
Dihan's Mods

Started by Dihan, July 05, 2008, 03:32AM

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July 05, 2008, 03:32AM Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 01:30AM by Outsider
This thread contains all the mods that I have released so far.

In downloading these mods you are agreeing to the following:
You will not edit these files
You will not claim credit for these mods
If these rules are broken then you will be punished accordingly.

I hope you enjoy these mods!


Northstar Mod Conversion v1.06
Blink Mod Conversion v1.07
Wolfsbane Mod Conversion v1.06
Marrow Mod Conversion v1.04
Dust Mod Conversion v1.03
Husk Mod Conversion v1.0
Surge Mod v1.01
Stepford Cuckoos Mod Conversion v1.01 **LINK UPDATED**
Hellion Mod v1.03 
Rockslide Mod v1.01
Sage Mod Conversion v1.0
Shadow King Mod Conversion v1.0
Elixir Mod v1.0 
Anole Mod v1.0 
Psylocke Mod v1.03
Nightcrawler Mod v1.0

Northstar Mod Conversion v1.06 by Dihan
Get it here.

Overwrite every file from previous versions just in case.

- 6 Skins and HUDs
- Passives for four costumes
- Mannequin
- Icons, load screen, character banner
- 8 converted powers and 1 original power
- Unique sounds

Original        -~-        Alpha Flight        -~-      House of M

X-Men           -~-           What If?         -~-   Age of Apocalypse

Powers: Blue = Offensive, Red = Boost, Green = Xtreme.
Light Beam Northstar releases a beam of bright light, causing energy damage.
Energized Uppercut Does an uppercut powered with light energy. Causes Knockback.
Blinding Flash Northstar radiates bright light that confuses enemies.
Split-Second Jab Moves at supersonic speed and uppercuts enemy.
Accelerated Shockwaves Vibrates rapidly and pushes the ground, generating shockwaves.
Dual Light Beam Releases double beams of bright light, causing heavy energy damage.
Shooting Star Through focus, Northstar can increase his speed to even higher levels than normal through the manipulation of kinetic energy. This allows him to move and attack quicker, whilst dealing extra damage due to the extra force behind his blows.
Tampered Powers Due to the tampering of the Children of Vault, Northstar becomes stronger, reducing damage taken, and increasing physical damage.
Radiating Star Radiates built-up light energy, frying circuits and causing radiation damage.

FIXES with 1.01
- Age of Apocalypse costume fixed.

FIXES with 1.02
- Miscellaneous edits to powers for balance.
a/b - Attempts to solve how certain powers are "broken" - Replacing every file with the ones I use and know work properly.

FIXES with 1.03
- Black boxes around icons fixed.
- Xtreme damage fixed.
- Sounds now included.
- Directory rename.

FIXES with 1.04
- Unique sounds added.
- Flight smash added.
- Grab smash added.
- Powers can be used in flight
- Voice sounds made louder.
- Fixed sounds that refused to play.

FIXES with v1.05
- Fixed folder typos

FIXES with v1.06
- Updated the icons and banner
- Fixed packages

Future fixes
- Make voices less buzzy.

Special thanks and Credits
- Shafcrawler for the original mod
- Shafcrawler, Norrid Radd and Cates for their time and patience
- Ravencore for the mannequin
- Cates for the original voices
- Bioware for the unique voices
- Marvel for the character
- You, yes you, for downloading this mod

Warning: May contain traces of flashing images which may induce seizures. I do not accept responsibility for any epileptic seizures that you/your parents/siblings/grand-parents/pets may have. May not be suitable for vegetarians, coeliacs, the lactose intolerant, expecting mothers and those who dislike the French... Not!
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Gr8 job man, I'll give it a try as soon as I get home.

I hope you (and everyone else) enjoy it.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Dihan thanx a lot for this great mod, i havent try it yet, but i'll do it as soon as i can. I like alpha flight a lot, so this mod is one that i have been waiting for a long time. By the way, are you planning to do some guardian mod? (from alpha flight too), i'd be very grateful if you could do some guardian mod, because thats one of my favourite characters since childhood. I thing theres some guardian skin or mannequin, so maybe this could be a starting point. Anyway thanx a lot. Keep working like that. Saludos desde españa.

I don't feel that I'm anywhere near good or clever enough to create my own mod, hence why I've done a conversion. Also, I was only really planning on doing Northstar from Alpha Flight because he's also been a member of the X-Men. Someone will probably make Guardian sometime it probably won't be me though, sorry.

What I want to convert next is likely to be way too difficult (maybe near impossible) for me to pull off. But first I have a rest.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

You have used 20301 slot, and i think that slot is already used by hawkeye.

Hawkeye is 171xx in the character coordination thread. Only 20301 in actors was taken I searched for whatever was in that .IGB in the texturefinder and couldn't find anything at all. Also, 203 was listed as empty for the Character Coordination thread.

If it becomes an issue then I'll shift them up one, 20302-09 are empty.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

July 05, 2008, 05:46AM #7 Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 06:05AM by Magneto
mmmmh... selecting the AOA skin crashes the game.

EDIT: power 3 doesnt work and the icons are weird...

ok i'm sounding a bit negative but it's still a good job. just a couple of things to fix.

July 05, 2008, 05:56AM #8 Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 06:01AM by Dihan
I know, and I said so in the first post. I don't know how to fix it, the skin is there and it's been referenced properly and whatever, but it refuses to work.

I've double checked and triple checked the .igb and it just won't work for some reason. I may just re-import the .bmp onto a fresh version of the skin just to see if that fixes it.

Ok, that fixed it. I'll re-upload it now.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Quote from: Loco_aullador on July 05, 2008, 05:29AM
You have used 20301 slot, and i think that slot is already used by hawkeye.

203 was Hawkeye's old slot when it was first converted from PSP. There's a recent post in the Coordinational Concepts thread that updates the slot list as much as I could given recent releases and reservations.

In what way?

It works for me.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

July 05, 2008, 07:23AM #12 Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 07:27AM by Magneto
mmh... let me check again

EDIT: well it just doent work at all... he just throws a punch

Do you mean Energized Uppercut?
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

oops my bad i mean Blinding Flash

well actually BF is in the 4th position in the power list, but ingame it's in the thisrd position....
probably something's missing from the talent file