Has anyone played MUA on a computer with Windows Vista?

Started by iammingy, February 08, 2007, 11:09PM

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February 12, 2007, 12:16PM #2 Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 12:18PM by Noelemahc
I very much want to believe the second. I had a feeling Vista will end up as a repeat of the Windows ME cluster-f***, which made everyone who knew how to tweak Windows retch and roll back (I, personally, spent half a year on Win95 after that, just to get the bad taste out of my mouth*, before returning to my beloved non-SE Win98) and pretend they never updated. It's nice when they add new features, but if they continue to clog up the proceedings (granted, this many years into running XP, I've finally managed to get the startup settings 'just right' and I still have to CTRL+ALT+DEL a few processes right after I boot up because the frickin' thing DOESN'T ALLOW ME TO DELETE THEM ALTOGETHER).

As such, I suspect that Vista is a big no-no for me, at least until they release a more tweak-friendly version. Win2010, maybe? If I'd been living in a decently advanced country, I'd be using a Mac, but one cannot find LEGAL Mac software in this coldbox of a land :D

* - An almost-related joke.
QuoteA guy walks into a bar, rushes to the bartender and orders a glassful of vodka, straight. The bartender asks him:
"What's the rush?"
"I just found out what a blowjob is," the man replies.
"Well, you should celebrate it with champagne then, no?"
"See, I'm not sure champagne will get that aftertaste out."

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

I played it on Vista and it ran perfectly.  No lag or glitches at all.

I tried to play too on vista but when I started a new game, the characters were all like black cones.
The environment was ok and the powers too but I couldn't see skins... do you know everything that could cause this problem?

Quote from: Spidermanfan2 on December 23, 2007, 08:18PM
do you know everything that could cause this problem?

No, I don't. haha :doop:
Try updating the driver of your display/graphic card to the latest version.

I had this same problem.  The models looked like black scarecrows with no identifying features.  They could do stuff, but didn't move from that position.  I run on XP Home edition.  You know what I did?  Well, first I exhausted every option I could think of.  I updated drivers, firmware, etc.  I changed settings to try and make it run on a lower quality, I even tried to install mods to see if it was just the official models.  In the end, I just uninstalled and gave up. Then, I asked my folks for a new video card for X-MAS...early.   Like "Thanksgiving early"...  (I'm athiest, but I knew I was going to need an expensive one and I didn't want to pay for it! lol)  I have it re-installed now and everything is perfect.  It even fixed a mesh or two from other games that were getting distorted.  I hate to say it, but you might have to do the same.

Yeah, I agree with you, Chimoru. haha
Getting a new graphic card is the best alternative if updating driver doesn't work... :laugh:

I played MUA on Vista... It's runs nice on Vista too! (My pc: 8800GTS; Core 2 Duo E4400 @3.01Ghz; 2Gb DDR II) I played with advanced Lightning and shadows set to LOW (1440x900). At 1024x768 FPS ~ FPS 1440x900! I think advanced lightning eat MUCH MORE pc resources than OSys!

on Win XP FPS with adv lightning also ~ FPS with Adv Lightning on Win Vista

Quote from: rhino on January 04, 2008, 06:09AM
on Win XP FPS with adv lightning also ~ FPS with Adv Lightning on Win Vista

My FPS with advanced lighting turned off seems to be slightly higher on Windows Vista, but it's the opposite with advanced lighting turned on.

I played it with vista, at first it was well, but when you wanted to play it again, it was becoming slowy, but when installed the most recent patches of windows and nvidia, there were trouble no more n.n.

I bought it yesterday for pc (i'd played it to death on ps2), brought it him, and after a long install session, finally got to playing it... the first section is fine, but once i get to nick fury, the game just gets oh soooo sllloooowwww....

i'd only updated my pc yesterday with all the updates for vista, and i have 2 gigs of ram with an integrated nvidia that supposedly tops out at up to 715mb, but its still unbelievably slow... i dunno what it is, but the chance of vista being to blame has crossed my mind... its so ram intensive...