
Who is the bes pyschic in the X-men?

Started by Phoenix92, November 12, 2010, 07:05AM

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Who do you feel were the top pyschic X-men?

I thought this topic would be different as everyone has their opinions on who the most poweful, best pyschic was in the X-men.

For me it was Jean Grey, however there are many Pyschics who exist that rarley appeared in the X-men games or series such as Karma and Sage, therfore I would like to hear people opinions on this one.

Phoenix 92  :phoenix:
I am fire and life incarnate

1- jean
2- Emma/Maddie
3- Psylocke
4- the stepford cuckoos/Rachel
5- revanche

November 12, 2010, 01:49PM #2 Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 02:45PM by MarvelFan12345
Jean is certainly the most powerful (labeled that many times both in the 90s and currently)
Nate Grey. Maybe Rachel is on his level too. Cable is here too, but only in potential.
Professor X
Emma Frost and Psylocke
Not sure where Maddie would go. In body and mind she is technically Jean, and is considered a piece of Jean or incarnation of her. But she is still labeled as weaker so she would be at the other Grey's levels or at Professor X's.

I would say it's Jean Grey! Even though, I prefer the Stepford Cockoos!!!  :cuckoo:

Jean grey of course, but I think Emma is up there to a long with the prof, and the cuckoos are somewhere in there, just because in watx they could whip Jean to easily :/

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Jean Grey to easily :phoenix:

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January 06, 2011, 12:25PM #6 Last Edit: June 05, 2011, 03:31PM by Jill Valentine
Jean Grey = N° 1  :phoenix:
Charles Xavier = N° 2  :xavier:
Emma Frost = N° 3  :emmafrost:
Psylocke = N° 4   :psylocke:

 :emmafrost: Emma Frost ( The White Queen )
:phoenix: Jean Grey ( Marvel Girl )
:xavier: Professor Charles Xavier ( Professor X )
:psylocke: Elizabeth Braddock ( Psylocke )

If only there wasn't a glitch on the last bar of Emma's Psionic Fury she'd top both Jean and Psylocke in my opinion.  I prefer the diversity of her  pyschic powerset over the other two. Xavier is definitley the most powerful pyschic in Legends 1 & 2  followed by Jean. Her Pyschic Legend in Legends 1 is a one move killer. Psylocke once quipped with Sunfires Mask the deadliest though. Once you give her that all her moves by-pass any enemies mental rsistence. I definitley underestimated her.

Quote from: warmachine300 on June 05, 2011, 01:29PM
If only there wasn't a glitch on the last bar of Emma's Psionic Fury she'd top both Jean and Psylocke in my opinion.  I prefer the diversity of her  pyschic powerset over the other two. Xavier is definitley the most powerful pyschic in Legends 1 & 2  followed by Jean. Her Pyschic Legend in Legends 1 is a one move killer. Psylocke once quipped with Sunfires Mask the deadliest though. Once you give her that all her moves by-pass any enemies mental rsistence. I definitley underestimated her.

I will have to use that on Psylocke I wouldnt have thought to put that on her lol

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June 06, 2011, 05:20AM #12 Last Edit: June 06, 2011, 05:31AM by warmachine300
Indeed. For Psylocke put Sunfires Mask, Ultra Agility Enhancer and Ultra Psionic Deflector on her and watch as she becomes the best projectile pyschic in the game by-passing any resistence. 

With Emma equipped her with Spikes of Penance, Ultra Strike Ehancer and Ultra Inertial Deflector and watch her become the best tank in the whole game. I killed all my other characters deliberately and  completed the game with just her just to experience her pure awesomeness in more detail. Once those items are in place switch her Diamond Form and do nothing while all your enemies take maximun damage for just trying to hurt you. She just can't be killed. Emma is far too powerful once you know how to use her.

With the 3 pyschics Jean is the most fun to play with and the most adaptable in combat. Either you  lift your  enemies and throwing them into objects or if they are mental resistant you lift the objects and throw them at your enemies. For the best Jean equipped her with Ultra Power Enhancer, Ultra Body Enhancer and Ultra Nanofiber Armor and she'll be a character favourite on any team.  If your facing Sentinels  just equipped The Hammer Of Nimrod instead of the Ultra Power Enhancer and and then swap back later.  Instantly stress free.

I only wish Xavier was playable outside the Astral mission and the I'd have a pyschic squad. I tend to use the pyschics a lot more than any other characters usually I team the 3 of them with an allrounder like Storm. With her leadership maxed out and her Legend Lightning and Legend Vortex acting as excellent moves to set up combos, the enemies don't stand a chance. For an easier battle Put Storn AND Cyclops on the pyschic team and watch the damage double everytime a combo is made.

You should aim to get all your characters to Level 45 by the Sedimentary Mission. Its all about collecting them danger room discs EARLY  and maxing out combos at every opportunity. So by the time Psylocke joins the team she'll also be on level 45 if all your other characters were from the end of Sedimentary Mission.

Quote from: warmachine300 on June 06, 2011, 05:20AM
Indeed. For Psylocke put Sunfires Mask, Ultra Agility Enhancer and Ultra Psionic Deflector on her and watch as she becomes the best projectile pyschic in the game by-passing any resistence. 

With Emma equipped her with Spikes of Penance, Ultra Strike Ehancer and Ultra Inertial Deflector and watch her become the best tank in the whole game. I killed all my other characters deliberately and  completed the game with just her just to experience her pure awesomeness in more detail. Once those items are in place switch her Diamond Form and do nothing while all your enemies take maximun damage for just trying to hurt you. She just can't be killed. Emma is far too powerful once you know how to use her.

With the 3 pyschics Jean is the most fun to play with and the most adaptable in combat. Either you  lift your  enemies and throwing them into objects or if they are mental resistant you lift the objects and throw them at your enemies. For the best Jean equipped her with Ultra Power Enhancer, Ultra Body Enhancer and Ultra Nanofiber Armor and she'll be a character favourite on any team.  If your facing Sentinels  just equipped The Hammer Of Nimrod instead of the Ultra Power Enhancer and and then swap back later.  Instantly stress free.

I only wish Xavier was playable outside the Astral mission and the I'd have a pyschic squad. I tend to use the pyschics a lot more than any other characters usually I team the 3 of them with an allrounder like Storm. With her leadership maxed out and her Legend Lightning and Legend Vortex acting as excellent moves to set up combos, the enemies don't stand a chance. For an easier battle Put Storn AND Cyclops on the pyschic team and watch the damage double everytime a combo is made.

You should aim to get all your characters to Level 45 by the Sedimentary Mission. Its all about collecting them danger room discs EARLY  and maxing out combos at every opportunity. So by the time Psylocke joins the team she'll also be on level 45 if all your other characters were from the end of Sedimentary Mission.

Thanks for the helpfull info, I will have to try all this out!

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