Future for X-Men Movies Ideas

Started by MarvelFan12345, June 22, 2010, 09:39PM

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Just post what you want in future movies.

Jean, Scott, and Xavier resurrected. Jean without Phoenix personality, but she still has the great power (but isn't as ruthless and can fly, create Phoenix raptors, create shields, and do much more with telepathy) and adopts Phoenix as a codename.

New characters

Psylocke (British then Asian later on), Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Polaris, Havok, Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister, New Emma Frost (the Emma in Wolverine ceases to exist).

Also return of Sabretooth, Scott and Jean marry, all cured mutants gain their powers back, Rogue's powers come back as well but under her control, Gambit joins the team, Colossus and Kitty, Xavier goes to a cloned body and can walk.

i dont like scott\cyclops cuz he is mean to the team and is not a good leader storm is the better choice for the leader

well storm isnt a bad choice for a leader, ut despite me being a storm fan, i cant help but think that storm should stay as the second leader. idk but dont get me wrong, storm has great leadership skills but perhaps im being old school, and androcentric lol
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storm has lead the X-men once before and did a good job to

June 30, 2010, 09:05AM #4 Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 09:43AM by Jeanfan321
I personally think Storm is as good of a leader as Scott.The only thing i don't like about him is that if Jean gets hurt he rushes over to her to protect her.if it was Rouge he'll take his time going over there.Storm is a loving person (although you don't wanna get on her badside :P) so she cares if anyone on her team gets hurt not just 1 person

Well that is because he loves her although Storm would go for anyone. I personally think Storm has more potential and doesn't become a dictator but if you want to go comic-book style it would be Scott.

Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 30, 2010, 09:05AM
I personally think Storm is as good of a leader as Scott.The only thing i don't like about him is that if Jean gets hurt he rushes over to her to protect her.
thats just what scott whould do.Storm is the better pick

the actor who played Beast in first class reportedly just got fired because he's just a few years younger than Magneto and Xavier and they're looking for a younger actor.... Could Emma still be a student ? is first class non canon from XMO wolverine?
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

No they are in the same universe.

I wanna see some other X-men in action like Jubilee. And where is Emma Frost? Also Wolverine and Jubilee should start going on missions together again.

there's actually a scene in one of the movies with a character that is dressed like jubes but not really important to the story in any way XD

Did anyone see this before? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116401/
I seen it here in Hungary, though I don't remember much :D

ive heard about it but never saw since emma is in it ill watch it

I saw it, it was horrible!! But I did like Banshee.

I've heard really bad stuff about the movie.