
Unused Claremont Plots

Started by MarvelFan12345, May 30, 2011, 09:39PM

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Thought X-Fans might enjoy reading about what could have been.

1)Dark Wolverine Saga: Wolverine gets heart ripped out by Lady Deathstrike in X-Men Vol. 2 #3. Logan is dead for a year. Wolverine returns suddenly in UXM #294 as the Master Assassin for the Hand. The X-Men have to count him as one of their most dangerous adversaries. The Hand send him to do their evil bidding. Professor Xavier is adamant that he MUST be saved.

Jean Grey infilitrates the Hand secretly and tries to free Logan from the Hand's spells. Wolverine seduces her, breaking her deep connection with Cyclops. Colossus and Wolverine have an all-out battle in which Colossus rips out Wolverine's claws from their roots. The Hand give him artificial claws. Logan's adamantium begins to leech out of his body. Finally, Logan overcomes their control over him and is reborn: a new Wolverine. Following this story Wolverine and Jean would become lovers.

2) The Shadow King saga from the late 1980s was supposed to end very differently than it did. Xavier would not be crippled, Legion would not be in a coma, and the X-Men would believe they had won against Shadow King. However the world would have come to the brink of war between humans and mutants, with the Shadow King at the heart of it. The SK would have taken control of Rogue, Moira McTaggart and the Muir Island Mutants, as well as taken possession of Donald Pierce and the Reavers. He ALSO would have seized control of certain members of the Hellfire Club, and captured Gateway and was trying to access Dreamtime

It would have taken near every living X-Men to stop him and his diabolical plans. Finally the story would have culminated in "Uncanny X-Men" #300 with the Shadow King finally being stopped--but only after Professor Charles Xavier giving the ultimate sacrifice. His Life! After Xavier's death, Gateway would become the X-Men's mentor.

3) After Morrison's Run, Claremont planned to resurrect Jean at Jamaica Bay. Wondering if the past few years of her life have been real or not and knowing that the X-Men believe her dead, Jean starts a whole new life trying to understand her new self. It would be all about Jean.

4) Claremont planned a one-shot feautring all the dead X-Men (Thunderbird, Colossus, Magik, Psylocke, Cypher, etc) vs Stryfe and Maddie Pryor.

5) At Wolverine and Mariko's wedding around UXM 173, Sabretooth would suddenly appear and maime Mariko. Wolverine would battle Sabretooth but he would escape. Returning to the hospital Wolverine would psychically contact Mariko (via Jean who was supposed to be alive according to Claremont's original plans) but learn that she was brain dead and would never recover. He turns off the machine saying that "she's not meat." Wolverine would end up taking his revenge on Sabretooth.

6) During the X-Men Revolution period, Stryfe would take over the X-Mansion and control a new X-Men team full of the Summers family. Cyclops, Jean Grey, Cable, Rachel, Havok and maybe Nate Grey. This team would be considered the "good guys" to the public while the other X-Men team (with Storm, Professor X, Wolverine, etc) would be considered villains by the public and be searching for Destiny's Diaries. This whole arc would include the return of Cyclops, Genosha and Zaladane, and a Shi'ar space arc.

7) Gambit was originally meant to be villain working for Sinister who would infiltrate the X-Men and betray them, causing serious harm. He and Sinister would have some sort of ties.

8) Claremont killed Psylocke in X-Treme X-Men because he intended to bring her back in her British body for good. Marvel rejected this because of the "dead-is-dead" rule so she didn't return in XXM.

9) Sabretooth would be revealed as Wolverine's father.

10) Neal Sharra/Thunderbird III was intended as a male opposite for the Phoenix Force and was meant to be a love interest for Jean while Cyclops was dead.

11) After the intended Shadow King Saga (which ends in UXM 300) mutants would be sold as weapons by powerful people.

12) A new X-Man known as Sketch would have joined the team. Her mutant power lets her bring to life anything she draws.

13) While Claremont was on FF, Kitty Pryde was planned to be hired as Franklin Richard's nanny. This was scrapped because they wanted Kitty to rejoin the X-Men along with Nightcrawler and Colossus.

14) Nightcrawler was meant as the birth son of Mystique and Destiny. Mystique would take the form of a man to concieve Nightcrawler but after his birth Mystique would abandon the child because of his appearance. She would be emotionally scarred by her decision ever since that day.

15) For UXM 475-500, Claremont would have planned a major space arc involving the extinction of the Brood and Storm becoming paralyzed.

16) During UXM 247, Claremont planned to kill of Dazzler. He was finally convinced not to kill her and instead had Rogue being sucked through the Siege Perilous.

17) After Fatal Attractions, Claremont never planned to give Wolverine's adamantium skeleton back to make him less invincible and more vulnerable. Sabretooth would instead get the adamantium to make him nearly unstoppable.

18) When Byrne briefly returned in the 90s, he planned to kill off all the newer X-Men (Rogue, Gambit, Psylocke, Jubilee, etc) and return to the X-Men he was familiar with (the Original X-Men and the Giant-Size X-Men)

Wow... I'm glad some of those didn't happen. Especially the Psylocke's Death in X-Treme X-Men. That's my all time favorite series and even though I was like super upset that she got killed, I like the way the rest of the story went. I thought it was perfect. So I'm glad that wasn't changed lol.