
How do you feel yourself? / General Talk about everything

Started by LX - Rampage, September 22, 2009, 10:09AM

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I feel like her getting her arm cut off was stupid, its just like a moment where, Oh we dont know what to do, oh hey lets cut Emma's arm off! Great idea!.... And if Colossus cant take the villain what makes Emma think she has a chance?

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Depends on who it was

Psycial wise, Colossus is stronger then both Emma and Emma Diamond form, however, mental wise, jk :)
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Hmm if you see carefully on the cover, she has both arms (you can see her fingers behind her leg)
I hate this entire idea of her missing arm, is really stupid but I'm sure that It wont last too long basically since Emma is currently the most important woman on Utopia along Storm and the real power behind it (I'm talking about the money little ones $$$ ;)).

Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on November 06, 2011, 09:43AM
oh emma, I wonder who is going heal her arm ?

I have a feeling that it will be related to:
a) Mr. sinister (he's a scientist after all) in order to cover his real plan.
b) Hope/Phoenix doing the same thing that Jean did when Emma's diamond form exploited. I'm pretty sure that this phoenix thing will be another I'm alive/now I'm dead (how original) storyline that perhaps will bring back Jean (which is good, I prefer her to that Hope girl). Another topic for discussion but as Marvel fan I'm not going to talk about it lol.

Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 06, 2011, 09:29AM
And if Colossus cant take the villain what makes Emma think she has a chance?

Hmm they used to be at the same level of strength hinted on world war hulk when they were able to fight Hulk with no harm (until he got rid of them one by one) Also Morrison created her diamond form to be equal to Colossus, I'm not really sure how powerfull is him no that he's the Juggernaut too, I just stopped reading Uncanny X-men on the fear itself storyline ^^
That's one of the things that I hate about the inconsistencies of her diamond form, some said that it's indestructible, the she was exploited because she has a flaw after all, and now her arm was cut.... Really?

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on November 06, 2011, 09:11AM
BTW anybody else love Sinister's new look?

I do! he looks more sophisticated.

I have to say that I kind of like the new variant on Emma's costume too.
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

November 06, 2011, 11:11AM #2434 Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 11:22AM by MarvelFan12345

So somebody is pregnant at the Jean Grey School. Who do you guys think it is? Right now I believe the signs are pointing to Kitty :) She'd be a good mom even if the dad is the newest avatar of Cytorrak

it pains me and makes me feel sad everytime i look at Emma with chopped arm. However im sure they will find a way to return her arm. Time Traveling, Healing, Time Warping, Phoenix Force Reconstitution. Im sure they will return her arm. They cant just have her with a robot one.

My guesses are
Shadowcat gets pregnant by something evil, look at her eyes.
More cyc's team vs wol's drama, maybe cyc, new laser power/controls?
Phoenix returns, this time has something to do with Hope.
Charlies dies? Or leaves or learns to walk?
And no comments on all does other nasty stuff.

I hope it's Kitty behind Jean she is my second fav character! I just hope its not some creepy baby XD, and Emma better get her arm back!

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I would give Emma's other arm for Cable and Nightcrawler/or at least one of them

funny factoid. well, in English you have the country Turkey, which is also the name of a bird. In Portuguese, the country Turkey is called Turquia and it's just the name of the country and nothing else. On the other hand Peru is the name of a country in English and nothing else, but in Portuguese the word peru also means turkey...the bird. Funny, huh? Just noticed that. :P
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Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 21, 2011, 05:59PM
funny factoid. well, in English you have the country Turkey, which is also the name of a bird. In Portuguese, the country Turkey is called Turquia and it's just the name of the country and nothing else. On the other hand Peru is the name of a country in English and nothing else, but in Portuguese the word peru also means turkey...the bird. Funny, huh? Just noticed that. :P

LOL That is pretty funny :)

And for all the comments above, Kitty is pregnant! Im excited, but not at the same time because knowing Marvel they will do something stupid and make it a freak baby or something, I kind of wish she could keep it and all that but the odds of that are slim :/

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 21, 2011, 06:27PM
LOL That is pretty funny :)

And for all the comments above, Kitty is pregnant! Im excited, but not at the same time because knowing Marvel they will do something stupid and make it a freak baby or something, I kind of wish she could keep it and all that but the odds of that are slim :/
It is exciting. Kitty would make a good mom (and headmistress ;)) Anyone read WATXM anyway? It's a really good book! Imagine mixing X-Men with Harry Potter in some ways.

Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 21, 2011, 05:59PM
funny factoid. well, in English you have the country Turkey, which is also the name of a bird. In Portuguese, the country Turkey is called Turquia and it's just the name of the country and nothing else. On the other hand Peru is the name of a country in English and nothing else, but in Portuguese the word peru also means turkey...the bird. Funny, huh? Just noticed that. :P

The word 'moron' in English refers to an idiot. In Welsh it refers to a carrot.
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cool! from now on I'm gonna start saying things like "you're such a carrot" :P
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Well carrots are strange :P
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