

Started by Nowhere Man, November 25, 2009, 10:17AM

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Does anybody here like it? I just figure I should never underestimate the tween audiences.
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No. Nope. Na-a. No way. Not gonna happen.

To tell you the truth, I hate it. It's just so boring and gloomy. And that guy, who is loved by those poor girls (poor, because if they love this guy, then they don't know any other guy), well, he is so simple. Nothing extra in him. Overally, I think it's not as good, as mostly people think. (Sorry, but I just really hate this stuff)

I don't like it either. In fact it's very hard to find any guy or adult person who does. I'm asking just to figure if the huge box office is really just cause of tween girls watching it over and over and over and over again or if lots of people really like it. Cause Titanic is the highest grossing movie all time and only tween girls at the time reeeeally like it. I hate it to this day and think it should be ilegal to play "My Heart Will Go On" ever again.

I figure the tweens only like it cause of Robert just like with Titanic it was Leo DiCaprio.
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 25, 2009, 10:33AM
I don't like it either. In fact it's very hard to find any guy or adult person who does. I'm asking just to figure if the huge box office is really just cause of tween girls watching it over and over and over and over again or if lots of people really like it. Cause Titanic is the highest grossing movie all time and only tween girls at the time reeeeally like it. I hate it to this day and think it should be ilegal to play "My Heart Will Go On" ever again.

I figure the tweens only like it cause of Robert just like with Titanic it was Leo DiCaprio.
Well yeah. Only exception, that I'm a teenager boy and I like Titanic. I watched once or twice but I just couldn't watch it more. Well, Twilight is something, well strange. People in my country compares this to Harry Potter. Well, almost every teen girl loves Twilight, but I haven't heard about it before the film (because there are books aswell). Unlike Harry Potter, because it was something big before the films. So, in one sentence: The two of these are not alike, because Harry Potter is really good and Twilight is a big load of....something and mostly girls love it because of this Robert "The Loser Vampire" Pattinson (who played Cedric in Harry Potter 4 movie, if I know it well).

i personally found the book's ok, but they were ultimately a downward spiral. and sparkly vampires, seriously? i haven't even brought myself to watch the second movie, mostly because the first was horrible. trying to appeal to teens, it tried to mimic their lives by turning its self into a giant awkward moment. speak for yourself, but i'd rather not be worrying about the little problems of horribly overpaid actors. conclusion: books; ok||movies; not great.

there's my two cent's worth. i don't know if all of it makes sense because i just woke up.

I never really cared about Twilight.
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I don't seriuosly like Twilight at all, but I have nothing against anyone who likes it... One of my best friends loves it and she just keeps on talking about it, all the time -.-
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Pretty boring, huh?

Quote from: ThePhoenix on November 25, 2009, 11:38AM
I don't seriuosly like Twilight at all, but I have nothing against anyone who likes it... One of my best friends loves it and she just keeps on talking about it, all the time -.-

Sounds like my 16 year old sister... :rofl:

since we're on the subject I once again wanna show you a Marvel/DC video. This time a parody of Twilight :D
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

This makes my day more brighter :D

Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 26, 2009, 06:53PM
since we're on the subject I once again wanna show you a Marvel/DC video. This time a parody of Twilight :D

*laughs crazily*


Quote from: Death the Kidd on November 25, 2009, 10:42AM
Well yeah. Only exception, that I'm a teenager boy and I like Titanic. I watched once or twice but I just couldn't watch it more. Well, Twilight is something, well strange. People in my country compares this to Harry Potter. Well, almost every teen girl loves Twilight, but I haven't heard about it before the film (because there are books aswell). Unlike Harry Potter, because it was something big before the films. So, in one sentence: The two of these are not alike, because Harry Potter is really good and Twilight is a big load of....something and mostly girls love it because of this Robert "The Loser Vampire" Pattinson (who played Cedric in Harry Potter 4 movie, if I know it well).

Harry Potter was really better than Twilight. I read the first few chapters of the book and got bored then watched the movie and fell asleep after 5 minutes. Where Harry Potter always had tons of action in it. Harry Potter keeps you wanting more.
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Bad books, turned into worse movies in my opinion.

Robert Patterson wants to play Magneto in the Origins movie... Ridicule I say... Somebody shoot him. I hope he doesn't get the role....