
steampunk marvel storie ideas

Started by Quentin Hex, August 12, 2009, 03:34PM

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i was putting together some stories about marvel teams and characters in a steampunk environment. i thought I'd share my ideas and get some feedback before i start seriously writing. they are going to be modeled after the marvel universe with heavy influences from the ultimate universe and. this is really just the start, so i don't have anything too solid yet..

ok here it gos:

X-men (uses ideas from x-men, ultimate x-men, x-men movies, and x-men-evolution):
recently, more and more people with superhuman powers have been showing up. two of the first so called "mutants" or "homo superior", charles xavier and /Eric Lensherr go to an abandoned island and start a home for mutants. unfortunately it doesn't last long as Erik, who is now calling himself "magneto", believes that the so called "mutants" are meant to replace the humans on earth, and Xavier heels this will only turn out for the worse on both sides of the conflict. they manage to "agree to disagree" for a while, but after tensions rise for some time, they both finally snap.  paralyzed from the ensuing fight, magneto places Xavier on a steam boat, headed for "the mainland", as he does not wish to kill a fellow mutant, but he feels Xavier, will hinder his progress. xavier slowly recovers and sets up a rival group to magneto and recruits various mutants to be his x-men. steampunk versions of sentials are eventually deployed to keep the mutants in check after Magneto's brotherhood  begin ramping up their attacks on the humans

profeser x:
a psychic mutant who uses a steam powered wheelchair, because he was paralyzed from the waist down by magneto. he founded the Xavier school for gifted children.

a teenager who can shoot lazorz out of his eyes. uses ruby-quartz goggles (welding/aviator steampunk goggles). to control the blasts. He is one of the first 5 mutants at Xavier's.

Jean grey:
still working on her. i don't know what role the pheonix will play in her life yet. i need suggestions. She is the first Mutant at Xavier's.

one of the first mutants. ever. has been alive for a long time, due to his healing factor, claws, and quick thinking. He got a powerful, almost indestructible, metal (brass or copper colored needs new name) irreversibly grafted onto his bones from weapon X.

an extremely smart teenager with large hands and feat, paired with increased strength and agility. one of the first 5 mutants at Xavier's.

a teenage mutant from a rich family, who are ashamed of his wings. a less known fact is that his blood has healing properties. one of the first mutants at Xavier's.

a teenage girl who can phase through things and  cuts out electric machines, which is less useful because of the high number of steam powered machines.

a russian(i think, still working on if it'll mimic earth) who can turn his body into a sort of organic brass (or copper).

a mutant from a southern continent(if earth, it's africa) who can control weather. she was considered a goddes in her comunity untill xavier recruted her.

the youngest of the original x-men, bobby drake can control ice.

a German boy who can teleport, his blue skin and pointed tail make him stand out. he often wares a cybornetic suit to hide hes blue fur.


Street heroes:

Fantastic Four:

Perhaps Jean is a powerful mutant with tk and telepathy yet Xavier senses something powerful, gentle, and beautiful within her. He fears this as he senses so much power so he puts mental blocks in her mind to keep her from using this awesome power. Later on the blocks break and the Phoenix Force erupts. It is angry for being locked within her from all this time and corrupts Jean to be Dark Phoenix. The team discover that the Phoenix and Jean's destiny are together and that they are to be one being. Cyclops and Jean are deep in love and it is this love that causes Jean to gain control of herself. With this Jean brings balance to the Phoenix and they become one being with the Phoenix powers rightfully hers.

might work. i'm trying to be a little less pheonix heavy than the comics. maybe she is a psychic mutant who constantly has visions of the pheonix, and one day it says that she is ready and posseses her. she is naturaly afraid, and in her confusion she destroys something important. afraid of her new power, she goes to xavier, who earlier offered her a place on his team(she refused), for help. he helps her install mental blocks. and
Quote from: marvelfan12345 on August 13, 2009, 12:26PM
Later on the blocks break and the Phoenix Force erupts. It is angry for being locked within her from all this time and corrupts Jean to be Dark Phoenix.
she goes on a rampage, and the x-men confront her. which results in her leaving earth(or whatever planet). cyclops and emma frost (that's somebody i forgot!) grow close togeather, before jean returns to earth, seemingly free of the pheonix, which generally confuses the hell out of every-one, especially cyclops. life goes on for a while before the pheonix comes back into play, probably as a plot device for when i undoubtedly get writer's block.

I'm not a big fan of the Scott-Emma relationship but nice job.