Resident Evil Series

Started by Midnightphoenix, February 26, 2011, 03:45PM

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Ok, I love RE series, anyone else and I know lots of people hate 5 but I like it, anyone else? Does anyone have it for 360 or PC I do, maybe we can play some time also! I mod mine on the PC alot lol, and if you play with me you will see the LTD and a ton of other things come up in use in game fully functional lol plus you will see me play as Jill or Wesker in game! Has anyone herd the rumors of Resident evil Raccoon City prequeal game?

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Never played it or watched the movies but the series sounds really good. The closest I've gotten to for RE is playing MvC3 but I may give RE5 a try. Is it one of those shooting games like Halo?

Well kind of, but I dont play Halo, nor ever have so if people think it plays like Halo in away I wouldnt know lol I cant really think of anything else that is is kind of like :/ but I say its fun! Im glad for Mods and Trainers to because I love Jill, and dont like Sheva so much so I am glad I can swap Sheva out for Jill in the PC version

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I played them all CEPT RE5. I hated 4 so I've been kind of leniant (if thats how you spell it) to play it. My Dad says its hard but totally awesome. My favorite is RE2, which is the second game I've ever beaten with no codes or stradegy Guides. lol. MarvelFan12345, you should really play them from the first on up. Their really good games. And the movies are pretty good too, but like the X-Men movies, their not EXACETLY like the games. And if 5 is anything like 4, it's not like Halo. (I've played the first 3 Halo's at least.) Most people I know like the 4th and 5th Resident Evil, but I like to stay true to the original, so I'll stick with1-3 and Code: Veronica. lol BTW, Claire Redfield is THE BEST! lol (Especially when she's portrayed by Ali Larter)

Claire is awesome! But im die hard Jill lol, I actually havent played 2! Ive played bits of 1, Code veronica, and 3 and ive played threw 4 and 5 and I like 5 way better then 4! I didnt like 4 because I thought it was way to unrealistic but you should give 5 a try! And did your dad say 5 is hard? Because if so I think it is way easier then 4 and I thought 4 was hard hard! Although I dont like Sheva all to much but a simple mod/ model swap on the PC can change that XD

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I played RE5, me and brother love it; i find Chris Redfield kinda cute. I know weired huh

Well, I think I'll talk my Dad into gettin it for the 360. And yeah, he said 5 was hard. But I'll check it out, eventually. lol

X-23 lol, And yeah for me I really dont think its taht hard :/ but idk if other people do maybe its because I play it alittle to much.... lol

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Quote from: RogueDW331 on February 27, 2011, 12:04AM
Well, I think I'll talk my Dad into gettin it for the 360. And yeah, he said 5 was hard. But I'll check it out, eventually. lol

Just out of curiosty did you get RE5? Ive been seeing lots of new news lately that Resident evil 4 and Code Veronica are getting moved to the Xbox 360, and ps3 in HD plau RE the mercinaries (Totaly spelt that wrong) is coming out for the 3ds along with Revelations and and new Resident evil prequeal game is coming out!

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not yet. waiten on our tax check...

I hope So!! that first thing I download it comes out !! I'm so HAPPY!!

I love Resident Evil :P I play it all the time!

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Well, as soon as we get our tax refund, I've got a 360 ready for me, my cousin is sellin' to us real cheap, so I'm gonna use the rest of the money that I WAS gonna use to get Resident Evil 5 :D If I need help though, I'm so goin to you midnightphoenix123 lol

Quote from: Scabbia on April 03, 2011, 07:08PM
Well, as soon as we get our tax refund, I've got a 360 ready for me, my cousin is sellin' to us real cheap, so I'm gonna use the rest of the money that I WAS gonna use to get Resident Evil 5 :D If I need help though, I'm so goin to you midnightphoenix123 lol

Ok, if you get live, I would be glad to help you when im not in school!

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i'll have live for a month. i dont think we can afford a gold membership.