
-I've made new conversation huds and 3D heads for all bonus skins.
-tubularspaceman made Cel Shaded versions of them.
-Avengers 1 by UltimateVeNoM
-Bucky Alternate by BLaw
-The Punisher (Civil War) by BLaw
-First Avenger by UltimateVeNoM
*Non-Cel Shaded Default Skins
-Non-Cel Shaded versions of all of the default skins except Ultimate with Head Wings because it doesn't have a non Cel Shaded version.
*Bonus Loading Screens:
-Unused MUA1 Ultimate Alternate 1: An unused and completely different MUA1 Captain America Ultimate loading screen which appears to depict the cut MUA1 World War II level. I've AI Upscaled it.
-Unused MUA1 Ultimate Alternate 2: An alternate version of Captain America's Ultimate loading screen that artist Glen Angus submitted to ImagineFX magazine issue #7 August 2006. I used parts of 2 different scans by metal venger 1, cleaned up and color corrected them, removed a logo, and sharpened and denoised them.
-Unused MUA1 World War II Alternate: artist Glen Angus's unused original version of the MUA1 Captain America loading screen. I've AI Upscaled it.
-Custom US Agent by Clayton Crain: This is a scan of a Marvel Legends action figure blister card by Clayton Crain, which was scanned by someone on DeviantArt called Superman 8193. I've AI Upscaled it.
*Bonus Conversation Huds:
-Custom US Agent Hud: Uses art from the afforementioned Custom US Agent loading screen.
-MUA1 Classic Hud: Uses art from his unused MUA1 Classic loading screen.
-MUA1 Cover Hud: I used 2 different partial higher quality versions of his Captain America's art from the MUA1 cover that I AI Upscaled and merged together.
-MUA1 Promo Card Hud: Uses art from his MUA1 promo playing card, which I scanned myself.
-MUA1 Ultimate Hud: Uses art from his MUA1 Ultimate loading screen.
-MUA1 Ultimate Alt 1 Hud: Uses art from his 1st unused alternate MUA1 Ultimate loading screen.
-MUA1 Ultimate Alt 2 Hud 1: Uses art from the left side of his 2nd unused alternate MUA1 Ultimate loading screen.
-MUA1 Ultimate Alt 2 Hud 2: Uses art from the right side of his 2nd unused alternate MUA1 Ultimate loading screen.
-MUA1 World War II Hud: Uses art from his MUA1 World War II loading screen.
-MUA1 World War II Alt Hud: Uses art from his unused alternate World War II loading screen.
*Bonus Character Select Portraits:
-Custom US Agent CSP: Uses art from the afforementioned Custom US Agent loading screen.
-MUA1 Classic CSP: Uses art from his unused MUA1 Classic loading screen.
-MUA1 Cover CSP: I used 2 different partial higher quality versions of his Captain America's art from the MUA1 cover that I AI Upscaled and merged together.
-MUA1 Promo Card CSP: Uses art from his MUA1 promo playing card, which I scanned myself.
-MUA1 Ultimate CSP: Uses art from his MUA1 Ultimate loading screen.
-MUA1 Ultimate Alt CSP: Uses art from his 1st unused alternate MUA1 Ultimate loading screen.
-MUA1 Ultimate Alt 2 CSP 1: Uses art from the left side of his 2nd unused alternate MUA1 Ultimate loading screen.
-MUA1 Ultimate Alt 2 CSP 2: Uses art from the right side of his 2nd unused alternate MUA1 Ultimate loading screen.
-MUA1 World War II CSP: Uses art from his MUA1 World War II loading screen.
-MUA1 World War II Alt CSP: Uses art from his unused alternate World War II loading screen.
*Concept Art:
-This is an AI Upscaled version of Captain America's MUA1 concept art from the in-game gallery. I've removed the SHIELD frame so that it will fit in with the character concept art in XML2's in-game gallery. I've put it on an AI Upscaled blank version of the background that the concept art in the XML2 gallery uses and added the same blue border around it that they use too.
*Announcer Callout:
-Announcer callout by Patrick Stewart from X2 Wolverine's Revenge. I extracted the audio and edited this clip out of the voiced codex it was part of.

Skins List:
*Skin: Ultimate with Head Wings (MUA1 Prototype) (17601)
*Skin_Astonishing: Bucky (17602)
*Skin_AOA: Heroes Reborn (17603)
*Skin_60s: World War II (MUA1 PS2) (17604)
*Skin_70s: Classic (MUA1 PS2) (17605)
*Skin_WeaponX: US Agent (MUA1 PS2) (17606)
*Skin_Future: Ultimate without Head Wings (MUA1 PS2) (17607)
*Skin_Winter: Dark (MUA1 PS2) (17608)
*Skin_Civilian: Unmasked (17609)

*nodoubt_jr: I used some powerstyle coding from his Captain America mod's Shield Throw and Shield Charge powers, Unmasked skin, starting stats
*Marquis: Bucky skin, Heroes Reborn skin
*BLaw: Capunisher skin, Bucky Alternate skin
*UltimateVeNoM: Avengers 1 skin, First Avenger skin
*tubularspaceman: Cel Shaded and fixed skins, Shield Throw models
*UltraMegaMagnus: helping tubularspaceman

Important Note:
*This mod requires Generic Unit's Shared Talent - Dodge Roll mod. Make sure you install it before using this mod. You can find here:,10882.msg200026.html#msg200026

-Fixed issues with unique melee animations.
-Fixed issues with Shield Charge.
-Rebalanced multiple powers and starting stats.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Replaced the loading screen, huds, and character select portraits using the Unused MUA1 Ultimate Alternate 2 art with a higher quality version taken from a PDF version of it which I AI Upscaled. I've done 3 different versions of the loading screen, each with different cropping.
-Added Unused MUA1 Captain America Ultimate Alternate 2 loading screen.
-Added huds and character select portraits based upon Unused MUA1 Captain America Ultimate Alternate 2.
-Renamed some of the bonus hud and character select portrait folders to be more clear.
-Fixed issue with Shield Mastery not unlocking.
-Minor leveling up fix to Shield Bash.
-Fixed a typo.
-Fixed some mistakes I'd made with the coding of his boosts.
-Removed an unneeded bit of coding.
-Removed his immunity to "def_finisher" from his Block, which was present in Cap's Block in MUA1 Prototype and which I accidentally copied over to my mod.
-Fixed a few typos.
-Made Shield Mastery's description more accurate.
-Super Soldier now only adds a chance to dodge non-powered Melee attacks instead of powered and non-powered ones.
-Rebalanced Reserve Strength.
-Fixed issues with Reserve Strength's levelup info.
-Added bonus MUA1 Cover conversation hud and character select portrait I made using 2 different partial higher quality versions of his Captain America's art from the MUA1 cover that I AI Upscaled and merged together.
-Fixed coding issue with Reserve Strength.
-Minor changes to some combo text.
-Removed an unnecessary line of code.
-Rebalanced Shield Smash.
-Added bonus announcer callout by Patrick Stewart from X2 Wolverine's Revenge. I extracted the audio and edited this clip out of the voiced codex it was part of.
-Shield Spin's level up info now says how much the knockback levels up by.
-Fixed issue with Shield Throw projectile trail effect not appearing and altered the power effect so that it wouldn't last too long.
-With help from UltraMegaMagnus, tubularspaceman had done Cel Shaded and fixed versions of all default and bonus skins, as well as Cel Shaded Classic, World War II, US Agent, and Dark Shield Throw models.
-tubularspaceman put the Cel Shaded version of the Unmasked skin the Classic model and removed the head wings. It's clear that the texture nodoubt_jr made was clearly originally intended for the Classic model but because he couldn't remove the head wings, he moved it to the Ultimate model instead, which the texture didn't fit as well.
-I made a Punisher (Civil War) conversation hud.
-Included correct link to Dodge Roll mod.