Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Started by ragincajun, April 20, 2010, 07:45PM

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Wait ok so if you preordered mvc3 from gamestop, you can just go to any gamestop and pick it up, or does your game get sent by mail, or does it go to a spacific gamestop, and do you need proof?

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Not sure but sadly mine was ordered from Amazon so it will be a few days for me.

Im still confused tho, but what ever, see for me I want it NOW lol

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Characters Endings from this user:
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

They most not have them all, because Hsein doesnt have one, Phoenix doesnt have one, Tron doesnt, Aruther doesnt, Zero doesnt etc

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on February 11, 2011, 04:09PM
They most not have them all, because Hsein doesnt have one, Phoenix doesnt have one, Tron doesnt, Aruther doesnt, Zero doesnt etc
I liked Wolverine's, Ryu's, Trish's (poor Nightcrawler lol), and X-23's.

I liked Hulk's lol, but I thought they would be animated, I have to say this were kind of boring

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Taskmaster's is pretty good too (has a bunch of females like Jean, Shulkie, Chun-Li, etc)

February 11, 2011, 07:51PM #563 Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 08:00PM by LarsAlexandersson
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

February 13, 2011, 09:42AM #564 Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 09:51AM by midnightphoenix123
Here is Phoenix's ending, for those of us who wanted Jean to go a little bad :P

And now we know who cause Marvel zombies lol plus Phoenix is in it

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hello everyone !!
especially  :phoenix: fans right there,
it's glad to be back here,
it's been a very very long time,
I have stopped modding and even I've almost completely forgotten how to do this and that in modding,
if people are still interested I might fix my mods for a release ( I have Jean and simple mods for Beast and X-23)
right now MvC3 is my current obsession, why? you know the answer :D

I've played the game since the past 3 days and to be honest, actually I'm quite dissatisfied with the roster though the inclusion of Phoenix is still definitely a plus. I wasn't so pleased about her moveset when she was revealed as a completely fiery Phoenix rather than Jean with some TK,telepathic and phoenix powers. (her aerial special looks ridiculous, she breathes fire from her mouth !!)
After playing as her for many times (I know the low stamina issue and such things), she's my main now, despite having that crappy health, she's truly a beast once she becomes Dark Phoenix. Even beating Galactus on Hard mode is easy if Dark Phoenix remains as the last character on your team.

about the gameplay, no words can describe it, it's completely insane !! at first it feels somewhat slower in close melee combat than Tatsunoko vs Capcom (you can't repeat the same attack button twice for most characters). But once you've learned some stuffs and get used to it, wow it's a blast and very fast.
The main reason why I'm unhappy with the roster is due to the lack of essential characters like Megaman,Cyclops,Venom,Strider,Miss Marvel,Gambit,Frank West,Captain Commando and many others while some obscure and undeserving characters made it into the game (Shuma Gorath,Taskmaster,Dormammu,Modok,Akuma,Sentinel,Hsien Ko,Felicia,Spencer,Super Skrull.)

also why is She Hulk the only female Marvel rep outside the X-Men? where's Ms Marvel, Spiderwoman and the others?
X23 made it into the game which brings up the number of X-related characters to 7 but there's no Cyclops, their very own leader ? (I enjoy playing as her though)
Dormammu isnt even famous and we're getting another Dr Strange villain without himself being in?
Shuma Gorath is the most obscure Marvel character ever and he looks stupid
Taskmaster is the second most obscure char and I dont understand why he made it in while there is no Spidey villain
both Felicia and Hsien Ko suck like hell, there are many better Capcom chars
Sentinel is a freakin generic robot, there are hundreads of them !! screw his god tier status from MvC2
and so on...............

Overall, the roster is superior gameplay-wise (character wise it's quite awful) ,there are almost no clones (Akuma is the closest one I think), everyone plays differently, besides Jean/Phoenix, I mostly play with X-23, Chun Li, Dante, Wolverine, Storm, Zero, Deadpool and Chris.
those are my favorites in the game
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

so you have actually played them game? See I am happy Hsein made it in she looks fun to play, and what do you mean you can hit the same button twice like hit x,x,x? or do you have to go x,b,x? for xbox example...

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Thanks for the info. Jean does seem like the character who once you get past the health issue, she is a total beast. Her ending (which I saw a few days ago) was typical and not a suprise. She also appears in Magneto's, Taskmaster's, Wesker's, and Deadpool's endings.

I mean in previous games you can do low,down low,med,down med,high attacks, now for most characters it is restricted to low,med,high or downlow,down med,down high.
I liked Hsien Ko too but after playing as her in the game I don't know how to use her effectively, her launcher has terrible range and her normal attacks push enemy away a bit which makes it hard to launch them into the air,she's also somewhat slow and floaty.
Dark Phoenix is a true monster, its funny how people considered Jean as the weakest character because of her health but after seeing videos of her as Dark Phoenix becoming the last member of the team and activating x factor, they once again think that Phoenix is broken and her health needs to be nerfed even more. She could fill the entire screen with endless projectiles and the chip damage could easily kill enemies. Also as both Phoenix and DP, her normals have great ranges and teleporting is definitely a good way to attack enemies from behind or above
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

Phoenix sounds like she will be fun to play :) and does she have a lvl 5 super attack combo thing, lol, or is it just to come back as DP?

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