The "Heroes You Want" list (now 45 heroes total)

Started by Teancum, February 10, 2008, 09:24PM

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Hey, dunno if you noticed, but your caps lock is stuck on.  And it looks like your period key must be broke too, I didn't see any sentences end with it.

 :beast: :carnage: :colossus: :cyclops: :daredevil: :strange: :deadpool: :madrox: :magma: :wolverine: :vision: :venom: :toxin: :thing: :nightcrawler: :phoenix: :punisher_logo: :iceman: :blob: :juggernaut: :cable: :iwoman: :fantastic: :warbird: :mystique: :shehulk: :silvers: :spidergirl: :storm:  :spiderman:
iron fist,gambit,rouge,toad,xman,scarlet witch,quicksilver,moonknight,ronin,iron man,captain america,pylock,shadowcat.

Before I get into my character wants, I want to express my desire for the rolplaying aspect of MUA2 to be more similar to XML and XML2.  I'd rather be able to select passives and not have them be tied to specific skins as well as being able to allocate strike, body, focus and speed at my discretion.  That said.  My want list is:

1) Captain America: w/new Cap skin
2) Iron Man: w/Mark I and Extremis skin
3) Wolverine: w/ Patch and New X-Men skin
4) Thor: w/new chain mail skin
5) Spider-Man: I'd like for the extra arms on the Iron-Spider suit to be incorporated but I know that's unlikely
6) Deadpool: He rocks as he is but I wouldn't mind an Agent X skin
7) Spider-Woman: She's fine as she is
8) Black Widow: She's fine as well
9) Winter Soldier: I'd like to see him replace Nick Fury
10)Cable: Activison should just use this forum's mod; maybe incorporate a psimitar boost like Moon Knight's staff boost
11)Storm: She's fine like she is, maybe add a cape to her skins
12)Black Panther: He's fine as he is as well
13)Iron Fist: Suprise me
14)Dr. Strange: Use the "Strange" skin he had back during the Midnight Sons
15)Moon Knight: Leave him the same as well
16)Yellowjacket: Not sure how to incorporate growing and shrinking but it would be cool
17)Ares: Suprise me
18)Blade: I was happy with him
19)Ghost Rider: If his hellcycle could be incorporated in a move that would rock.  Maybe used like Iceman's ice slide
20)Mr. Fantastic: Happy with him
21)Invisible Woman: Happy with her
22)Thing: Happy with him
23)Human Torch: Happy with him
24)Ms. Marvel: I'd like her to play a little more like Rogue, focusing on her strength and invulnerability
25)Silver Surfer: I was happy with him
26)Nova: Suprise me
27)Ronin: Have him replace Elektra
28)Venom: Since he's a Thunderbolt now
29)Radioactive Man: Suprise me
30)She-Hulk: Make her strong
31)Luke Cage: Happy with him
32)Daredevil: Happy with him
33)Quasar (Phyla-Vell) : Suprise me
34)Ronan the Accuser: Suprise me
35)Hulk: The only issue I have with Hulk is how to balance his strength with the other characters
36)Speedball and/or Penance: Suprise me
37)Black Widow: I've yet to play her but leave her like the PSP version
38)Hercules: Suprise me

I know we can add more than that but I really can't think of anyone else I'd really want.  I feel that since the X-Men have 2 games under their belt, it doesn't make sense to include a lot of them unless the have a presence outside the X-Universe.  Wolverine, Storm, and Cable fit this bill I believe. Colossus, Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Iceman do not.  Just my opinion.

Quote1) Captain America: w/new Cap skin
9) Winter Soldier: I'd like to see him replace Nick Fury

Same person

Quote from: Teancum on May 06, 2008, 11:56AM
Same person

I do realize that.  However Bucky as Cap should play differently than Bucky as Winter Soldier.  Since Cap's moves are centered around his shield, it makes sense to make the new Cap a skin for Captain America and not Winter Soldier.

AkaniSon there are 2 Black Widows in your list ^^


Haven't posted here for a while. But with the upcoming 2nd edition of the game I got interested again.
Love it we are getting a Ultimate Alliance 2. I hope there is some news soon about it. It is very quiet about anything accept that it is coming at the end of this or the beginning of next year (even that is unsure).
It will include some civil war aspects, so I'm curious how they will implement that.
For my hero list I'd made one that I want and my ideas of who will be in the game decided by the makers.
First of all I'd add more X-Men since their last game (Legends 2) in this form is also some time ago.
OK all the Standard 23 (except Blade and Nick Fury) = 21 + Next Gen 2 = 23 + PSP (Ronin renamed Echo) 4 = 27 + DLC Extra Heroes (I'm against playable villains because it's illogical in the game concept!) 3 = 30
31 Iron Fist
32 Namor
33 Scarlet Witch
34 Quicksilver (Understandable if powers are to hard to implement so Cap Britain for a replacement is OK too)
35 She Hulk
36 Wonderman
37 Vision (Same as Quicksilver above. Replacement Sunfire or Guardian for a more international feeling)
38 Sentry (Just as the Silver Surfer his powers have to be trimmed down a bit)
39 Nova
40 (Arch)Angel
41 Rogue
42 Phoenix or White Queen
43 Beast
44 Gambit
45 Psylocke

Still expect to see Blade and Nick Fury though. Also the Punisher I think will be in now.
As NPC I want more people whose powers are hard to implement in the game but please let them keep the costume (not like Pym in the first game as a scientist, but as yellowjacket. I mean people like the earlier named Yellowjacket and the Wasp, Shadowcat, Prof X and Vision & Quicksilver if not playable.
For HQ's I suggest places like the Baxter Building, the X Mansion and maybe the old Avengers Mansion (it's a different kind of universe so why not).
That's it for now.

Quote from: ppm on February 20, 2008, 04:23AM
To Rasdel:
Just great ideas and I also think the more the better. I think there should be the popular ones like
Avengers  :stark: :thor: :capamer: :scarletw: :quicks: :vision: :panther: :hawkeye: :hulk_icon:
   maybe Giantman, wasp, :spiderwoman: :warbird: and others

F4  :fantastic: :iwoman: :humant: :thing:

X-Men  :beast: :archangel: :cable: :colossus: :cyclops: :gambit: :havok: :iceman: :kittyp: :nightcrawler: :marvelg: :storm: :wolverine: :sunfire: :bishop:
   maybe :rogue: :psylocke: :magma: :madrox: :jubilee: :emmafrost: :dazzler: :xavier: and others

Also the brotherhood  :magneto: :mystique: :juggernaut: :stooth:
   maybe  :blob: :pyro: and others

Plus the single-fighters  :spiderman: :daredevil: :genis: :elektra: :ghostr: :ifist: :namor: :moonk: :pman:  :blackwidow: :ronin: :shehulk: :silvers:
   maybe  :punisher_logo: :strange: Nick Fury and others

Maybe the Defenders, Inhumans, Starjammers and some gods like Balder, if we're fighting against Galactus and a few of the "small" villains like Bullseye, Venom... because they're cool and because of the actual Marvel-Universe
All together = 45 must-haves and lots of others. I'd really like a 45-char-game with no limit for modding and downloadable mods also from Activision itself. FOR PC!!!

I really like this list of characters. I think the game needs to work more with teams. I mean, since I didn't have XBox or PC versions (or whatever) I was left with the default characters. I'm a big X-Men fan (Gee, big shock) and I found it kind of ridiculous that they only had 3 members!?!
Ok. *Calming down*

I would love a Marvel game where something happens to all the obvious characters and then you play as the not so well known characters. That'll never happen but it'd be nice.

All I want is for the sequel to be mod-able too... and maybe Psylocke/Magma/Emma/Colossus/Gambit/Rogue/Magneto... but mostly I just hope its mod-able like XML-2 and MUA-1

1) Captain America
2) Iron Man (Movie Mark III and Mark II)
3) Spider-Man (Movie Symbiote and Regular, please!)
4) Mysterio
5) Punisher (Movie version too!)
6) Wolverine
7) Moon Knight (With Ultimate Ronin Skin)
8) Quicksilver
9) Scorpion
10) Nova
11) Hulk (with Savage Banner skin)
12) Captain Marvel
13) Vision (With Ultimate version as Skin)
14) Venom (Movie Version and Anti Venom as Skin)
15) Toxin (With Carnage Skin)
16) Havok
17) Multiple Man
18) Captain Britain
19) Winter Soldier
20) Magneto
21) Jean Grey (With White Phoenix Skin)
22) Nightcrawler (With Priest Skin)
23) Human Torch
24) Mr. Fantastic
25) Invisible Woman
26) Thing
27) Deadpool
28) She-Hulk
29) Silver Surfer
30) Archangel
31) Cable
32) Beast (With Dark Beast Skin)
33) Gambit
34) Black Bolt
35) Shadowcat (With X3 Skin)
36) Dr. Doom
37) Professer X
38) Daredevil
39) Rogue
40) Polaris
41) Sabertooth
42) Ghost Rider (With a Hellcycle Move
43) Namor
44) Spider-Man 2099
45) Iceman
What FF character am I?

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

to reduce spammage:

Quote from: BliZZ on February 09, 2008, 09:13PM
Try not to get too rowdy. Wish Lists, thoughts, news, etc can go right here.

(This board doesn't count toward your post count at the moment, so hopefully certain members will avoid spamming it up for the time being)