
Wishlist for more DLC packs

Started by Teancum, October 16, 2009, 04:57AM

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We'll be lucky if we get a 2nd DLC pack, let alone 3 or more, but a guy can dream, right?  Since I'm dreaming I came up with three more packs, each with what I think they should cost (in Microsoft Points).

My wishlist:

DLC Pack #2 - Story Unlockables 800MSP - 3 pro reg, 3 anti reg

  • :bishop: Bishop
  • :colossus: Colossus
  • :firestar: Firestar
  • :shehulk: She Hulk
  • :spiderwoman: Spider-Woman
  • :warmachine: War Machine
DLC Pack #3 - More new characters 800MSP

  • :genis: Captain Marvel
  • :dazzler: Dazzler
  • :docock: Doc Ock
  • :hawkeye: Hakweye
  • :moonk: Moon Knight
  • :nightcrawler: Nightcrawler
  • :vision: Vision
DLC Pack #4 - 3rd Alt Costumes for everyone 1200MSP -If you don't own DLC packs 1-3, you obviously don't see the alt costumes for those characters

Since this could be a long list, I'll just list the ones that come to mind:

  • :deadpool: Weapon X
  • :stark: Silver Centurion
  • :gambit: Classic
  • :spidergirl: Ben Reilly/2099/Scarlet Spider (take your pick)
  • :greengoblin: Movie
  • :iceman: Some sort of human form

Okay, well if these will be the next DLC stuff, then I would be happy aswell. Hoping for stuff like this

i really hope they put in jubilee i would love to see effects and for dlc i hope they put them all onto one disc and releases it for wii and ps2

I'd like to see more characters that were actually involved in the Civil War such as:


And even though the x-men werent that involved more of them is always a plus. I'd like:


I totally agree with Teancum, Nightcrawler at least should be DLC. He was awsome in previous games.
Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack on that motherf*cker's reflection
My Mods for XML2:

Very good list, but I would replace Captain Marvel with Nova and Dazzler with Cyclops.
My mods:
My mods in progress:
No time for modding at the moment, sorry.


Spider-Woman :spiderwoman:
She-Hulk :shehulk:
Cyclops  :cyclops:
Scarlet Witch :scarletw:
Hawkeye :hawkeye:
Elektra :elektra:

:phoenix: - New X-Men, Marvel Girl, 90s
:storm: - 70s/90s/Fantastic Four
:wolverine: - New X-Men
:iwoman: - Malice/Classic 80s
:gambit: - 90s/Reload
:capamer: - Secret War/Modern Bucky
:spiderman: - Secret War
:warbird: - Original 70s

cool i forgot i wanted scarletwitch

Quote from: Larcetin Zero on October 16, 2009, 09:40AM
Very good list, but I would replace Captain Marvel with Nova and Dazzler with Cyclops.

Seconded.  Futhermore, I'd rather have Hercules than Colossus!

October 17, 2009, 04:27AM #9 Last Edit: October 17, 2009, 04:41AM by SpongeSpider
Pack 2:

Bishop  :bishop: (Not playable on Anti until Civil War portion is over, same thing with Cable in Pack 1, except he's not playable on pro)
War Machine  :warmachine: (Not playable on Anti until Civil War portion is over)
Sandman  :sandman:
Hercules (Not playable on Pro until Civil War portion is over)

Pack also gives all playables third, fourth and fith costumes.

Pack 3:

Emma Frost  :emmafrost:
Nightcrawler   :nightcrawler:
Jubilee  :jubilee:
Rogue  :rogue:
Cyclops  :cyclops:

Pack 4:

Moon Knight  :moonk:
Nova  :nova:
Ghost Rider  :ghostr:
Doctor Octopus  :docock:
Elektra  :elektra:

Quote from: ZOS on October 16, 2009, 07:45PM
Seconded.  Futhermore, I'd rather have Hercules than Colossus!
You're right. That would make it almost perfect!
My mods:
My mods in progress:
No time for modding at the moment, sorry.

Characters I would like to see, in no particular order:

Emma Frost
Ghost Rider
Moon Knight
Dr. Strange
Black Panther

Some other things I would like to see:

Classic and Original costumes for everyone.  These aren't always the same, and any event where they would be, an alternate "classic" costume.  Like Wolverine, his classic could refer to either his brown and yellow one, or his blue and yellow one from Jim Lee.

I would like to see the "Hero selection menu" changed to "Character selection menu".  I am just absolutely sick of seeing villains playable in a "hero" game, and if they are going to keep having villains playable, they need to change their damn wording from "hero" to "character" in every instance there is.  It's wildly inaccurate to call jackasses like Nova, Venom, and Carnage "heroes".  I don't particularly like any of those characters, and to be honest if they disappeared from the game as playable characters I wouldn't cry over it.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Since when is Nova playable and also he is hero.

I think he meant that if Nova was a playable :P