Modding rundown: Sound

Started by Noelemahc, December 05, 2006, 11:53PM

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It works on everything. It's just that what I have been using before worked only on speech, not music.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

For the fun of it: the announcements in Stark Towers of Act 1, order of appearance.
"Mr. Stark, there's a Harold Hogan on line 2 for you."
"Mr. Stark, there's a Miss Bambi and Miss Heather here in the main lobby to see you."
"The nanotechnology team will be meeting in the optronics lab."
"Colonel Fury, Red Rolston is on line 6." {don't ask me about the speeling, please, the BG noises make it quite hard to make out some of the names accurately}
"Warning, a small thermonuclear device is missing. And Deadpool was last seen in the weapons lab."
"Preston is on line 5, Colonel Fury."
"Miss Heather and Miss Bambi are still waiting for you in the main lobby, Mr. Stark!"
"Johnny Storm would like to announce that today is Ben Grimm's 65th birthday! Happy birthday, Mr. Grimm!"

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

I did listen closely to the P.A. system in Stark Tower and laughed!  I must have missed the one involving Deadpool.  And that Johnny Storm...always a kidder and busting Thing's chops.  The call for Fury was from "Reb" Rolston, who served under Fury in the Howling Commandos as Pvt. Robert "Rebel" Rolston.  I wanna know what the Howling Commandos ate and drank since Dugan is still active and Rolston is still around.  I know Cap had the Super Soldier Serum and didn't Fury have the Infinity Formula or something?  What kept these others so fit?

It's funny when my kids (6 and 4) watch me play.  They call the P.A. announcer the "crazy lady" since she just keeps repeating.  And they wonder why Bambi (the deer from Disney) wants to see Mr. Stark.  Ah...the innocence of youth!

March 07, 2007, 08:55AM #48 Last Edit: March 07, 2007, 09:00AM by GuyIncognito
Quote from: DiamondDave on March 07, 2007, 08:32AM
I know Cap had the Super Soldier Serum and didn't Fury have the Infinity Formula or something?  What kept these others so fit?

Fury had the Infinity Formula (which was an attempt recreate the lost Super Soldier Serum).

However Cap got hit with something called a Vita-Ray Projector in addition to the Super Soldier Serum which made the effect of the serum permanent.

Hmmm... just had a thought. Would linking to sounds from other chars' sets (for the power sounds) work for PSP chars?

/goes to check

The short answer: yes. Got the sounds for Stark's first power working on Marv's first power.

March 08, 2007, 03:38PM #51 Last Edit: March 08, 2007, 03:43PM by Burning Rage
Would it crash the game though if you had both characters loaded at the same time, since they are using the same sound references?  I had problems when I had some of Emma's files referencing some of Phoenix's.  When I used both characters at the same time, the game would crash.  I wasn't sure if it was because of the sounds, or the attack animations.  After that, I dumped the sound idea and made a new directory for Emma's effects.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Nope. Stark and Marv run fine simultaneously. Just gave his version of Nano Assault (Star somesuch) Stark's sounds. Woohoo, Marv is much funner with sounds :D Gonna go find good sounds for his other moves now.

Ronin's should be easy, since most of her moves are stolen from others. Hawkeye... gives me pause. Widow.. meh, I don't really use her and (if I her do her at all) she'll be last :P

Damn. I've hit a snag. Turns out the char whose sounds I use HAS to be on the team for them to work. *%&$. Gotta see if I can make them 'common', like the charge sound (which, oddly enough, every playable references from the common area EXCEPT for the PSPers, who have them built into their individual sound files.)

Fuck, I am on FIRE tonight. I can't figure out how to make Stark/Thor's sounds common. BUT, I broke down a whole other mystery.

Wanna get your XML2 chars to respond when you select them, make banter about pwning baddies, and yell out when they xtremalize? Shazam!

The makeup of XML2/MUA sounds are very different, and XML2 stores ALL of this for ALL chars (including PSPers!) in x_voice! So, copy XML2's x_voice, and rename it to char_v! For example, Cannonball's is cball_v. (O course, its 114 megs, so if you wanna do this for ALL XML2 chars, you're gonna need about 2 gigs :-X)

Testing Cannonball is MUCH more fun with his voice!

Now I'm off to see if I can solve this whole 'common' problem :P

March 08, 2007, 05:27PM #55 Last Edit: March 08, 2007, 05:30PM by Burning Rage
What about the XML1 voices?  Don't suppose it would work the same, would it?  *hopeful for Emma's and Betsy's voices*  Copy it for each character?  I'll make that sacrifice for Rogue and company (external hard drive FTW!).

EDIT:  I know the file is huge as hell, but I don't suppose only hexing out the playables you want from XML2 and saving it as it's own file would work, would it?  Or do you think the game would not recognize the new file?
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

March 08, 2007, 05:30PM #56 Last Edit: March 08, 2007, 05:35PM by BliZZ
Sorry, we're outta luck there as we have PC format sounds for XML2, but only PS2/XBOX/GC sounds for XML1, which we have yet to crack ;)

EDIT: Eh, as for hexing, I don't think that'd work. I don't know very much about the make-up of the file (how the sounds are stored, etc.), but I'd imagine just hexing out various bits wouldn't be very good for it :D

Has anyone compared/contrasted the XML2 PC and XML2 Xbox sounds to find out the differences yet?  I'm sure the format couldn't be that different from XML1.  I know Noel was screwing around with the XML1 sounds, but I don't know everything that has been done with them.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Awesome work on the XML2 voices. They add a bit of depth to remove that creepy silence going on with those characters.

One question though- Can anyone figure out gambit's proper directory for this purpose. I've tried igam_v, and even resorted to trying gambit_v, and they simply aren't working for me. Any ideas?

Uh... igam_v works for me. Do you have his sound defined as igam_m in herostat?