
Hammer Throw

Started by ELECTRO, June 09, 2007, 08:04PM

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I am trying to use moves like Luke Cages Hammer Throw but i have no idea how to use this - When i look at the info for the Move it says (Press and Hold) thats it -  I am playing on the PC version with a 360 controler  :confused: :confused: :confused:

Hold Right Trigger, press A.

And I imagine you mean Thor :laugh:

I am guessing that it is a throw move of but after grabbing an enemy & holding down every button on the game pad nothing happens, since it is a power that you can't bind to a button i just can't seem to be able to use it - there are other powers like this that i also cannot use but can't think of there names at the moment :confused:

Well, you haven't unlocked it. Hit "y" (turn off Auto-Spending), then hit B on 2 other powers (or 2x on one power) cause you need 2 points to unlock it. Then, hit "A" on that power.

After that, hit "Y" to turn back on auto-spending OR just agree to level up his powers on your own.