Modding rundown: Sound

Started by Noelemahc, December 05, 2006, 11:53PM

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November 15, 2007, 05:34PM #225 Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 05:43PM by Teancum
You have no idea how much you rock Winstrol!

By the way, Xbox and PC use the exact same HashIDs, so if anyone wants to build actual Hawkeye/Captain Marvel/Ronin/Black Widow we already know all of the HashIDs.  Now all we need is a Xbox->PC converter :P


It creates ~115kb files, but doesn't actually rip the raw sound data.  The wav type (before the file name) should be changed from 6A to 01, but I can do that.  Also, .wav should be .xbadpcm.  I'll keep testing, and thank you for helping me out.

I can confirm the following from the newest upload:

Rogue's sounds now work
Professor X's still don't (Or maybe it is just his xtreme that doesn't work? I am not sure)
Toad's still don't (Or maybe it is just his xtreme that doesn't work? I am not sure)
X-Man's cmdattack sounds still don't play

I haven't tested Sabretooth2/Pyro2, but with the knowledge that it might be possible to set up the PSP characters' sounds in their own files they might not even be necessary

night_v.zss w/Blindside Blitz as new Xtreme sound.  The quality is slightly lower, but it's all I can do.

It sounds reasonable enough to me. Thanks.

Quote from: Teancum on November 15, 2007, 05:34PM
It creates ~115kb files, but doesn't actually rip the raw sound data.  The wav type (before the file name) should be changed from 6A to 01, but I can do that.  Also, .wav should be .xbadpcm.  I'll keep testing, and thank you for helping me out.
are you using the same xbox x_voice you uploaded here?

(xbox) cable_v.zss sample (xml2splitx 5 x_voice.zss)

Do you have dlc doom's sound files? could upload it pls?

I'll test it out more.  Maybe it was just Gambit and Colossus that didn't work right.  Actually, those are the only two that I need for the Xbox MUA mod.

I *think* I've got the DLC ZSS files somewhere, but the problem is that all of the sounds inside are stored in .XMA format, which only the Xbox 360 can read.

DLC sounds:

(You'll find they aren't usable, as they are in .XMA format)

November 16, 2007, 06:25AM #232 Last Edit: November 16, 2007, 07:03AM by winstrol

about the hashs,
I was looking for references into the game.exe
and i found how they are used for the character selection menu:


EDIT: Only the first seems to be right, the second didn't work.

I think that those sounds are a little more complicated, though. For instance, an_nightcrawler and break_nightcrawler will ONLY play when the character's name is "nightcrawler", not "nightcrawlerdlc". On the other hand, an_sabretooth and break_sabretooth will ONLY play when the hero's name is "sabretooth_hero", not when it is "sabretooth".

Unless you are suggesting entering in something like:

will make the sounds play for "nightcrawlerdlc".

@ Winstrol -- my fault.  I forgot I modified my x_voice before you made the program.  I'll get the original of my XML2 game and test it out tonight.

Quote from: winstrol on November 16, 2007, 06:25AM

about the hashs,
I was looking for references into the game.exe
and i found how they are used for the character selection menu:


EDIT: Only the first seems to be right, the second didn't work.

There are multiple breaks per character, so
might be what would generate the hash

Winstrol, the Xbox program works great!  The HashIDs are off by two though.  For instance, Colossus's Respaffirm sounds go in this order:


But play in this order:

I can confirm this is it because victory6 will play xtreme2, which is two after it.

If you could fix this the program would be perfect.  Thanks again.

Alright, in case anyone cares, Sabretooth2 works with the newest version.

Also, Teancum, could you test out that theory? For instance, edit all the hashes in night_m (which has 11 power sounds) with hashes generated for Hawkeye, and see if they play in-game when the file is named as hwkeye_m? I'd do it, but I'm not exactly sure how to :runaway:

November 16, 2007, 03:54PM #238 Last Edit: November 16, 2007, 04:29PM by Teancum
Yeah, I'll see if I can get to it soon.  It makes me nervous to mess with that.  Not due to the _m, but the sheer amount of VO.  But I'll see what I can do.  BTW, don't publicly release night_v.zss yet.  I *think* I can get Blindside Blitz in there with better quality.

*edit* -- Nevermind on the Nightcrawler vo.  It turned out the same.

*edit 2*
I have Hawkeye's HashIDs, it's true, but it's 1000x easier to use Idrinkdrpepper's algorythm.  Trouble is I couldn't get it to compile in Visual C++ 2005

November 16, 2007, 06:01PM #239 Last Edit: November 16, 2007, 06:05PM by idrinkdrpepper
You might just want to wait to see if winstrol will create a compiler/decompiler program for the .zsm files.  We have everything needed to create our own .zsm files from scratch, which can simultaneously solve any sound-mismatch problems. 

We don't quite have everything needed to create our own .zss files because (besides the xtreme), we don't know the full filename for the powers listed in [char]_v.  The way to find out is by finding a file (maybe a conversation or powerstyle or Game.exe?) that references the sounds in [char]_v.  Another way is by guess-and-check.  What this means is that you guess the filename, turn it into hash and then do a search on the [char]_v file for that hash.  If you find that hash in the header, then you've guessed correctly.

For a C++ Compiler I used Bloodshed's Dev-C++.