Why no Pc version?

Started by Luciano, July 16, 2008, 02:42PM

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But they'd rather not refund your money, so they persist in trying to give the game on another platform, right?

They are probebly not making a PC version because of the mods,but that's just mine apinion
Oh and I'm really triled that  :deadpool: and  :ifist: are in

Quote from: gambit_12 on August 30, 2009, 03:27AM
They are probebly not making a PC version because of the mods,but that's just mine apinion

i doubt that, if they had had issues with the mods for MUA, they would have tried to shut us down a long time ago. Since we have never even gotten a warning i doubt they cared too much. So i doubt that they even thought of this site when they decided not to do a pc version.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2275.0
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Indeed. I even mailed one of the companies who worked on MUA1 and asked them a question about XML2 meshes. They responded rather glad, happy and excited that we (he described us as fans) "expand the boundaries" of the MUA and XML2. And to be honest, we're not yet near the limit of what's possible of both games.

I suspect they're doing something like LucasArts did with TFU - releasing this game for the platforms first. Waiting until the fans are addicted. Then releasing it for the PC and MAC with two or three added characters/missions to bum a buck off the fans lol

Quote from: Grig 32 on August 30, 2009, 07:56PM
I suspect they're doing something like LucasArts did with TFU - releasing this game for the platforms first. Waiting until the fans are addicted. Then releasing it for the PC and MAC with two or three added characters/missions to bum a buck off the fans lol

I've got my fingers crossed that you're right.
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Well it would be consistent with what a lot of gaming companies have been doing as of late - making a game that has more fans for the PC so that the PC users will break down and buy it on the console THEN buy it for the PC - good marketing trick, if an old one

If we get PC I don't think we will get anything added.

Quote from: marvelfan12345 on August 31, 2009, 01:05PM
If we get PC I don't think we will get anything added.

For all you non-PC MUA players, did you buy the extra characters when they came out?  I think I would have if I had a game system.  I'm wondering just how popular those extra characters were among MUA fans.  If it was a money maker for the developers, I'd say there will be some sort of add-on (provided that there's ever a PC version, that is).
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I bought them. I really just bought for Nightcrawler, Cyclops, Hulk, and Magneto.

LucasArts did it and so have a few others - releasing the same game with some cheaply cobbled together missions/models to make sure that the fans will buy it. Still that's just what I think, if nothing else MUA 3 is bound to be for PC after how much fuss the fans are going to make lol

MUA just isn't a big enough series for any publisher to care whether it's on PC.  The Force Unleashed carried because it's Star Wars, and they have long history of selling well on the PC, whereas Marvel games don't.  Lucasarts developed TFU internally, so it was their money to play with.  MUA is published by Activision, meaning they have to pay someone to port it, and knowing Activision, they won't.

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Activision would lose money if the DLC were also available on the PC. Why? Someone buys the DLC, and makes them downloadable for FREE.

Take a look at sales numbers -- the PC version of MUA didn't even get enough sales to bother charting the data:


Now why would you spend good money working on a PC port when nobody will buy it? 
***And don't say "we" aren't 'nobody'.  I'm talking numbers here.  The 75 active users on this forum don't constitute enough cash to cover the porting of the game.