Rumor of Jean and Psylocke.

Started by marvelfan12345, July 08, 2009, 02:31PM

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This news isn't offical but someone on the board created a huge commotion by saying that he knows that Jean, Psylocke, and Gambit will be in. And Jean will have only psychic powes. No Phoenix Force powers.  He says he can't say more or give proof as he would be breaking a friendship with someone very close to him. I believe him a bit but not completely. What about you guys.

:phoenix: :psylocke: :gambit:

Full of crap, people always go on forums like that and claim they have some exclusive news, and its always some idiot trying to get attention or get everyone all crazy.
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 :deadpool:alguien habla espaƱol ? :deadpool:
:deadpool:Someone does Spanish speak? :deadpool:

:deadpool:I do not believe(create) that esten none 
But another topic is that me gustaria to know if the controls, suits, etc ... seguiran being the same :deadpool:                     

If Jean only has Psychic powers i would actually be happy, i wouldn't want that crap she had in X-men legends two...

I know she wasn't very good in XMLII.

I always had her on my team in xm1 but when the second game came out i only kept her because of her resurrection ability.. and they should of kept Magma in the second game...

Yeah she was the main character. At least an NPC if not playable but I liked her in the first game. Psylocke should have been in as there was no reason not too. Was she dead at the time the game came out.

I think so.. I will let you know later..

The guy named MUA2EXtreme who started this is back on the forums and saying that Jean and Gambit will be revealed at the comic-con. These are his exact words

"Jean and Gambit are being revealed... they are saving Psylocke as the 3rd XMEN reveal at SDCC and it's just a juicy juicy wait! Also... what I said about Jean NOT having Phoenix powers with the unlock code were true! You have to wait till you play her as normal Jean, UNTIL she's UNLOCKED, THEN you see her transform into the Phoenix!"

Long story short Jean, Gambit, and Psylocke will be announced at this comic con.  I also belive his is saying that with the code you unlock normal psychic Jean. When you are supposed to unlock her in the game you see her transform into Phoenix.

He also said that there will be a preview video of the game showing Jean. He says she is awesome in the game and that she will be beautiful. Psylocke will look different from the other females and Gambit will also look the best out of all characters so far. He has also impied that Cyke and Hawkeye are in and that Punisher won't be playable or  make a apperance. I kind of belive him as he was right about Jean. Do you?