Web Of Shadows Mod

Started by Power Cosmic, December 22, 2008, 04:10AM

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Well, if you ask me, this is just a normal reskin (or what the official word for this) of Spider-man "Black suit" and it's far from being a mod.

man i would realy realy realy wish to find that there is a way to mod it.immagin it if we had wolverine mod the guy transmorming in wolvenom  or just havig venom mod busting everyiones but
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December 23, 2008, 03:27AM #3 Last Edit: December 23, 2008, 05:33AM by Power Cosmic
I like Wolvenom, but in the game is Symbiote Wolverine not Wolvenom. Is it really himself on the comic or the suit controls him.

i bet it controws him it didn look like him kiling like that
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You choose Red Path do you, to make him as an ally, again.

yup! i wish i had the game for (most wanted for pc)  two so i couwld study it and maybe find if there is possible modding chance

ps:u know i saw that venom ,rhino and moonknight are playble with cheats i realy hope its true
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I did'nt know there was a Symbiote Moon Knight. Hmmm.......BINGO!!! i think it will be Alternate Skin for MUA.

hm...what do u mean symbiote moonknight?
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They show him in the ending credits of the game.

December 30, 2008, 06:27AM #10 Last Edit: December 30, 2008, 06:46AM by Power Cosmic
Precisly. But he has no eyes while Symbiote Form. Maybe we call him Venom Knight. So hee use The Fist Of Venom. Funny isn't it. Maybe we can use the Retro Skin & we the face into teeth & make a white into Black.

the creator sent me this mod yesteday
you guys should visit mytopic if you want more skins