
Sage Mod

Started by shafcrawler, September 12, 2008, 02:06AM

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Good job on her Nex Exiles costume. Great skin of an awful costume. As far as more skins go, you will probably have to stick with Psylocke without the ponytail because she has Sage-ish bangs. The only problems with that are the X buckle on her belt and the shoulder pads. But I'm sure that you'll find a way to make things work. For her New Excalibur costume, you could use Kitty. For her X-Men training costume, you could use Kitty without the ponytail like you did for Wolfsbane. For Diana Fox, Medusa or some other long haired model without emblems sticking out could work.

Okay, just finished off another skin so now I've got 5 skins done and I plan to do 3 more for a total of 8. Here's a pic of all the done skins:

The reason I'm doing the skins first is because I've found out that once I finish off all the other work involving a Mod, skinning feels incredibly tedious. By tomorrow (insha allah) I'll probably be done with the skins and bve focusing on a few powers I have in mind...

Thanks for the suggestions, marvel watcher, but I think I'll try remaking those skins. The reasons being:

souledge's skin: souledge just dropped out of the board and thus I don't feel right about using the skin without his permission

apollo's skin: I love it, but it resembles the second Excalibur sage wore (the one I just finished) more than the original Excalibur outfit, which is the one I need. With the clever new skin-part hiding technique we've come up with, I think I can make one that relates to the comic books a bit more.

Again, thanks for the suggestions.

you are welcome :), other suggestion, for the last picture (the very short hair one) you can use the xml1's jean as base, what you think about?

skins are looking really good.  btw, which skeleton are you using for her?
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What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Thanks. I'm using Nick Fury's skeleton, as I feel it can bring a lot to the mod.

btw nodoubt, can the extra parts of everyone's Xtreme skins be hexed out? So far, I can't seem to find the references for them.

(in case you're wondering what I'm talking about, it's the parts that are contained in a separate texture image)

Okay, so I had a busy day all day and ended up doing very little work on Sage. All I did was finish off another skin:

I am extremely pleased with how it turned out. Also, I don't know if you can see it, ut the ponytail's half the length of the original skin's, which is the exact length Sage's hair should be for this look. Enjoy and expect Sage in a week or two!

Quote from: shafcrawler on September 16, 2008, 06:03AM
btw nodoubt, can the extra parts of everyone's Xtreme skins be hexed out? So far, I can't seem to find the references for them.

i don't think they can be hexed out, but maybe you could hide them? Storms Xtreme costume has 0402_winterbits referenced inside of it, and i noticed that a lot of the xtreme costumes have references to these "winterbits".  Those might be the spiky things.
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PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

I am really interested on seeing what music you can accompany Sage with if you eventually get to making a preview vid.

Okay, the mod is looking good so far. I've added a telepathic move that confuses enemies and makes them flee. But there's a catch: There's also a passive that, as it builds, increases Sage's telepathic resistance BUT decreases the power of that move. Kind of a tradeoff. Skins are all done. Will start work on icons as soon as a few bugs are fixed.

The Powerset thus far are:

Stun Shot - Takes out pistol and fires a rubber bullet at an enemy, stunning him

Baton Strike - Performs a 2-hit combo using her baton

Heavy Machine - Takes out machine gun and fires at enemies as long as button is held

Psionic Lash - A strong psychic attack that confuses enemies and causes them to flee (power decreases as Psychic Lock gains level)

Crimson Downpour (Xtreme) - Uses Sagenet to call down a laser shower upon enemies (akin to Beast/Fury/Forge/etc.)

Devolution Field - Sage tampers with the genes of all powered enemies nearby, causing them to lose their abilities

Touch of the Sage - All allies are exalted to a greater level, causing them to gain in level on all skills

Psychic Lock - Focuses her telepathic abilities to shield herself from mental attacks, creating a permanent shield (reduces damage dealt by telepathic moves)

Indomitable Will - Increases all resistances

Reveal - Uses her powers to detect all enemies, pinpointing their locations and increasing her Attack Rating and Defense Rating

I'll also be adding a kick move and maybe a grenade move, though I'm not too keen on it. Also, Suggestions for a second Xtreme are welcome, as I feel I've exhausted my mind thinking on 1. If everything goes well, then I might release a voiceless version by Tuesday.

September 20, 2008, 06:36AM #27 Last Edit: September 21, 2008, 08:28AM by marvel watcher
Nice powerset :)
For the second xtreme:

DNA decipherment: Sage uses her cyber glasses to decode and modify the DNA of the enemys around, making them change to her side for a while.

Okay, so the mod's being delayed due to some stuff I overlooked completely but now I have to do. Hopefully, I'll be able to release it by tomorrow or the day after. Also, I finished the Britannia skin:

SO again, sorry for the delay!

great job on that skin, looks great
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PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it