
How do you feel yourself? / General Talk about everything

Started by LX - Rampage, September 22, 2009, 10:09AM

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Here are some Omega Level mutants

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December 19, 2011, 06:03PM #2506 Last Edit: December 19, 2011, 07:35PM by MarvelFan12345
Storm was confirmed in Origins of the X-Men. Iceman was confirmed in X-Men Forever (series with Jean, Iceman, Mystique, Juggernaut, and Toad). If I am correct Wiccan is also omega-level if I didn't list him before.

As for Uncanny X-Force I strongly recommend it. The Dark Angel Saga has been beautiful and I have loved the characterizations of the five main characters. Another great part of Remender's stories is the AOA universe especially his version of Jean Grey! Can't wait for his AOA spinoff series. Nice to finally see Jean in an ongoing book again.

If you are a Psylocke fan then UXF is even better. Remender has really listened to her fans with the return of her full telepathy, romance with Angel, Lady Mandarin astral armor, british body flashback at the Hellfire Club, AOA Sabretooth fling, and her upcoming reunion with Captain Britain.

Well, since christmas is approcahing (having a Christmas dinner with my school tommorow, gonna be fun!) I thought I'll update my avatar and signature to fit the time, hopefully my sig isnt to big :P
Its gonna be a Galactic good christmas
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Quote from: Polygone on December 22, 2011, 07:05AM
Well, since christmas is approcahing (having a Christmas dinner with my school tommorow, gonna be fun!) I thought I'll update my avatar and signature to fit the time, hopefully my sig isnt to big :P
Its gonna be a Galactic good christmas

Lol I did the same with my sig, mine is like the same size to XD but Christmas is only like 3 days away so it will most likely be down shortly.

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December 22, 2011, 10:36AM #2509 Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 07:43PM by Nowhere Man
here are all the omegas I can remember:

- Confirmed
Marvel Girl
Madelyne Prior
Hope Summers
Mister Immortal
Scarlet Witch
Franklin Richards
Jamie Braddock
Quentin Quire
Mad Jim Jaspers
Mister M

- Potential
Magneto (which probably means Polaris is as well, jusy not nearly as developed)
Mikhail Rasputin
and now Psylocke, I guess
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@Polygone and MidnightPhoenix.

I would say those signatures are too big.
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This is better right? I kinda agreed with you, couldn't find anything better, until I saw these two pics :D

On a complete diffrent note, VAACAATIIOON :D, 2 weeks no school, no stress, only pure awesomness :D
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Quote from: Dihan on December 22, 2011, 06:34PM
@Polygone and MidnightPhoenix.

I would say those signatures are too big.

Can I keep mine up for like 2 more days? Since thats when Christmas is, then I will for sure change mine. :)

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@Nowhereman @MarvelFan
Wow i never new Iceman or magma was considered omega. Only time where i thought Magma was close to omega was in XML1 when she lost control over her powers in the danger room.

I knew Iceman was powerful but not omega how is he considered omega? Like what other stuff can he do other than freeze things,make ice,get moisture from the air and turn to ice etc,

Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 23, 2011, 07:51AM
Can I keep mine up for like 2 more days? Since thats when Christmas is, then I will for sure change mine. :)

Just this once.

Quote from: Jeanfan321 on December 23, 2011, 10:28AM
@Nowhereman @MarvelFan
Wow i never new Iceman or magma was considered omega. Only time where i thought Magma was close to omega was in XML1 when she lost control over her powers in the danger room.

I knew Iceman was powerful but not omega how is he considered omega? Like what other stuff can he do other than freeze things,make ice,get moisture from the air and turn to ice etc,

You see, the writers don't really know what to do with someone once they classify them as Omega because then they're too powerful. So what they do is they kill them off (Jean), write them out of certain plots (Elixir), or make them too stupid to realise their potential (Iceman).
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Well, seeing the date and all, let me grab this moment, to Wish Everyone a Very Happy Christmas and Fun Holidays!

Quote from: Suigetsu on December 24, 2011, 06:31AM
Well, seeing the date and all, let me grab this moment, to Wish Everyone a Very Happy Christmas and Fun Holidays!

Same here :), my mom got me Super mario land 3ds, Fight for the light DLC pack for DCUO, and another unknown gift :o

Of course, knowing my luck, the world went down right when I got the DLC pack xD
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Quote from: Polygone on December 24, 2011, 08:20AMmy mom got me Super mario land 3ds

Snap! Along with some other games.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

xD, I once went to the game store to look things up, and bought Mario kart 7, but had a hard time deciding, she probally knew :P
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