Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Started by ragincajun, April 20, 2010, 07:45PM

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I haven't been able to get past most character's third or fourth missions. For about two or three characters I've gotten to the 5th or 6th missions but I haven't played this game for a long time.

I havent played it for a long time either, and I have the same problem as you... For me unfourtantly I think we got a little to worked up for this game :/

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I think it's those areal combo. If you don't do it perfectly, and by perfectly, I mean "super human speed", they block and ruin the whole thing. I was looking forward to learning the characters that way, but noooo.  :deadpool:

I think i know why the DLC chars was not planned. Even so it's because of Japan's disaster which is regarding a future DLC of it, right now the producer Niitsuma wants to add more characters, such suggestion of R. Mika from SFA3, all Megaman & Darkstalker characters:
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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News in Eventhubs due some of the PSN outage, & i'll have to say Capcom's Seth's boss named Svensson also frustated too & on a side note, we will wait the PSN outage over til May 31:
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

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Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

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:) Spiderwoman, Ms Marvel, and Frank West I like this :D

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Same here. Marvel needs more females and Ms. Marvel and Spider-Woman are two of the best choices.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 23, 2011, 09:28AM
Same here. Marvel needs more females and Ms. Marvel and Spider-Woman are two of the best choices.

I agree, although I wouldnt mind seeing Emma in there

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Niitsuma attending San Diego Comic-Con 2011, MvC3 plans?

Sorry, but these are from Twitter's of Eventhubs
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

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We better get more people, I hardly ever play it any more because I got bored of playing the same people :/

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MvC3's producer attending Comic-Con for business reasons
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

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I cant beleive their really going to keep adding on to MVC3. Theres so many people that got bored with it so fast. I hope they add several things to bring everyone back to it.

Quote from: Scabbia on July 08, 2011, 10:49PM
I cant beleive their really going to keep adding on to MVC3. Theres so many people that got bored with it so fast. I hope they add several things to bring everyone back to it.
Agreed. They seem to be building up to something but not sure what.