
Official Characters 1.3 RELEASED (24.05.2013)

Started by Dark_Mark, June 01, 2009, 08:13AM

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Heroselect cannot find the herostat file to mod when I run it, I tried to reinstall more than once but zip.  I can't acccess Venom or any of the ones I like, how in the hell do I fix this?

October 17, 2010, 06:13AM #437 Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 06:24AM by d010060002
out of curiosity, are the new heroes supposed to be able to do anything, or are they just here to look cool, because when i try and use a non stock hero, the character can't do much. They can move around (sometimes), and can attack and block (rarely), but they have no powers that I can see/use. am I missing something?

Also, certain characters don't show up on mypanorama of who I can pick. Their names are above an empty space, and when I pick one, cyclops of one of them, the game immediatly CTD. any help (because I'm almost positive that isn't supposed to happen)?

Did you start a new game with default stats ? Cause yes, these characters do have powers and they don't crash if you have installed them correctly and started a new game.
Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack on that motherf*cker's reflection
My Mods for XML2:

October 17, 2010, 11:04AM #439 Last Edit: October 18, 2010, 04:12PM by d010060002
I believe so. I just installed ua before i dled the mod. I don't know what std stats are, but i didn't do anything besides install the mod if that's what you mean. I started a new game with the mod on normal. I guess I can try deleting the whole thing and copy from my clean version, but i was wondering if anyone knows anything a bit less drastic.

well, I took the files from the backup and tried again. Still no luck. Same problems as before.

Wow, I checked the common problems thread, and it seems that my case is distressingly unique. Obviously the mods changed something, as I can see the new characters. However, they're kinda useless.

Quote from: fox456 on October 13, 2010, 04:12PM
Usually altering Heroselect requires you to start a new game.  Check this excellent guide:,4886.msg94391.html#msg94391

I always start a new game. Great guide, I followed it doing option 1, but instead it just shut off when I started a new game, new stats, or even loaded one. Blarg :(

@marvelrookie, I figured that, I deleted some heroes that I dont care about, but do I delete there stats and name from the herostat.cfg file? or from files in "data". :\

excuse my lack of knowledge of this :P

since i still can't get my game to work, I've just been looking  through ifles and messing around. When I read the hero select read me, it said that to run it correctly, I needed to have the colossus and moon knight mods. I don't know where to dl them. Or are they in the official characters mod?

MK and Colossus should already be in the Official Character Pack,as long as you are using the latest version (1.2)

I am. Hmm. I guess the readme isn't up to date. Back to not knowing what the problem is. Ah well, I'm sure someone will eventually find out what I'm doing wrong.

October 31, 2010, 03:15PM #444 Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 03:36PM by thedarkpoet
Both download sites, (the mirror as well) say that the server does not have that file...

Well I got it with chrome but not IDK.
"In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy it is necessary to act outside the law-to pursue...natural justice. This is not vengeance. Revenge is not a valid motive, it's an emotional response. No, not vengeance. Punishment."

the links doesnt work where do i download now?

hi, is there a special conversation between Spider-Man and Venom? and nazyfranzy the download link works for me, try it again.

The official characters pack works on Windows 7

thanks. i download the package but some erros show. i use winrar, is that a problem?