
New Power: Growing/shrinking ingame : Mod released

Started by thetommyboy2002, January 17, 2007, 06:36AM

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January 17, 2007, 06:36AM Last Edit: January 19, 2007, 07:25PM by thetommyboy2002
Hi, I've adapted Idrinkdrpepper's Mandarin python script and applied it one of luke(Giant man)cage's boost powers.
The result? You can grow to double size, with raised max HP and striking. I'm still working out the kinks (like at the moment you have to use the power again to get back to normal size), but should have a working package soon, complete with a choice of skins and hopefully some other new powers.

Duuuuuude. [/Bill and Ted moment]

I've been looking for that (and others he did too) code for millenia - I didn't grab the Mandarin mod from the old boards, and he didn't link it in here, and I wanted to look at how the skin swap code works. I've had this crazy over-caffeinated idea, y'see...

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Quote from: Noelemahc on January 17, 2007, 07:00AM
Duuuuuude. [/Bill and Ted moment]

I've been looking for that (and others he did too) code for millenia - I didn't grab the Mandarin mod from the old boards, and he didn't link it in here, and I wanted to look at how the skin swap code works. I've had this crazy over-caffeinated idea, y'see...
Thats the Mandarin3 file he uploaded, should have it all I think

Heh, nearly there, got him on a sixty second timer to shrink back to normal (I have about 10ft as normal, otherwise hed be superstrong at 6ft and thats just wrong. Wrong I tells ya!).
An interesting bug or penalty for his large size is that he can't get through doors anymore. To get around it, switch to another character go through the door and on a bit, and Giant man magically gets through the doors as a computer controlled character.

One VERRRY interesting thing strikes me about the Mandarin shapeshifter script, as far as I can see, you could have an unlimited number of skins called by it, opening up a possible hack/way round the dreaded six skin limit.

It can also serve as the template/basis for my proposed RandomRumble simulator mission (Name Stolen from BeardedInLair/Furie) with random villains, and possibly maps too.

That's exactly why I asked for the file, mate. Thanks for the link, by the way :D
I also wanted to look into the script commands I snagged from the confines of the EXE, but didn't know how to apply them. My last programming experience was in PASCAL, and you can imagine how long ago that was.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

nice he has Ultimate Avengers outfist?

Quote from: sariks on January 17, 2007, 10:39AM
nice he has Ultimate Avengers outfist?
No, I have little interest in Ultimate-wife-beater, but feel free to ask anyone else to make him.

wowiewowiewow! izz nice!

looking forward to playing with it.   much appreciated.

Heres a combination Mod/Meshpack for Giant Man. It's a mod that replaces Luke Cage with Giant man.
Contains everything you need (except icons, huds, sounds, lol), ie Herostat, talents, powerstyles, script and of course meshes and skins:

Can be downloaded here:

Before installing, PLEASE read the readme.
Remember to backup any files that will be replaced BEFORE you install it.
Let me know of any problems with it working.
DON'T let me know if you can't figure out how to unzip a file, or where the contents should go.

cool mod.1favor.can you add the mod for psp

Dude... STOP ASKING FOR PSP MODS!  We've told more than 10 times now if you want a mod you're going to have to do it yourself.  NOBODY HERE KNOWS HOW.  The only guy that did has been gone for months and months.

If you aren't a Moderator here, and it's not your thread, please don't order others on what to post here.
If you don't want to read other people's posts, just don't read them.
If I want my thread moderated, I'll moderate it.
If someone asks me a question, I'll answer it myself.
If someone wants to post that they like something someone has made, I have no problem with that, provided that it isn't part of a sequence of posts that constitute spam.

And 3zazer1, no, I don't have a PSP, or the means, knowledge or desire to make Mods for the PSP. so the answer is no.