Most Disappointing character(s)

Started by cavillac, December 11, 2007, 10:47AM

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Mind you I never used my extreme. But like in XM2 I was constantly using them. Moves like Jeans 'Phoenix Force' were so effective when dealing with multiple enemies, just convert them and its a piece of cake. Xaviers psychic sgock best move in the game.

QuoteOnly the first 2 powers IMO. Her 2 boosts are okay, but they use way too much energy. Her other moves are useless to me. When I play as Spider-woman, I only use the first costume because of the passives.

This is my strategy:
1. Throw out some web balls, walk back, so the enemies will walk into them.
2. When the enemies are stuck in the traps, just blast them with fully charged Venom Blasts or just beat them up with basic melee attacks...
3. Fully charged Venom Blasts can pierce. So, fully charge the move whenever possible. You can hit more than one enemy in one shot usually.

She's an okay character in the game (I used to really really like her), but she can be better. It's really weird that the "Spider-woman" in the game is an amalgam of 3 different characters, where each of them have different powers in comics.
Exactly... Spider Woman ain't that bad... i mean, she IS NOT a character for soloing. But in a group she is a GREAT support char. Her buffs are good, it's like having Healing Factor for every char, so that ain't bad since you don't depend on the orbs to heal.

Venom Blast is awesome and Traps are good (not great) for mob control. She is a decent character, not perfect in any way, but there are other way lamer in game... she's alright.


Funny. But really I didn't. I would sometimes use them by mistake and be very annoyed at that. The game was too easy even on Hard which is why i want the next one to be even longer or have a slightly harder difficult setting after hard like MASTER CLASS.

I'll have to agree on Blade. The guy is totally badass. Heck, even his movie version is badass. But in MUA? A secret character, and a craptastic one. He pretty much screams for a mod remake, because the only passable move he has is Blood Haze.

Then, there's Storm. Let's face it, she has crappy powers. With the Asgard Armor she becomes pretty powerful, but if an item makes or breaks a char so much, you know something's wrong. The only item based character that gets a pass is Deadpool, because it only extends his use, and he's still excellent without Blackheart's Corruption, though a bit bursty.

Hawkeye is pretty good, though it saddens me that the guys at Raven were so lazy so as to use PSP low quality models.

Spiderman is excellent, with Web Warrior, Slingshot, and Web Bullets being The Quintessential Spidey, but he REALLY should be able to do SOMETHING with Bungee Bash. Anybody know of a mod to give him a damaghing Bungee, even if it's something as little as 50% damage 'gainst bosses?

Mr. Fantastic is one that disappoints me, not because he's truly bad, but because he steals a buff that could well be used for an Energy Reroute or Eye of Agamotto. Ghost Rider has a similar problem, but in a much lesser extent, as he can still function without a Penance Stare, while Mr. F simply doesn't work without fantastic fists.

Then, there's minor things, like the Cap having sucky damage with Avenger's shield, but that doesn't matter.

Storm has crappy powers? Your not using her properly then. Wait till you max out the Blitz and Chain lighting. Those moves are excellent and thats without the Asgard Armour. Her whirlwind attack litterally makes it impossible for any enemy to get near her and then theres the whirlwind armour. When maxed out I found I was killing enemies just by walking in to them. Excellent move. Those are her best moves. I found myself playing as Storm when my team was in desperate trouble. She was always the life safer. Definitly the best X-man in the game. Wolverine is okay. I'm not quite sure what to make of Iceman though. Sometimes I like him, sometimes I don't.

Meh, Iceman has the same problem as spidey, bad super, only that you also have to add problems with energy and a need to take a dorky costume.

Wolvie is probably a better character than Storm, though. While I agree that Storm can be loads better than Wolvie is properly munchkined, ease of use is one big defining factor in deciding if a character is good, which Storm certainly lacks. It's like the fighter dilemma in D&D: A fighter can be by FAR the most powerful meleer if you make him a one trick pony, but getting the build that makes you so powerful pretty much requires having someone guide you through the optimization, else, they're below average.

And Cyclops and Nightcrawler are definetely the best X-Men.

March 31, 2008, 05:51PM #52 Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 02:03PM by warmachine300
How is Storm not easy to use? I don't understand what you mean. I love Nightcrwaler but Cyclops, I'll have to disagree with. Cyclops has NO defense whatsoever. He takes damage BIG time I can't see why you would think he's the best. Wolverinre is definitly the coolest but the fact that he's melee only can be a bit tricky. Yeah he gives heavy damage but he also take it too if costumes ain't maxed out right. He's like Captan America but Cap is slightly better in my opinion. Storm like Iron Man has the best spread of moves, great melee and great ranged fighter. Plus she can FLY! I think I'mma give Iceman another go, he might actually suprise me.

The problem with Wolvie is that he is a one trick pony... but he's definitly the best at what he does ^^

Deadpool is a character that really surprise me... i mean, i thhought he was cool even before playing him... but i never thought he was going to be so usefull in the game... i thought that since he is a "secondary" char in Marvel he would end up a crappy char... thanks god i was mistaken. His Extreme is probably the best looking one for sure.


i think cyclops is one of the better chars in the game, if you know how to use him. when i play as him (and i usually do) i keep him at the back of the pack, he has great damage output, but yes he would be better if he could take alittle more damge.

I also agree with Rasdel i thought that deadpoll would be like the XML2 version. but he is one of my best chars in the game. i am just mad that they did not give him his butterfly kick from XML2. but his xtreme is WAY better in MUA than XML2

Yeah Deadpool turned out to be a pleasant suprise and so did Daredevil. Great characters they are.

Agreed there. When I'm not playing with Mod characters, Deadpool is always on. He's one of the most damaging chars in the game, especially if you give him an energy reroute or Blackheart's corruption. It's insane then, 'cause dual shot is broken.

Not to mention Merc's Revenge as compared to XML2's Nitrogen Blast.

In XML2, if you want to freeze enemies, use Iceman. NOT Deadpool's Nitrogen Blast. It deals pathetic damage, and takes too long to execute. Merc's Revenge takes a long time too, but it has eye candy and raw power to go along with it. Nitrogen Blast does not. Yes it is that bad.