
MUA Offsets Central

Started by Noelemahc, January 23, 2007, 03:38AM

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Ok, thanks, I see you what you mean. I'll try to figure out which is right :)

September 27, 2008, 07:59PM #106 Last Edit: September 27, 2008, 08:02PM by Norrin Radd
BliZZ, I used Paint and PrintScreen to get a close-up of the textures and I think 32x32 offset is 758005

I did the same for 16x16 and I think the right one is 118549

Would someone mind finding the offsets for the regular texture map of that same skin?

You can try these (I assume by regular you mean the colored one):
512 512 127045
256 256 258117
128 128 290885
64 64 759709
32 32 759045
16 16 759581
8 8 127013
4 4 759557

Trying to find the offsets for 360_med_eng.igb, but Texture Finder shows them all at 0. What am I doing wrong?

use "shift" and or try different modes like DXT3.

Anyway, does anyone have the offsets to Boreman's Sentry's Cape? They aren't in the regular sizes like 256x256, but (I think) in these sizes: 256x128,128x64,64x32,32x16,16x8 and 8x4. I'm not sure however, difficult for me to tell. I feel like I'm missing an offset, since these are mine:


I need the offsets for my upcoming prowler mod.

I'm not sure if it's the same bolton, but I found this topic:
which has these offsets:

(It's the only reference to a cape bolton being used by a non-mod character I could find, too)

Hmm. So I must've entered the wrong dimensions, because now I see the 128 and 256 being different in my line. However, the offsets are somewhat close to what I got. I'll try it out, thanks.

Okay, I've found out that the offsets don't work properly. It shows the texture, but it ain't the right offset.

Well, mine seem to work fine, but I'm still missing an offset.

This is mine:


The texture shows up fine.

In-game, there must be one missing from the list. I've tried finding 16x8, but no success at all.

Hi, Can someone please help me with the Crystal offset. I cannot see the lowest numbers. This is what I got so far. I am planning to work on Crystal skins (3 of them that will complete the character). This is what I got so far.

1024 1024 - 124.939
512   512 – 123.915
256   256 – 255.499
128   128 – 353.803
64     64 – 362.123
32     32 – 407.115

I am missing
16 & 8

Help is very much appreciated.

When I'm home I could give you the offset of the ps2 model.

March 26, 2009, 07:15AM #118 Last Edit: March 26, 2009, 07:51AM by CosmoChakra
Luke Cage -New Avengers!


Ed:The tail end of that might be messed up...
CosmoChakra's mods !

Skins of HULK,PUNISHER,LUKE CAGE so far!!!

16 & 8 can not be the same. That is also my answer in your workbench topic.