X-Men: Destiny

Started by Nowhere Man, October 07, 2010, 03:14PM

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Quote from: Pentasaurus on July 24, 2011, 05:41AM
Some of the models, such as Emma, Toad and Juggs, would look great in MUA. 

Is it sad that, after seeing the gameplay trailers, the first thing I thought of was what could possibly be used for MUA?

Yeah I'm not that interested too... maybe if you could customize your character on his/her look as well or create your own character would be more interesting... still an X-men game without the X-men playable is not one that I would buy...
And yes hehe I thought the same "mmm maybe the models can be used on MUA!" lol!
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

Hmm it makes me wonder if I should even buy this game.especially since you can't play with the xmen or brotherhood.if would hav been awesome if you wanted to join the brotherhood you get to play as some or all of the brotherhood same with the xmen.I don't want these 3 characters they seem like non factors nd I wanna know who's bright idea was this

well its coming out in the  UK in September so i hope they add some more adjustments and they said that there might be some more x men coming but for now all we can do is wait

im actually looking forward to this because you don't have to be a fixed char and follow their story line you can choose (would have liked a thing where you can change appearance)  and customize your powers like i said before all we can do now is wait :)   :rogue: :phoenix: :storm:

I'm totally OK with only three, entirely new characters. It's a lot easier to "unite" with the character.

Graphics look awful. It looks like a late PS2 game.

Quote from: Teancum on July 27, 2011, 05:18PM
Graphics look awful. It looks like a late PS2 game.

yh compared to MUA2 it looks bad... but power display looks alright

The graphics aren't the most important part of the game, at least for me. As long as it's fun to play, I don't care about anything else

To me it seems like you can get certain powers from the x-men or brotherhood using the whole x-gene thing, but I like the fact that you get to play as a whole new character and that you get to choose your storyline, because then it makes you "feel" like your in the game, not living it through some pre-existing characters.

The only thing is I'm not a big fan of the power categories you get to choose from.  I guess if I played the game I'd choose the dark matter, or energy ones.  But I think that they should have made the categories bigger, like Psionic, Physical, Mystical, and Natural.

-Psionic allows powers involving psi, telekinetic, and force field. 
-Physical allows powers involving strength, speed, melee, ninja, density (tough or phase) or even things that alter appearance, like morphing and such. 
-Mystical is magic, energy based powers, shadow powers, and teleportation, those type of powers.
-Natural covers things like the elements, like ice, fire, air, water, earth, weather, electricity, or metal, those types of powers.

I think that those categories would cover a broad spectrum, not saying that they should put all those powers in those categories, but just an idea of what I'm thinking.  Each category I think would give different styles, like psionic is defensive, but also allows you to stand at a distance and fight.  Physical is mostly brute force, allowing characters to get close to enemies without taking a lot of damage.  Mystical is mostly defensive kind-of a mid range and and some quick melee attacks.  And natural is defensive and offensive.
MY deviantART account: http://blacklynxkuroi.deviantart.com/

Is X-Men Destiny going to be for PC too? (i don't know if i already asked lol)

No one knows. It's not announced on the PC, but they may make it after it is released or something

ah this game looks freakin ugly, this should have never been made, they should stick to the already successful and well received XML and MUA series
even XML2 and MUA1 on PSP looks better than this
the only thing that looks good is the Emma Frost model because the last time we see her appearance in a game was in XML and XML2 6-7 years back. I miss her cape though
and that Wolverine model looks as bad as his model in X2 : Wolverine's revenge for PS2, his worst look in many years
Nightcrawler's costume made him look like a street beggar
the 3 playable chars look boring as hell and their powers are even worse.  seriously no telekinesis,teleportation,weather control or telepathy ?
wbat's even worse is that Storm, Jean and Rogue are not even in the game while they put some of the new 2000s mutants in it and the X-Men are not even playable??
not much customization and no playable X-Men ? that has to be the worst use of the X-Men license next to X-Men : Ravages of Apocalypse
if they allow us to pick more powers and customize the character's looks this game wouldn't suck as much as it looks now
Soul Calibur and even WWE had much better customization features
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

Quote from: nshinnosuke on September 10, 2011, 09:40AM
ah this game looks freakin ugly, this should have never been made, they should stick to the already successful and well received XML and MUA series
even XML2 and MUA1 on PSP looks better than this
the only thing that looks good is the Emma Frost model because the last time we see her appearance in a game was in XML and XML2 6-7 years back. I miss her cape though
and that Wolverine model looks as bad as his model in X2 : Wolverine's revenge for PS2, his worst look in many years
Nightcrawler's costume made him look like a street beggar
the 3 playable chars look boring as hell and their powers are even worse.  seriously no telekinesis,teleportation,weather control or telepathy ?
wbat's even worse is that Storm, Jean and Rogue are not even in the game while they put some of the new 2000s mutants in it and the X-Men are not even playable??
not much customization and no playable X-Men ? that has to be the worst use of the X-Men license next to X-Men : Ravages of Apocalypse
if they allow us to pick more powers and customize the character's looks this game wouldn't suck as much as it looks now
Soul Calibur and even WWE had much better customization features

you can customize your powers with costumes and "x-genes" from existing characters

does the x-genes really make that much difference to the 3 basic powers?
I mean, like the density control one plus Emma's x-gene can we have Diamond form or telepathy?
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

I dont mind having those custom players but, that's so stupid to me that the game is called "X-Men Destiny" but you can't play with any of the X-men or brotherhood.
I don't think i'll get this game when it comes out.I mean when it comes out i would want to watch gameplay videos and review's then think about it.
I think we were all excited when we heard about this cause we thought we could play with either the xmen or brotherhood.And choose sides reallly disappointed at what they were really talking about.

ONE more thing where's is Jean,Storm,and Rogue??
Even if jean's dead where's rogue and storm? Especially storm she and wolvie are the most popular x-men so why haven't i heard or seen storm yet o_0

Jean being dead is the lamest excuse ever. What about Pyro and Nightcrawler? Looks like Storm won't even have the wallpaper effect like she does in the comics. Then again I'd rather not have her than her being reduced to a background character like some lame B-list hero.