
praise and appreciation

Started by Senkaku, November 11, 2007, 12:35PM

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keep it up modders, you are all doing a great job and your work is highly appreciated!

 Hey Guys!

Just had to stop by and say everyone contributing to these fun games deserves every ounce of respect and praise from the hard endless nights of making sure their work is done to their standards. So be sure to encourage and give positive(sometimes critical) feeback so they can produce something that brings the best out of whatever game they decide to modify. That way we all can enjoy the game over again! Thanks alot guys for everything you have done and I look forward to these upcoming  projects/Mods especially...

-War Machine(Teancum is doing a sweet job on Jim Rhodes)

-Ironfist upgrades(Mesh provided by TOMMYBOY!!!! :popcorn: and incredible job by  :ifist: Iammingy for his new additions!!!!)

And to those I have missed purely because I have yet to see the projects you are working on, Keep it up and enjoy yourselfs while doing it!

I also look forward to your Crimson Dynamo project, Overload!

And 'mingy's Blackheart and Firelord.

i have been thinking about modding, and the thought crossed my mind. is it possible for the modders to enjoy their work? so many hours working on the mods and then finally play with them? i wonder if thats boring. if so then all the work that you guys do, must get discouraging. well if thats the case i just want to say, keep it up guys! your mods are great and while i can't speak for the whole community, i hope i can, i just want to say that your work is appreciated :)

Quote from: Ma Sheng Xian Zhi on March 02, 2008, 07:52PM
is it possible for the modders to enjoy their work? so many hours working on the mods and then finally play with them?
In my case it is possible. I've spent many months on creating models for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and just started actually playing the game two days ago, with the feeling that all my work pays off. I'm also glad that there are also other people who appreciate my work, as well as some who help me improve it, for which I am grateful.
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

i think alot of the guys here understand constructive criticism, which takes alot character to really take in when someone critiques. that's really cool, these are mature guys here. all this talk like this probably makes me seem like a fruit cake but honestly you guys are awesome!

just saw the daredevil swing animation i had asked for it to see if it was possible, and it was. i'm starting to wonder if you modders have any limits, or maybe your just use to breaking them!

Quote from: blade 554 on December 03, 2007, 12:36AM
I'm older than you think, in all likelihood.

Yes, you are 554 years old! :rofl: jkjk...

And an extended thanks to all newer cooler mods and all the modders involved!