
Marvel Movies News

Started by Nowhere Man, December 17, 2009, 02:53PM

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new concert art for the cap and thor movies released

and a new image from the thor movie:

Whoa, cool! When I first saw the pics, I though it was some kind of new loadscreens for the game :D I can't for them :) But I'm kinda sad. I mean, there's no one near me, who knows as much of these characters as me (I mean, in my city of course). And after the films, everyone will act like they know everything, although they will only know about the stuff in the films (like when the X-Men films came out). It's annoying, when some acts all high and mighty, while they don't even know what they are talking about.

So you CAN punch em back. It is really annoying indeed yeah. (its in my city 2) But just let it flow a bit, it takes just a few weeks and they probally talk about another movie XD

i just cant wait for the movie.
meanwhile, im juggling salt, inception, sorcerer's apprentice (im watching all three with in this month!)
LAB sucked!!!
CHECK OUT <a href=",3593.0.html">;MY BOOSTERS</a> (I NO LONGER MOD)

They look great and would be awesome loadscreens for the game too.

Quote from: shadowslacks on July 21, 2010, 07:20AM
i just cant wait for the movie.
meanwhile, im juggling salt, inception, sorcerer's apprentice (im watching all three with in this month!)
LAB sucked!!!
at risk of getting off-topic, be sure to see the inception. it's a really great movie.

I think the helmets are good. Now, only the story and the effects, what I wait to see :)

Quote from: tymaca321 on July 21, 2010, 08:02AM
Whats LAB?

At risk of getting off-topic again :P. Whats LAB?

Yes! Hawkeye! I hope they can make his classic costume!

Quote from: tymaca321 on July 24, 2010, 08:56AM
At risk of getting off-topic again :P. Whats LAB?

Nevermind then :P

Now to think about it, im kinda sad about Loki not having his green yellow costume. Im curious on how Hawkeye will look on screen, since im pretty darn sure its not gonna be his classic costume

Okay, if not his Classic, than something like his Ultimate will do. But please, make it better than any X-Men's outfit. To be more precise, make it more comic-like