MUA2 Vip Invites

Started by Venom, July 20, 2009, 06:00PM

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August 17, 2009, 02:53PM #45 Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 10:12AM by gambit_12
Send one to me please, I am a big marvel fan
:deadpool: :deadpool: :deadpool: rules

Venom since I took one from Philip, you can take me off the list.
Also, there's a VIP-only topic where you can find your invites, if you're a VIP who ordered the game:

Same here you can take me off.

When are we going to get ours Venom?


I have no powers, my body cannot fly. But I no longer mind, for in my heart and soul -- where it truly matters -- I soar higher than the stars!

It seems to me they just released the invites today, from the date of that topic.

Oh, ok :)

Thanks for the info

I have no powers, my body cannot fly. But I no longer mind, for in my heart and soul -- where it truly matters -- I soar higher than the stars!

August 26, 2009, 11:53PM #51 Last Edit: August 28, 2009, 01:44AM by Venom
Thanks Gevth for the link. First I will Pm those on the list to see if they are still interested and if I get a reply they will get their VIP code.
If you havnt got a pm from me reply here or send me a pm.

I have 4 spots left on the list for VIP codes so if you would like one please post here.
After all my codes are gone and you still need one visit here there are heaps posted :

Thank you for the code Venom, you are super! :)

Thanks Venom!
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Lol I registered, but it says my account doesn't exist. Anyone having this problem?

Thanks for the VIP code again Venom :D

I have no powers, my body cannot fly. But I no longer mind, for in my heart and soul -- where it truly matters -- I soar higher than the stars!

thanx for the code too...but i too encountered that i can't go into the vip section

Quote from: phoenixforce on August 28, 2009, 05:07AM
thanx for the code too...but i too encountered that i can't go into the vip section

I meant logging in after account creation.

That was a problem I had too. Try deleting your cookies. It worked for me.