Marvel Zombies

Started by SageLuis, June 10, 2008, 05:27AM

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hmm hmm i was wondering why wolverine's mutant power doesn't cure him of the virus or why does he die ? isn't he supposed to be always alive :P lol

Maybe an overload that his healing factor can't take?

Just like in X3 when Jean's telekinetic storm was almost too much for his power to bear.

Yeah but if you think about it, practically anyone becomes infected, Vision - who's an android and Thor - who's a god.

Best way to think about it is more of a magical curse or something rather than an actual disease (or to not think about it at all cos how many zombie films go into much depth about the cause?)

Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness said that the origins of the virus is extraterrestrial, not supernatural. So maybe it managed to somehow nullify wolvies powers?

it was magic,just because Doom said it wasnt it dont mean it is right,because even thought Doom being a strong sorcerer,the magic power level of the virus was too high and camufled himself.
kinda like when voodoo brother tried to find the new avengers,but couldnt.
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The Necromicon also seemed pretty convinced that it was extraterrestrial too...
"The origin is extraterrestrial... not supernatural. The infected may be dead, but they are certainly not undead"

i still think it was a magic too powerfull even for trick the Necromicon
or maybe the magic was so powerfull that even the necromicon stop and he said it wasnt magic for take Ash hopes
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Could Strange at full power take on this deep black magic?

Probably not as he's a zombie too (I think). But like all Zombie films/stories, I don't think there's supposed to be a cure as it would kinda cut the stories short etc and remove the essence of an apocalyptical situation

well it was showed at marvel zombies 2 a type of "cure" (dont feed the zombie for 2 weeks) for they hunger,if they are zombies,but dont eat peploe i see that as a cure at all.
also at resident evil 3 the cientists are making a cure and it almost made the zombie remember what is a cell-phone and did not attack anyone.....for 5 minutes.
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