Who do believe will make DLC?

Started by marvelfan12345, September 19, 2009, 08:30AM

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im hoping psylocke and cyke and jubilee

It is so frustrating that I have to stay out of the DLC conversation :P

Okay, I still hope for Cable, Hawkeye, Psylocke and more :D

I'm wishing for Nightcrawler, Hawkeye, Cable, Emma Frost and Scarlet Witch. At least, though I could make a looooooong list of my fave marvel characters.
Though SW is quite unlikely, but I guess I can always hope for her.

I DO wish they won't make Doom or Blade or Bishop. Though they are more likely than SW :(
Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack on that motherf*cker's reflection
My Mods for XML2: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=3018.0

Well, I hope for Nightcrawler aswell. I think if they make Cable, they won't make Bishop, don't know why. I think They won't make Cyc or Blade, just Psylocke from that version's exclusives. (This is all my thoughts)

I really don't want her. Maybe as Wondra :D

Quote from: The Iron Power of Spider-Man on October 11, 2009, 05:59AM
Well, I hope for Nightcrawler aswell. I think if they make Cable, they won't make Bishop, don't know why. I think They won't make Cyc or Blade, just Psylocke from that version's exclusives. (This is all my thoughts)
I don't see Nightcrawler cause of Deadpool and many other X-Men are being asked for. I agree with Cable and Bishop. Only one can be playable. I see Cyke and Psylocke as they said Cyke was originally in the inital roster. Same for Hawkeye. I also hope  :scarletw: :shehulk: :spiderwoman: :elektra: make it in besides Psylocke for the females and maybe Rogue.

Well, I still hope for Nightcrawler. He is one great character :) I still hope for characters, who haven't been in any other games before. Something new and unique :)

October 11, 2009, 07:28AM #130 Last Edit: October 12, 2009, 05:30PM by SpongeSpider


Black Cat
Moon Knight
Ghost Rider
Doctor Strange

Doctor Octopus

yeah jubilee will be new because her last game was xml1 and she sucked

I don't really want her. I mean, okay, she is good, but not so epic for me :) And not just in heroes, I would prefer a lot of more female character :) (I liked her in XML1, she was on my team a lots of times, I liked here Extreme)

Quote from: The Iron Power of Spider-Man on October 11, 2009, 08:48AM
I don't really want her. I mean, okay, she is good, but not so epic for me :) And not just in heroes, I would prefer a lot of more female character :) (I liked her in XML1, she was on my team a lots of times, I liked here Extreme)

I think, that we will get first five or six DLC and if they will be "successfull", then they will make more. I hope.