Who's the best at playing "second string"?

Started by Perun, December 30, 2007, 09:35PM

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Here's a different type of "who's the best" thread.

What characters do best under AI control? Since AI is rather stupid, it tends not to use the characters to their full potential. I found that Thor, Wolverine and Deadpool do OK; they all have good basic melee attacks and the AI seems to "push the right buttons" to activate at least the high-damaging abilities like the Mjolnir Might or Lethal Lunge every once in awhile.

I wish Thor used his Asgard Blessing automatically... but anyway... I found that sticking a support character under AI control is wasteful; i.e. Surfer tends to just run around spamming the Power Surge attack which is nice enough (group stun and all) but really barely makes a difference considering Surfer's potential.

So, in your opinion, which characters do best when controlled by the AI?

From what I see, when you command your team to attack, they only use the bottom button's assigned power (ie. R2+X for the Playstation consoles, or R+A for Xbox consoles). That's why for best effect, the best power I always assign to the bottommost. For example, Silver Surfer is equipped with Molecular Mixup.

But, you can't assign powers on PC? Or did I miss something in the manual?

Ah, but you need a gamepad for that, and I'm strictly a keyboard-and-mouse type of guy. Thanks though.