
Rate Marvel Movies

Started by Nowhere Man, October 31, 2010, 12:29PM

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October 31, 2010, 12:29PM Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 12:53PM by Nowhere Man
Let's check what everybody think of the movies marvel has released so far and if most people agree with each other. Give each movie 1 to 5 stars. No half stars.

X-Men - ****
X-Men II: X-Men United - *****
X-Men III: The Last Stand - **
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - *

Fantastic Four - ***
Fantastic Four II: Rise of the Silver Surfer - ***

Blade - ****
Blade II - ***
Blade Trinity - *

Iron Man - *****
Iron Man II - *****

Spider-Man - ****
Spider-Man II - ****
Spider-Man III - ***

Daredevil - **
Elektra - *

The Punisher - **
Punisher: Warzone - *

Ghost Rider - **

Hulk - ***
The Incredible Hulk - ***

What do you expect from marvel's next releases and why?

X-Men: First Class - **
X-Men movies started well and have gotten worse and worse. Now this prequel/reboot seems to simply not care about comics continuity at all or the other movies continuity. Emma a little younger than Prof X, Mystique there for some reason, no Jean and Scott among the founding X-Men, probably no Storm either (if they wanted to follow the movies continuity). Plus some weird characters that I just don't understand the inclusion.

Wolverine II - ***
The first one sucked big time, but this second one is based on a much better story and Darren Aronofsky is a very good director. After the first one it won't be difficult at all to be pleasantly surprised.

Ghost Rider II: Spirit of Vengeance - ***
They seem to want a darker more devilish tone to the movie, which is a great improvement. So, I expect this movie to be better than the first one. But the directors are borderline unknown so, I'm not expecting THAT much. Plus, Nick Cage is just a weird choice, even though he's a good actor.

Thor - *****
Well, a movie based on my favourite comic book hero, being made by Marvel Studios (not Sony or Fox), directed by Kenneth Branagh, featuring Natalie Portman, Rene Russo and the great Sir Anthony Hopkins. I have every reason to expect a lot from this movie.

Iron Man III - *****
Jon Favreau hasn't disapointed me so far and still counting on Robert Downey Jr and Don Cheadle I think this movie is gonna be great. Can't wait to know who the villian is gonna be.

Captain America: The First Avenger - ****
4 stars mostly because it's being made by Marvel Studios. Not five because Chris Evans doesn't seem like a good choice at all. I hope he surprises me and do a great job, but I'm not counting on it. Joe Johnston, the director, has made some pretty great movies and some not so great ones as well, so it could go either way.

Avengers - *****
I think this movie has every ingredient to be one of the best. The cast is great, Joss Whedon as the director is a great choice. He did a great job during his Astonishing X-Men tenure and has a lot of experience behind the cameras as a screenplay writer. I believe he is gonna make a good director and will show respect to the characters. What I think is the key element for this movie to succeed is pace. So many existing characters, new heroes, new villians and so on in a 2hrs film without losing depth. That's the big challenge.

Spider-Man 3D - ***
I know they gotta make this movie otherwise the rights will return to Marvel (though I wish that would happen), but it's just too soon for a reboot. It's like The Incredible Hulk movie. But Spider-Man is one of the best solo heroes to make a movie of so I don't think it's gonna be a total disaster. Plus there's the whole 3D thing. I expect an entertaining movie, but nothing else.

Deadpool - ***
Once again, it isn't difficult to be pleasantly suprised after the first Wolverine movie fiasco. I read pieces of the eledged script online and it seems to be very funny (and the only reason why I expect a decent movie). It seems he's gonna be the merc with a mouth that we all know and love and nothing close to that thing we last saw. I just hope that's the real deal. I also think Ryan Reynolds is a funny guy and was very good as Wade in the beginning of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

I want to know your opinions on the matter.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

X-Men - ****
X-Men II: X-Men United - ***
X-Men III: The Last Stand - **
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - **

Fantastic Four - *
Fantastic Four II: Rise of the Silver Surfer - *

Blade - Haven't watched
Blade II - Haven't watched
Blade Trinity - Haven't watched

Iron Man - *****
Iron Man II - *****

Spider-Man - ****
Spider-Man II - ***
Spider-Man III - **

Daredevil - ****
Elektra - **

The Punisher - Haven't watched
Punisher: Warzone - Haven't watched

Ghost Rider - Haven't watched

Hulk - **
The Incredible Hulk - ****

X-Men - ****
X-Men II: X-Men United - *** Didn't like the fact that jean died
X-Men III: The Last Stand - *** jean is back but she killed scott and profx, after she died again.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - **

Fantastic Four - *****
Fantastic Four II: Rise of the Silver Surfer - *****

Blade - Haven't watched
Blade II - Haven't watched
Blade Trinity - Haven't watched

Iron Man - *****
Iron Man II - *****

Spider-Man - *****
Spider-Man II - ****
Spider-Man III - *****

Daredevil - *****
Elektra - ***

The Punisher - Haven't watched
Punisher: Warzone - Haven't watched

Ghost Rider - **

Hulk - *
The Incredible Hulk - ****

X-Men - ** Not good, not bad, it was a cool begining.
X-Men II: X-Men United - *** This one is the best and I loved Jean's death, so emotional and at the end they hinted the Phoenix, so she would be back ;)
X-Men III: The Last Stand - *Where the h*ll is the firebird??? Totally dissapointed for the lack of Phoenix
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - (-)* (minus 1 :P) The worst of all, lame story, lame characterization (Emma Frost? Final Deadpool? no way!)

Fantastic Four - ** Same as X1
Fantastic Four II: Rise of the Silver Surfer - * It had potential but failed.

Blade - Haven't watched
Blade II - Haven't watched
Blade Trinity - Haven't watched

Iron Man - ***** I'm just going to say: Robert Downey Jr.
Iron Man II - ***** I'm just going to say: Scarlett Johanson

Spider-Man - ***** Loved this one, especially the soundtrack.
Spider-Man II - **** Something was missing here....
Spider-Man III - *** Too much characters.

Daredevil - ** Just to watch it on sunday, no more
Elektra - *** A little bit better than Daredevil, but again just for sunday too.

The Punisher - Haven't watched
Punisher: Warzone - Haven't watched

Ghost Rider - ** Nicolas Cage is a weird choice I have to say.

Hulk - *
The Incredible Hulk - ***

Why the X-men films has low ratings to me? Well, as a huge X-fan I was dissapointed mostly because the huge changes to the trademarks of some characters, mostly women, like the Phoenix firebird, Rogue's southern attitude, Storm wild nature. As well as other details like the focus on Wolverine (in all the films), poor characterization on Saberthooth, Mystique, the supposed Emma Frost and WTF was that hybird at the end of Origins?
I recognize though that they had great moments too, like the romance and great scenes (Storm's tornados and Jean's sacrifice at X2) Oh and the cast was great too.

The Fantastic 4 had potential to be better but the story was boring... a shame because I like the F4. I especially disliked the fact that Susan was portrayed as the weakest member when she's actually the most powerfull...

The Ironman's and Spideman's films are great, just some details but those are by far the best of marvel movies, because they actually tried to gave to the cast some characteristics from the comics.

About the future. I really don't care too much about Thor, but it seems that is going to be a great movie, so I'll watch it, and probably I'll do the same with Captain America.
The Avengers... I'm cautious about that, great cast yes, great director yes, but that doesn't make a difference to me (see the X-men films as example) so, will see.
Xmen first class... that film doesn't even exist in my world ;)
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

X-Men - ***** (felt the movie was a very great opening and intro. Loved the characters although Rogue didn't feel like herself)
X-Men II: X-Men United - ***** (another great movie. wonderful for a sequel. Loved seeing the Phoenix Saga and Jean's death as well as Nightcrawler)
X-Men III: The Last Stand - *** (not bad, but missing a lot. Jean needed the actual Phoenix and less zombie. Her death as well as those of Cyke and Xavier were not needed. All three are probably going to come back as they are the heart and soul of the X-Men. Wolverine had too much role from being leader of the team to making it seem as though he was really meant for Jean. The original DPS was a love story but one between Cyke and Jean.)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - ** (ok. Really messed up people like Deadpool. I've retconned the woman who called herself Emma Frost, at least in my head I've retconned it. Wolverine and gambit were good though).

Fantastic Four - ***** (really love the FF and their opening story. Perfect actors for each lead character)
Fantastic Four II: Rise of the Silver Surfer - ***** (I loved this movie as well only felt that we needed to see Galactus. If I could have rated this with halves it would be a 4.5)

Iron Man - ***** (very nice acting and effects. Made me like Iron Man a whole lot more.  I only felt the beginning was slow but I guess all first movies are for superheroes.)

Spider-Man - ***** (Another great one for the first. Enjoyed Green Goblin and Spider-Man. MJ was really good too)
Spider-Man II - ***** (Another very cool one.)
Spider-Man III - **** (It was nice but I did feel as though the movie had crammed too much into it. With Gwen, Venom, Sandman, the black suit, and the New Goblin)

Ghost Rider - *** (not a bad movie but I've never cared for Ghost Rider too much so it didn't really mean to much for me)

Hulk - *** (haven't seen this movie in years but from what I remember it wasn't too bad just got boring from time to time)
The Incredible Hulk - **** (way better than the first one. Much more interesting)

X-Men - *** (liked it but could have been better)
X-Men II: X-Men United - ***** (The best by far, even if Jean dies :(...)
X-Men III: The Last Stand - *** (liked it but once again missing alot, like umm Idk Phoenix maybe!)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - ***** (I thought tis movie was actually really good although Emma culd have been used more and they didn't need cyclops...)

Fantastic Four - ***
Fantastic Four II: Rise of the Silver Surfer - *****

Blade -  Haven't seen
Blade II -  Haven't seen
Blade Trinity - Haven't seen

Iron Man - *** (I liked it but the villian and the beginning was very boring...)
Iron Man II - ***** (Loved it, but they could have used whiplash wasy more)

Spider-Man - **
Spider-Man II - **
Spider-Man III - **** ( the best of the 3 by far....)

Daredevil - *
Elektra -  *

The Punisher - Haven't seen 
Punisher: Warzone -  Haven't seen

Ghost Rider - **

Hulk - *
The Incredible Hulk - ****

X-Men first class should begood, I hope Emma has a good role

New Spiderman, all I hope for is that Black Cat is in it

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Quote from: whiteking on November 02, 2010, 11:51AM
X-Men III: The Last Stand - *Where the h*ll is the firebird??? Totally dissapointed for the lack of Phoenix

I totally agree.

Quote from: Jean_Grey_Phoenix on November 02, 2010, 03:07PM
I totally agree.

Very true that is what makes Phoenix, Phoenix and where is the plain fire?

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They had it at the end of X2 and it looked really cool but they seemed to have removed it. I think one thing about the movie that made it fail was that they made the DPS into it which is kinda a long storyline that needs its own spotlight and they mixed it with the cure story. Had it been separate I think it would have worked better but not when mixed with another storyline. Just imagine the Days of Future Past made into a movie but sharing it with another storyline.

agreed. not having the flames sucked, but I would have forgiven that if the whole story wasn't told in such a rush. they needed more dialog to give the story more depth. x3 is 20mins shorter than x2 with more story. they needed that extra time for development. plus I disliked the whole scott missing part of the story (he should have been the one to have to kill jean in the end. they have a whole history together, putting logan as if he was the character most connected to her is borderline outrageous), disliked that "psylocke" with 2 lines, disliked the morlocks overall and some of the special effects were really poor. Storm and Jean flying was so fake I could practically see the wires.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

November 02, 2010, 06:33PM #10 Last Edit: November 16, 2010, 07:33PM by thedarkpoet

Iron Man - ***** I'm just going to say: Robert Downey Jr.
Iron Man II - ***** I'm just going to say: Scarlett Johanson


YES! OMG YES! I concur.

I recently watched the Blade Films.....Epicness. I love Wesley Snipes, he is one sick....dude.
"In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy it is necessary to act outside the law-to pursue...natural justice. This is not vengeance. Revenge is not a valid motive, it's an emotional response. No, not vengeance. Punishment."

I totally agree they really needed to focus on just the Phoenix and they needed the fire, and with Psylocke I did not even know it was her till I saw it online so that was pretty lame and Scott wasn't in it because he lefted so he could be in the new Superman movie so Jean killing him wasnt really an option, although he could have just left the x-men! But im not a huge Scott fan any way so personally I didnt care if he was in it...

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

X-Men - *** (Not bad for a beginning but needed some tightning)
X-Men II: X-Men United - ***** (My favorite Marvel movie by far)
X-Men III: The Last Stand - ** (I just didn't like this film... it just seemed so lame & childish)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - * (The absolute worst of the X-men films... Deadpool (HUH!)... Emma Frost & Silver Fox being sisters (HUH!)...)

Fantastic Four - **** (Great movie but i didn't like Jessica Alba (Other than her looks) playing Sue... )
Fantastic Four II: Rise of the Silver Surfer - *** (It was alright but the whole absent Galactus thing was weak)

Blade - ****
Blade II - ****
Blade Trinity - ** (Just didn't like the guy playing Dracula... Michael Morbius should have been incorporated into the plot)

Iron Man - **** (Robert Downey Jr. impressed me... the man is Tony Stark!)
Iron Man II - ** (Too playful for my taste and the combination of Whiplash/Crimson Dynamo sucked... main villan could have been Mandarin, Whirlwind, Living Laser, Moonstone or Ultimo)

Spider-Man - ***** (It's a really good feel to this movie)
Spider-Man II - **** (Good film but i didn't like the unmasked peter in public angle)
Spider-Man III - **** (This movie was cool, i just saw things alittle different... like maybe turning Harry into the Hobgoblin (literally) & i just couldn't see Topher Grace as Eddie (Muscles) Brock)

Daredevil - **** (Bullseye stole the show)
Elektra - ** (Kinda boring)

The Punisher - *** (Not bad but Thomas Jane is no Punisher... a Captain America maybe?)
Punisher: Warzone - *** (Now this guy is the Punisher)

Ghost Rider - * (Waaay too playful!!! The best thing about this film was Eva Mendes looking fine.)

Hulk - * (I can't even put into words how bad i thought this movie was)
The Incredible Hulk - ***** (Really big improvement... just wish Jennifer Connelly reprised the role of Betty Ross in this remake)

Thor: The Mighty Avenger - (I really think this movie will surprise the true fan and be great... Anthony Hopkins as Odin (COOL!), Natalie Portman (YEAH!) & the guy playing Thor doesn't look bad at all as the god of thunder)

Captain America: The First Avenger - (Not looking forward to this at all after learning Chris Evans (Human Torch from FF4) is cast as Steve Rogers & seeing leaked film set pics of Cap)

The Avengers - (I'll wait & see how Thor and Caps movies play out...) :capamer: :thor:

X-Men - *** ( didnt really hit me, defnitly not the greatest X-film of all time)
X-Men II: X-Men United - ***** (loved the scene of Jean and Storm recuiting Nightcrawler, its the only scene i watched in the living room, my parents where wathcing while i was watching with them in the mirror, i got this way into the whole marvel thing, so yeah ;))
X-Men III: The Last Stand - **** (Come on folks, no holy smoking firebird but it dindt make it bad 4 me)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine - *** (deadpool & emma where dumb, but i loved Blob,Gambit, and Quicksilver & Banshee cameo's)

Fantastic Four - **** (wasnt bad, kinda liked it)
Fantastic Four II: Rise of the Silver Surfer - **** (seeing galactus helmet burining into the clouds was pretty awsome)

Blade - **
Blade II - **
Blade Trinity - *

( i dont really like blade all that much)

Iron Man - *****
Iron Man II - ***** (5 words,S.H.I.E.L.D Scarlett Johansonn, nuff said)

Spider-Man - **** (mwa)
Spider-Man II - ***(mwa to)
Spider-Man III - * (Too much Fing talking)

Daredevil - * (total bummer)
Elektra - * (total bummer numeroo 2)

The Punisher - didnt watch
Punisher: Warzone - dindnt watch

Ghost Rider - (didnt watch, also, glad i dindt watch)

Hulk - ***
The Incredible Hulk - ***

Cant see the diffrences between these two, srry fella's but there both pretty good, i think XD)

What do you expect from marvel's next releases and why?

X-Men: First Class - **
Mystique? No jean nor Scott, *evil eyes*

Wolverine II - ****
hope its good

Ghost Rider II: Spirit of Vengeance - ***
Maybe a watch for now,

Thor - *****
Holy'er then tou ever be

Iron Man III - *****
Iron man 4 life

Captain America: The First Avenger - ***
Frankly either way, i hate cap, srry but i seriously think he's a milkcow (MVC series, now this) i dont even think the guy got much fans)

Avengers - *****

Spider-Man 3D - *
Dindnt know it was rip and old movie and put it in 3d day srry

Deadpool - *****
Deadpool 8 life XD

they're not gonna get Spider-Man 1, turn it 3d and re-release it. it's a reboot, a whole new movie altogether, with different story, cast and crew.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."