
The Marvel Mods Solo Tournament

Started by Cates, August 04, 2010, 06:03AM

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Welcome to the new players!

I haven't had much time to play this week. Ghost Rider got very boring, so even though he's not dead, I'm moving back to Mr. Fantastic for a while. Always loved playing with Stretcho, so here's hoping Round II works out better than the first one now that I have some experience running the game like this.

Anybody wants to play GR, feel free. I just got sick of "charge-BLAST" "charge-BLAST" "charge-BLAST" over and over ;)

hes gonna be my second choice once i finish with wolvy,but unfortunaly i havent unlocked hard mod yet so wolvy will have to wait :(
My deviant art page!!!
$$$ $$$

just download the save file who unlocks all costumes chars and modes, its easy to find on google

Had a good, long session with Reed, who, I'm happy to say, is faring much better this time.

Level 32, Temple of Negrete.

I'm much better prepared with Reed this time.  Though the primary powers I'm using are his Elastic Crush (for ranged attacks) and Rubberband Recoil for bosses and tough baddies, I've made lots of use of one-point wonders--the propeller arms are great for popping enemies up and over railings, and only a single point is needed in that for that effect. I only have one point in his boost as well, since only the duration improves and I don't mind recasting it when I need to.  I have also used Pinball for some fast travel and a speedy run through the Dum Dum Dugan Gauntlet. He was barely damaged by the time I got to the save point.

If I can find a way to beat Krang and Byrrah, Reed will surpass the Hulk as my Character Who Has Lived The Longest.

BTW -- Holy Crap, a dual-sword wielding Atlantean Defender with Enhanced Damage can really do a number on your health meter!

As Jeanfan123 can't play MUA for now I think I'll book Jean (that is if it is within the rules and if Jeanfan doesn't mind). If its ok with him and the rules then I'll use the booster that I co-created with Whiteking for her.

Finished the game (outside of the competition) with 4 characters, so I'm in again. I'm using Moon Knight now, and I just beat Crimson Dynamo (lvl 30). I gave a quick look at the topic and it seems he was still free, if not let me know.
Moon Knight seems like a solid character: he's one of the best boss killers in the game (thanks to Nunchucks and Lunar Eclipse), has got some decent support powers (Boomerang and Staff Slam work great against regular enemies), a boost that enhances his attack (the new one made by iammingy) and another that raises his ability to dodge attacks. Finally, his Classic costume gives him Regeneration (which will help mainly against tough enemies, against whom I'll just block until my health is full in case of extreme danger) and a boost to his attack speed.
The only thing missing is an ability to move faster, but the new "glide" ability helps a bit.

Just defeated Arcade and on my way to Mephisto's Realm with Sabretooth, level 35

Oh I forgot about this..... I'm going back right now.

Just defeated Fin Fang Foom. My tk shield protected me from all of Bullseye's projectiles and even from Radioactive Man and Winter Soldier.

I am about to free the gods in Asgard, I am still playing as Moonstone (level 43). I've also played 3 of the side missions. I've had a few close calls, especially in Mephisto's realm, but her phasing ability has really saved my butt.

@marvelfan12345 yeah you can use Jean.I don't feel like playing MUA anymore since I use to play it 24.7.when I comeback I'll probably use Songbird Or Psylocke

------      ----------      -----      -------------
Whiteking      Emma Frost      37      Asgard
edward         Cable           32      Atlantis
Fox456         Captain Marvel  35      Mephisto's realm
Dihan     Iceman     32      Atlantis
Marvelfan12345 Jean Grey       30      Stark Tower
Cates          Mr. Fantastic   33      Temple of Negrete     
storm305       Moonstone       43      Asgard
Me             Sabertooth      33      Atlantis
------          -------------      -----      ----------------
Fox456          Human Torch      30      Killed following the fight with Radioactive Man/W. Soldier
Cates           Mr. Fantastic    30      Killed by health regenerating Doombot on helicarrier.
Monitor         Vision           30      Bullseye
Dihan           Iceman           30      Bullseye
Gevth           Dr. Doom         30      Bullseye
Gevth           Magneto          30      Dead Dum Dum Dugan
Cates        Hulk        31    Killed by Krang and Byrrah
Cates      Dr. Strange    31    Dead Dum Dum Dugan
Fox456          Human Torch      32      Killed by Krang and Byrrah
Gevth           Dr. Doom         32      Killed by Krang and Byrrah
Gevth           Hawkeye          32      Killed by Krang and Byrrah
mccordlarsen Hope Summers     30      Phased through the floor
tymaca321       Quicksilver      31      Dead Dum Dum Dugan
Gevth           Magneto          31      Killed by Mandarin's minions
Fox456          Silver Surfer    34      Killed by Mandarin
LegionODoom     Angel            35      Killed by Mandarin

I'm going to play again, because it appears that storm305 want to steal the crown of the Bitch Reign from Emma and me :P
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

I'm dropping out of this. I don't play the game enough to catch up.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

By the way I'm going to free Heimdall(?), mmm the god with a horn, If I remember a non-flying character can't access to the area where the horn is located, so can I choose anohter hero only to this mission or continue without this mision??
storm305 I have a question ^^, how were you able to reach level 43 so soon?, I mean i'm near to the same point than you (rescue the asgard gods) and I've played 3 sides missions too (included Emma's own mission) and I'm still at level 38...
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5