
Tell the Truth: Game

Started by jonchang, November 21, 2007, 06:45PM

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Strong Guy

Of the following upcoming superhero movies, which one are you most excited about?
-Iron Man  **my pick
-Batman: The Dark Knight
-The Incredible Hulk
-X-Men: Wolverine Origins
-Iron Fist

Initially I'd have said Iron Man, but with Deadpool and Gambit in the Wolverine movie I'd have to say that...

Which Marvel Character do you think would make a good movie (but not just cos they're your fav character)

Captain Atom would be interesting, or even one for the Teen Titans (not just the animated series)...

Your favorite Iron Man armor?

the first one that was red and gold.

"The next sentence is a lie. the previous sentence is true." which sentence is true

Haha... very funny. None.
Will your next answer be no?

if i answer no then i'm lying if i answer yes i'm still lying.
What will the next question be?

When was the last time you hit a homerun?

(Sorry, if most of my questions are about baseball's greatest batting accomplishment, I like homeruns a lot...:P)

Neither, they're both a pound (and technically in a vacuum they'll fall at the same rate and hit the ground at the same time).

What's your favourite 'invention'?

The computer!!!! :chuckle:
(Don't ask me why)
Are you an Apple or a Microsoft customer?
(or the others such as linux, etc)

Microsoft customer!

Why does Midnight Curse come up with stupid threads like this? ;)

Because he likes spamming this forum :D
If every Windows program worked perfecty on Linux, would you use Microsoft systems? (BTW I wouldn't!)
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

Quote from: msmarvel2007 on March 09, 2008, 01:21PM
Why does Midnight Curse come up with stupid threads like this? ;)

That's insulting, please stop making fun of me. I'm not going into one of those flaming arguments like the ones I had with iammingy on the XML2 PSP Exclusives Thread, that had to be locked. I also do not want this thread to be locked. So please cease these unnecessary comments.

On Dark_Mark's question, NO I wouldn't.

Will you all please stop making fun of me?

Quote from: Midnight Curse on March 10, 2008, 03:05AM
That's insulting, please stop making fun of me. I'm not going into one of those flaming arguments like the ones I had with iammingy on the XML2 PSP Exclusives Thread, that had to be locked. I also do not want this thread to be locked. So please cease these unnecessary comments.

On Dark_Mark's question, NO I wouldn't.

Will you all please stop making fun of me?

As a Moderator, I'm going to have to also make this request.
If anyone dislikes anyone else, this forum is not the place to post your opinion.
So please, no more posts specifically about other forum users in a negative way(even if its playful teasing, which is how I'd like to think it's intended).
Any complaints about fellow posters should be brought to the attention of the Moderators or Admins.

I know I've been guilty of this too, in the past, but there's really no reason for it to continue.
By all means disagree with another member's posts or opinions, but don't post your opinions of them.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.