
Spiderman 3 Game (moddable?)

Started by rainy_de_lunche, April 21, 2007, 11:38AM

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ppl on famegaqs seem to think it could be moddable if someone found a way to open the "gamepacks" not sure wat this imeans...its something about the way the files are stored on the disk...hope?

i just beat the game yesterday and at the end u play as goblin...the tutorial where bruce cambell gives u "skystick 101" is actually really fun, but the part where there is fighting sucks...its moslty a cineractive thing to beat sandman...could have been much better. he should be unlockable, all his files are in the game anywas right? i was wondering if a) anyone played this on PC and b) if it might be possible to make goblin playable any time. sorry to keep this subject high on the boards but im not gettin any feedback at all on gamefaqs.

PC gamer review is 51% buggy video and audio needs patch bad (not my words)
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

its true, players are lucky to get 30 fps, i havent had truble with the audio though. there have been many demands for a patch but no ones heard if there will be and it's looking doubtful. Its to bad to because it could be a really great game

Well I'm setting here getting ready to go buy SpiderMan 3 and already feel disapointed.But because I'm going to buy games what other new games along these lines might be good?
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Quote from: rainy_de_lunche on June 21, 2007, 10:01PM
its true, players are lucky to get 30 fps, i havent had truble with the audio though. there have been many demands for a patch but no ones heard if there will be and it's looking doubtful. Its to bad to because it could be a really great game

I haven't heard of any games published by Activision have any patches recently... lol Otherwise, they should have fixed those stupid bugs/glitches in XML2!!! :soapbox:

i hadnt played xml2 but this relaly needs a was rushed and ended being a mediocre game

Ok frist impresstion the maps are huge and the city looks great big plus models look great as well, cutscenes not so good and run at a low framerate even with 3ghz processor,3gb ram.
Haven't ran into the audio problems as of now,the game does that crappy thing of button mashing in quick order like some of the boss battles in MUA,the game doesn't run in a line imo is great as I like free movement witch (could) set up for really neat modding.The game itself is not bad at all but needs afore mentioned patch to improve the framerate.
So all in all not bad at all (surprized) now scale of 1-10 rate it somewhere in 6 and a half to about 8   
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

i guess it wasnt a bad game but it was built up so much that it wasnt nearly as good as everyone thought it would be. Oh well