New Skirmish/Sim Missions?

Started by thetommyboy2002, February 11, 2007, 08:39AM

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Noel, the disks are found in the first four bases (1 in each)

I just meant find the FILE that contains them.

You know, it just hit me.  Ya'll are probably way ahead of me, but why not do hex replacement of the IGBs on the PSP missions?  I'll be working on that with the Xbox and will report back.

Well, I've actually had pretty decent success.  Since Noel taught be the binary copy/paste I've been able to put Xbox versions of igbs over the PSP versions.  I can play through Black Widow's mission, but of course still have the usual problems.  I.E. you can select the team and certain enemies don't appear.

Also, can someone upload the xmlbs/engbs for the sim missions?  It's really difficult to do binary copy/pastes of that stuff while trying to create a new mission.

The current versions I have contain a Catch-22 of sorts: You can define the hero: but the boss won't appear; or you can fight the boss, but then it won't be hero-dependent.

PS: Dude, were you able to add ALL the missions? As in, does the Xbox also have a limit for # of missions?

Well, the 360 missions I got in.  Past that I have 4 new missions that I swap out as I experiment: VS Winter Soldier, Colossus, Moon Knight, Black Widow (just for now).  It's accepted all of those just as long as I paste them before the 360 missions.

Also, a find....  If you're trying to make something other than VS appear on the right side, good luck.  I named one mission
"Black Widow_Test" 

It came out as
"Black Widow        VS"

in-game.  So my guess is that '_' defines a Vs mission.

March 24, 2007, 04:16PM #50 Last Edit: March 24, 2007, 05:29PM by Teancum
Heh, another discovery.  When setting up a course, the order matters.  I copy/pasted every variable where the simulator has it.  So what you see here is a hodge-podge:  RED sections can be omitted if you choose

   arena = Helicarrier ; ---Reference the arenas from the begging of simulator.engb
   boss_damage_scale = 0.3 ;
   boss_health_scale = 8 ;
   bossname = Wintersoldier ; --looks in NPCstat
   comicmission = true ; --Is a comic mission
   hero = catptainamerica ; --The hero for this map.  If omitted, you can select your team.  Looks in herostat
   killlimit = 30 ; --Used if you need to kill X number of enemies to succeed
   destroylimit = -1 ; --Unknown, used only in Captain America's mission.  Used with useexternalobjective?

   name = CMCAPTAINAMERICA ; --The FB name
   protectactent = targetrelay ; --References what needs to be protected (found in the arena section)
   protectlimit = 8 ; --How many of prtectactent to protect (Normally for missions where you protect a human they're just specified in the MUSTSURVIVE section later)

   timelimit = 1200 ; --Time limit (in seconds).  Can probably be omitted for infinite time
   title = Captain America ; --Name to appear in the simulator.  Add _Vs for a VS mission
   weapons = true ; --Anyone have weapons in this map?  (I'm guessing on this one)
   useexternalobjective = true ; --Used when there's more than a 'kill the boss' objective

      CONVERSATION {--Conversations.  Not necessary for Hero or VS missions if you don't want them
      file = sim/humantorch/intro ;
      name = intro ;
      SOUNDFILE { --Sound file for conversations
      file = DMSIM ;
      SPAWNER { --Boss Spawner
      character = Paibok ; --looks in NPCstat for this name
      count = 1 ; --How many
      level = 3 ; --The level
      levelset = true ;
      nograb = true ; --Cannot grab character
      script = true ;
      slot = 30 ; --Probably relates to a spawn slot in the level
      smart = false ;
      villain = true ;
      SPAWNER {  --Normal enemy spawner
      character = galactuspunisher_a ; --looks in NPSstat
      count = 1 ; --How many
      damagereduction25 = true ;
      delaymax = 1 ;
      delaymin = 1 ;
      level = 0 ;
      levelset = true ;
      slot = 5 ;
      MUSTDIE {  --Must die to win
      character = Paibok ; --looks in NPCstat
      count = 1 ; --how many
      MUSTSURVIVE { --Must live to win
      character = WolverineSimple ; --looks in NPSstat
      count = 1 ; --how many
      REWARD { --rewardskin, rewardtraits and rewardtalent should be removed if it's not a Hero mission
      requiredscore = 15000 ; --Score Required
      rewardskin = true ; --Get the 4th character skin
      rewardtraits = 1 ; --+1 to Strike, Focus and Body
      rewardtalent = true ; --Free talent point
      rewardxp = 3300 ; --From XML2, probably works
      rewardtrait = strike ; --From XML2, probably works
      type = Bronze ; --Bronze, Silver and Gold


March 24, 2007, 07:03PM #51 Last Edit: March 25, 2007, 07:58AM by Teancum
Since I have the strategy guide I thought I'd make a list of all villains that weren't used in VS missions.

Baron Mordo
Dark Captain America
Dark Colossus
Dark Cyclops
Dark Human Torch
Dark Invisible Woman
Dark Mr. Fantastic
Dark Psylocke
Dark Thing
Jean Grey (under control of Arcade/Mephisto)
Nightcrawler (under control of Mephisto)
Radioactive Man
Winter Soldier

****acrobat -- hit the buttons that appear on-screen
****big boss -- the boss is huge and would need the same map loaded as in the story mode to work
****underwater -- underwater bosses
Arcade (big boss)
Attumah (underwater)
Byrrah (underwater)
Deathbird (acrobat)
Fin Fang Foom (big boss)
Galactus (big boss, acrobat)
Kraken (underwater, big boss, acrobat)
Krang (underwater)
Mandarin (special way to defeat)
Mephisto (special way to defeat)
M.O.D.O.K. (initial trivia)
Tiger Shark (underwater)
Ymir (big boss, acrobat)

And BTW, I have a 100% working Colossus sim mission.  He fights Crimson Dynamo in Asgard.  I'm currently working on Moon Knight, who at the moment fights Lizard on the Helicarrier

Question regarding this thread...

Considering that you've had some success in getting MUA characters
into the XML/XML2 environments, I wanted to know if this was one of
the goals here; Is there a plan to create some downloadable missions
(new or modded) using these new environments (for PC)?

Would certainly be refreshing to have some new settings, especially for
those of us unfamiliar with XML/XML2. I'm just wondering if it's way
too early to be getting pumped about the prospect of new downloadable
mission environments.
Check out issue #74 of Advanced Iron.
Iron Man In Action columnist, Advanced Iron Magazine.

Yes, it is possible. However, higher on my list is a 'Simulator' from the main menu, like the XML DR. :wiggle:

Plus, I figgur in a couple o weeks we're gonna drop most everything and get to work on porting the DLC :runaway:


Yet another attempted workaround failed.  Tried to assign a Nick Fury NPC as the hero for a Sim mission.  No such luck.  I even added playable = true.  Looks like the hero = line in simulator.engb definitely looks in the herostat.

Do we know what this sounds is?  It sin't called in the simulator or herostat:


Doomstark. DSFITE is the soundset for the battle against Doom's Iron Men in Doomstark.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

hey have you ever tried to make some mod character mission.something like sabrtooth vs wolverine,venom vs spiderman,mandarin vs iron man...
My deviant art page!!!
$$$ $$$