
MUA1 Character Mod Catalog

Started by Cates, April 28, 2007, 09:37PM

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November 13, 2007, 12:05PM #165 Last Edit: November 13, 2007, 12:07PM by Sasquatch
I don't know if this is the right place to ask but in the character who are write "This character requires X_Voice" .where i need to copy this file and i need to copy the full file or need to share that in some program ?
this explains it but  ill tell u how to do ...
say for gambit go into sounds folder then the eng folder then i folder then g folder and add x voice but rename it as igam_v.zss PM me if u need more help ...

Just a little question: is it possible to add new characters to danger room, without replacing any? (If there is a topic already, forgive me).
Canino passed away in April 2022. He will be dearly missed by the community

November 14, 2007, 08:14AM #168 Last Edit: November 14, 2007, 08:23AM by cvc
Canino you must be playing XML2 or 1 there is no dangerroom in MUA,but I think you can change what ever you want,check the XML2 forum they would know more.

EDIT:I found the problem with my Omegared it happened during renumbering as most who wanted it already had it I didn;t hear about it. 
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Quote from: Venom on November 13, 2007, 10:17PM
this explains it but  ill tell u how to do ...
say for gambit go into sounds folder then the eng folder then i folder then g folder and add x voice but rename it as igam_v.zss PM me if u need more help ...

thanks venom i will do this

November 21, 2007, 10:07PM #170 Last Edit: November 21, 2007, 10:14PM by BliZZ
idrinkdrpepper, since fully custom soundsets now seems to be within the realm of possibility, do you still want to consider mods that copy existing characters' voices as "complete"? Just wondering. Perhaps the "completed" mods should only be the ones with fully custom sounds as well, ie Gambit and Sunfire.

The 3 Classifications should perhaps be "Completed", "Work In Progress", and "Heavily Work In Progress", rather than simply labeling them as "stage"s; with "Completed" actually having everything (fully unique sounds, 4 unique skins, mannequin, etc), "Work in Progress" missing small things (ie copying an existing character's sounds or lacking sounds altogether, missing one skin, missing a mannequin), and "Heavily Work In Progress" being a lot of the really unplayable ones, as well as ones that are more proof-of-concept than actually completed mods.

I don't really understand. What's "stage 1", "stage 2" and "stage 3"

Stages depend on how complete the mod is. I'm assuming the higher number, the more complete it is. Stage 3 is near done or done, and Stage 2 still has necessities required, such as additional skins, loadscreens, and mannequins.

- Multiple Man:
(supposed to have everything, but duplication power has room for improving)

- Polaris v1.1:
(fixed chain-lighting power, made radials more agressive in order to make her less vulnerable, still lacks loadscreen)
- Havok v2.1:
(made power 2 chargeable, changed radial effects, included loadscreen)
- Marvel Girl v2.1:
(set to new numbering from 12505 to 12508, added glowing eye, no loadscreen, no fix for icon issues yet)

Could someone please update the first post of this topic to include my newest versions of Magneto and Venom? I won't be improving them for a while. Thanks.
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

Quote from: boreman on November 30, 2007, 09:32PM
- Multiple Man:
(supposed to have everything, but duplication power has room for improving)

- Polaris v1.1:
(fixed chain-lighting power, made radials more agressive in order to make her less vulnerable, still lacks loadscreen)
- Havok v2.1:
(made power 2 chargeable, changed radial effects, included loadscreen)
- Marvel Girl v2.1:
(set to new numbering from 12505 to 12508, added glowing eye, no loadscreen, no fix for icon issues yet)


Quote from: Dark_Mark on December 10, 2007, 03:05PM
Could someone please update the first post of this topic to include my newest versions of Magneto and Venom? I won't be improving them for a while. Thanks.

And done.

Also updated a couple of mods with different descriptions, and added Iron Fist and Toxin. If there are no notes about sounds, that means the character has a completed, unique soundset included within the mod (for stage 3/2, at least). I still think mods with re-used sounds shouldn't be in the third stage until they have custom ones, but I digress.

I downloaded the psp2  mod, but reading the readme file, it says:

"2: Download one of the 6 available herostats, depending on which 2 PSP characters you want to play with. Rename that file to 'herostat.engb' and place it in the 'data' folder in your Marvel Ultimate Alliance directory."

Where do I download those stats from?

Thanks a bunch!


Download the Official Characters mod (a few posts down from this topic).  It's got all the PSP characters plus all the 360 characters that have been completed.

Another quick question: is there any way I can get only a single or a couple of character from a given mod? Say, I want Nightcrawler and Capt. Marvel, But I don't want to install their whole mod. Anyway of doing that? Thanks again!

When you install the mod it comes with a program called heroselect.  Use it to choose which of the new and already existing heroes you'd like to play through the game as.