Has anyone played MUA on a computer with Windows Vista?

Started by iammingy, February 08, 2007, 11:09PM

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February 14, 2008, 12:49AM #15 Last Edit: February 14, 2008, 12:54AM by iammingy
Yes, Vista uses up quite a bit of ram and it is very likely that your graphics card uses shared ram, too. This means even less ram for you to use...lol

EDIT: Since you bought it yesterday, you might want to update the display driver.
Using the newest version does help. Oh, you can also tone down the quality and aim for performance in the NVIDIA control panel.

i'd have to know how to do that first, wouldnt i... :p

i actually found it, thx, sorry for double post...

February 15, 2008, 06:28PM #18 Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 06:34PM by ironmanfan
I dunno if this is because that I am running on vista but, at first, I had XP and installed colossus and moonknight and everything worwed well.
but as now, while using nba2kstuff's compiler/decompiler, I go onto edit and it says (I'm using french version of vista so i'll try to translate):

/!\ Unable to find file on C:\Program files\Activision\Marvel-
Ultimate Alliance\data\herostat.xml.

Do you want to create a new file?
                     [Yes] [No] [Cancel]

and if you go directly on herostat.engb it really not shows that

what i did was copy the engb file to the desktop, then decompile, and that gave me the xml file... after i edited, i recompiled, but changed the output file to .engb, then pasted the new file into the mua directory over the old one...