
cyclops for DLC- petition

Started by khalan9, October 22, 2009, 06:09AM

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k guys as some of you may know the 5 new DLC chars were leaked. i wont say who but cyclops was not apart of it. on the MUA2 fourms they said:

Newslad: 'If you have a petition you want to start, I'd recommend doing it now, as those are the kinds of things we'll be taking into account if we do more DLC.'

so here is a link, if you  guys dont mind to do it please sign the petition here is the link:

thanks guys

Pass.  Cyc is a great character but there are a lot of others I'd take over him.

Quote from: Teancum on October 22, 2009, 06:40AM
Pass.  Cyc is a great character but there are a lot of others I'd take over him.
Agree! Definitely, if I would have to choose to sign petition for a MUA2 DLC I would sign rather for Nightcrawler...

EDIT: Btw,  400th post! :D Yay!
Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack on that motherf*cker's reflection
My Mods for XML2:

I signed, simple because he is such an important character in the Marvel Universe.
There are so many characters that have a chance for DLC, and I would be fine with almost all of them (Please no Emma Frost!)
My mods:
My mods in progress:
No time for modding at the moment, sorry.

Quote from: Larcetin on October 22, 2009, 07:54AMThere are so many characters that have a chance for DLC, and I would be fine with almost all of them

Good point.  Even though the DLC coming out isn't my favorite, I can't say I wouldn't have fun playing with them and any other characters that get released.

Thanks for the heads up, khalan9.

However, I see this as just another marketing campaign for the DLC. Fans will post links to petitions everywhere, which will advertise the DLC for the game at the same time.

Anything to get Cyke and Jean together!

Dude, I just hope they won't make him. I mean, I really don't need any other character from the exclusives. New characters, for me

Too me they have most of the great fan favs just few more need to be in. Cyke is one. Hawkeye isn't that great for me but should be in for others.

For me, I kinda hope they will just make new characters. The current DLCs aren't that good for me. Cable, Carnage and Psylocke is just good, but the other two...well I pass.

For me its only psylocke. Cable and BP manage to make it. Magneto is ok but no need for him really. Carnage couldn't care much for but he seems interesting to play as and looks very fun but character-wise I don't really lik him (it's hard to like psychopathic killers)

No, it's not! It's quite easy, I like him and Deadpool :D For me, Magneto will be just useless and Black Panther...well, I hope they will give him some good powers, then I will try him out.

October 22, 2009, 01:59PM #12 Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 02:04PM by MarvelFan12345
Yeah Panther is a good character but needs better attacks than last time. Something tells me however that he and Magneto will be revamped though. Cable should be like his boss but maybe a new power for his tk.

Now to stop spamming the thread. Cyclops for DLC!

I just hope Cable will be good, one of my favourites :D But really, I hope we would get someone totally else, if we get more X-Men or mutant.

I'd love for him to be a DLC character, only because I'm almost 100% that Cable is amongst the last three, and I'd love to play with him Jean and Cyclops :)

I'll sign!