
tommyboy2002's Mesh/Skin release thread:

Started by thetommyboy2002, December 16, 2006, 04:53PM

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Mmmmm Cannonball.... sexseh.

I don't know how your old Genis lined up against Warbird's skelie (i only used him w/ his skelie), but it looks to line up better. Very nice.

Yellow Jacket looks great again its the shadows and paint or how ever you do it?My fave skin in the whole game is Tigra, hope you don't think you need to fix her your the artist and emma looks cool how you can see into her.
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Compare and contrast:
My first take on the PSP exclusives:

And the newer versions of Clint, Natasha and Genis.

Natasha is still a W.I.P. as I still cant get that fecking gun to align correctly, but in all other respects she looks much better.
Clint looks superficially the same but I've tidied up the skin, added new upper armbands, fixed the collar so it doesnt clip the body.
Genis, as before is just better proportioned. Also note my fancy new hair base that I much prefer.

i kinda like ronins pose in the first one but other than that everthing is great

Quotei kinda like ronins pose in the first one
That's Elektra's pose, actually :P

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Duuuude! Now if only it was possible to find out why the head's all weird...

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Quote from: Noelemahc on March 15, 2007, 03:21AM
Duuuude! Now if only it was possible to find out why the head's all weird...

Or maybe they wont be uploaded after all...
If they'd assigned the fecking head to the head link, then mine wouldn't look weird...but nooooo, they have to mix the weighting of the head's vertexes between the head link and the neck link in a manner thats.......quite replicate. So it'll be a while till it gets done, if it's to not be "all weird".

Very Nice! Two things, though:
1) shouldn't Ult Widow have sun glasses, like Ult Hawk?
2) Yelena's hair looks.... odd. Maybe make it less poofy?

Tremendous work, dude.

PS: Dude, are you planning on making that Ult Widow mannequin compatible? (aka facing forward :D) She makes our fourth PSP mannequin.

Quote from: BliZZ on March 15, 2007, 12:06PM
Very Nice! Two things, though:
1) shouldn't Ult Widow have sun glasses, like Ult Hawk?
2) Yelena's hair looks.... odd. Maybe make it less poofy?

Tremendous work, dude.

PS: Dude, are you planning on making that Ult Widow mannequin compatible? (aka facing forward :D) She makes our fourth PSP mannequin.

1) Not in any of the reference pics I can find online, and not, I believe, in her PSP version. But I'm no expert on her. If enough people say she should have them, she'll get them.
2) Maybe. If you ask me her hair looks weird in all the reference shots too(not to mention being in a different style in virtually every picture). I'll see if it can be tweaked.

And yes, all four should be mannequin-able.

All this assumes I'll ever get the fecking head to work right, and I'm quite close to just saying "enough" and releasing them as is.
And I should forewarn that the minigun still doesn't quite line up with the FX for it. These may need to be adjusted a la Cable's eye, as I can see know way to make the mesh fit any better.

Hawk didn't always wear his glasses either, but when he did, she did.

are you able to modify the existing npc black widow skin to have guns?

Quote from: kfcrispy on March 15, 2007, 06:12PM
are you able to modify the existing npc black widow skin to have guns?
No. Not as far as I know, due to the fact that I cannot IMPORT MUA/XML/XML2 meshes into 3dsMax, only export the ones I make.
If someone else wants to rewrite all the herostat/npcstat entries and all her powers and talents it might be possible to use boltons for her knives/guns/etc, but I'm not doing it.