Iron Man (May 2, 2008) - 5 Scenes preview

Started by iammingy, April 20, 2008, 05:07PM

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I got advance tickets to see it May 1 (Thursday)!  I'm like a little kid!  I'm so excited! :stark:

'grats, dude. As I said, I prolly won't go see it for another week, just to let the crowds die down. Not a big fan of overcrowded movie theaters, I am.

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Im gonna grab the tickets tomorrow night before Friday just in case. I did the same thing for Spiderman 3 and it got so crowded they had a huge lineup..Luckily I was second in line.  Did you guys know they made a titanium man figure for the action figure series? Do you guys think he will make an appearance in the movie?

im a see it tommorrow night (after coming out of work and getting my paycheck with my girlfriend) at the amc theater in certal city, california. united states,. Canit wait!!!

April 30, 2008, 10:27PM #20 Last Edit: May 02, 2008, 02:07AM by Midnight Curse

Frickin' wikid graphics! Not really into the storyline though.

I saw the movie a couple of hours ago. I'm not the kind of people that like to give whole reviews of films or anything, so I won't. I'll just say that it's really good.

By the way, I just found out that there's supposed to be an extra scene after the credits roll, so you may want to wait a little longer before leaving.


After the credits roll by, Stark finds Nick Fury at his house asking if he knows anything about an Avengers initiative. This thus prompts a spin-off Avengers movie, IMO.


Seriously.  It was flat out incredible.  Robert Downey Jr absolutely nailed the Tony Stark character, Gwenneth was a nice Pepper Potts, Bridges was an awesome Iron Monger.  Terrance Howard wouldn't have been my first choice for Rhoades, but after watching the movie he fits the bill nicely.  VERY open ended for a sequel and... shall we say a team-based spinoff?  However I doubt that'll happen until more individual characters get individual movies.

Seriously I'd give it 5/5.  Even my wife loved it.  We walked out of the theater and she was like "We need to own that!"  Even, which is usually really tough on movies gave it a 95%.

LOVED IT!!!! that's all I can really say! This movie puts all the other superhero movies to shame!

i have to wait untill tommorrow them this sucks.

3 hours and 50 minutes until I see Ironman!! I got my tickets yesterday and they said it was a good idea to get them a day ahead because they were 90% sure I wasn't going to get them friday.  This is finally it!!!!

just say it and it was great! i didnt think i would like it, but it was good.
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Quote from: Midnight Curse on May 01, 2008, 12:16AM

After the credits roll by, Stark finds Nick Fury at his house asking if he knows anything about an Avengers initiative. This thus prompts a spin-off Avengers movie, IMO.
This is true, I read somewhere that marvel will pay by their own the next 10 of their movies. With a Iron man movie, a hulk one upcoming and a Thor movie that could be possibly done, should we say that they will introduce Captain america so they would be ready to produce a avengers movie?