
Started by winteriscoming44, December 18, 2007, 12:14PM

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can somebody please point out the best completed mods for this game?  And can I have multiple mods or just one at a time?

Just go to the character mod catalog in the main page (or the sticky in the "mod releases and convertions" board, it's the same thing). The mods are more or less ordered by completion.

For the record the first thing you should download is the "official character alpha" mod. Check the read_me included in it. 

Finally, to add more characters, go to the main page and check the "how to install characters tutorial".

The official characters alpha mod has also an amazing little programm calleed heroselect that simplifies installing new characters. Once you've installed the official characters mod, go to the heroselect folder and check the read_me there.

This question has been asked multiple times. For most answers, please check the Newcomer Question Thread in the General Modding Discussion board.

The Official Characters Alpha Package consists of the next-gen. mod, which is vital to install before going through other mods. The link is:

The Character Mod Catalog is:

I did this mod, and I have 2 questions: Is it me or do Hulk and Hawkeye look worse than other characters?  And I didn't see Nightcrawler, Magneto, Cyclops, Sabretooth, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, and Ronin.  Why is that?

You need to personally copy the files from the WinRAR archive to the original MUA game files. The max you can put in is 4, including the compulsory Colossus and Moon Knight. Then you have to replace the files. Make sure you back them up first. Copy the files in a reserve folder.

Quote from: winteriscoming44 on December 18, 2007, 06:56PM
I did this mod, and I have 2 questions: Is it me or do Hulk and Hawkeye look worse than other characters?

You can use your skills and make better ones...

QuoteAnd I didn't see Nightcrawler, Magneto, Cyclops, Sabretooth, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, and Ronin.  Why is that?

You didn't install the mods properly... It's probably the herostat.

Quote from: winteriscoming44 on December 18, 2007, 06:56PM
I did this mod, and I have 2 questions: Is it me or do Hulk and Hawkeye look worse than other characters?  And I didn't see Nightcrawler, Magneto, Cyclops, Sabretooth, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, and Ronin.  Why is that?

1.It's you.
2.Because you are a fucking idiot?

Quote from: winteriscoming44 on December 18, 2007, 06:56PM
I did this mod, and I have 2 questions: Is it me or do Hulk and Hawkeye look worse than other characters?  And I didn't see Nightcrawler, Magneto, Cyclops, Sabretooth, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, and Ronin.  Why is that?

people worked hard on these, so next time dont be so rude. (and i think Hawkeye looks awesome).
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

looks like I can't find any comprehensive documentation with this mod.  I guess I'll manage without it.

all the information you need is within the forums, you can search if you want to find specific things, or you can ask questions in threads having to do with the questions you have

what is the proper way of installing Official Characters Alpha mod?  Why wasn't a text file included with the mod?

back up your files that will be copied over,
copy all the files included in the zip

if you want to edit your roster, you can use the tool heroselect, as suggested by Gevth
Notice that Gevth also mentioned to see the "how to install characters tutorial" on the main page which has the heading "Adding a Character in MUA" on the main page,
this technique doesnt need to be used because of heroselect, but if you understand it then you can manually change your roster if you want
This link is also provided in the "Character Mod catalog" which Midnight Curse has linked in one of the first replies

For information on using Heroselect, there is a pdf in a folder of the same name

This is of course assuming you are using the Official Characters Alpha V2 mod, not the first version

Can I instail mads on PSP?
PS.T'm from Russia!

Only the Colossus and Moon Knight mod.  Check the "Console Versions" forum for more information.

Приветствия, и добро пожаловать к Marvel Mods! Модуль Teancum упомянуло обнаружен местонахождение здесь:

Sorry, if my Russian is bad. I'm not fluent, and sometimes I use the language translators to help me. :P