
Tell the Truth: Game

Started by jonchang, November 21, 2007, 06:45PM

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Thank you, Mod Tom.

On to my question:

Your favorite of iammingy's custom skins?

Quote from: iammingy on March 10, 2008, 09:29AM
None of them.
Very humble, aren't you? :)
Your question?
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

March 10, 2008, 01:31PM #153 Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 01:40PM by iammingy
That was 2 questions? :P

Well, they all mean the same to me.

Which message in this so-called "Tell the Truth: Game" thread do you think is a lie? Please explain with logic or show evidences.

Quote from: muafan on March 10, 2008, 01:47PM
obviosly, u must like one of urs. its impossible not to be proud of ur work.
what is ur reaction to this PEICE OF COMIC TRIVIA?:p

I just explained it right above your post...? and you screwed the game up already... @_@

what is ur reaction to this PEICE OF COMIC TRIVIA?:

Arm Fall Off Boy a.k.a Splitter., who has the ability to detach his own limbs, which he can then use as blunt weapons.

Quote from: muafan on March 10, 2008, 01:47PM
obviosly, u must like one of urs. its impossible not to be proud of ur work.
what is ur reaction to this PEICE OF COMIC TRIVIA?:p

Quote from: muafan on March 10, 2008, 05:27PM
what is ur reaction to this PEICE OF COMIC TRIVIA?:

Arm Fall Off Boy a.k.a Splitter., who has the ability to detach his own limbs, which he can then use as blunt weapons.

What part of "Do not post the same thing multiple times" do you not understand?
One more time and I'll be asking for you to be banned, because, frankly, you are really pissing me off.
And learn to spell.

Quote from first post:

Here are the rules:

The first person asks a simple question that requires a fairly short answer. Then each new post should be a truthful answer to the previous question followed by another simple question for the next poster to answer.

Please don't ask and answer previous questions, and please always remember to post a new question for the next person to answer.

Also, although the questions can be silly, please make sure that they are suitable for a family-oriented forum.

This game will help us all to get to know each other a little better in a fun and entertaining way.

Also, please keep it foul language, no mentioning of sexual behaviour, and please do not spam this thread up.

March 11, 2008, 02:45PM #161 Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 05:11PM by ironmanfan
your question!!!
as I said before again and again
(I will remove this post after so please do not answer)

Damn! not able to remove post

March 11, 2008, 03:53PM #162 Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 04:20PM by muafan
are u hyped up more about secret invasion or countdown final crisis\? why?

Secret Invasion cos:
1. I havent heard of countdown (what is it)
2. It sees the re-launch/re-image of Captain Britain in Captain Britain and MI:13

Who do you want to win Euro 2008 (or similar continental Football/Soccer Tournament)

its a current dc maxi sereis leading up to another known as final crisis. actually i meant final crisis sorry let me edit. but if dont no about countdown u cant no about final crisis.sorry.
who is MI:13?