
Team Bonuses

Started by BliZZ, December 24, 2006, 11:37AM

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In any case, I'm probably going to leave this up to you guys for a while. I'm going to go and experiment with some of the MUA files for a while.

The "Alternate identities" team doesn't work for me. I tried several combinations, but I don't get the announcer voice or the headline with the bonus. Anyone else experiencing this?

I suggest to add Moon Knight to the weapon specialists and Deadpool to "bad to the bone". Would it also be too far fetched to add Moon Knight to "dark past"?

QuoteThe "Alternate identities" team doesn't work for me.
Try the default line-up first. Sharon Ventura, Western Rider, War Machine and Secret Wars Spider-Woman. Then change one of them. Rememember to get my latest file to reduce buggage.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

D'oh! I thought Scarlet Spider also belonged to the alternate identities. No wonder I couldn't get the team bonus. But why isn't he in there?

Hmm. Because nobody's really sure whether Ben Reilly was the REAL Peter Por-- er-- Parker, or the clone? I, for one, missed this era of the comics, so I don't really know :D

Or maybe just because someone (*cough*Raven*cough*) forgot about that?

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Similar to how someone 'forgot' Hawkeye was an Avenger? Or was even in their game ???

I think maybe we should hold of on adding any of the PSP characters to teams until we finalize a way to add them into the extra slots. For now, I see no problems adding Collossus, Ronin, Hawkeye, and Moon Knight to teams simply because we've recently be able to add them to the character selection without the need to replace any characters.

Quote from: Eniena on December 30, 2006, 03:58PM
I think maybe we should hold of on adding any of the PSP characters to teams until we finalize a way to add them into the extra slots. For now, I see no problems adding Collossus, Ronin, Hawkeye, and Moon Knight to teams simply because we've recently be able to add them to the character selection without the need to replace any characters.
Too late for a number of reasons. First of all, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference who is actually in you herostat, that character just can't be loaded onto a team. Second of all, Noel's file ALREADY has Mar-Vell and Widow. Thirdly, just because one guy requested Ronin/Hawkeye does not mean everyone is using them. In fact, it is actually quite easy to replace, say, Ronin with Captain Marvel.

Yeah. The two files are independent, and the less times you replace your DATA files, the better. You won't get confuzzled with the amount of revisions you'd otherwise need if you wanted to only include the characters on your herostat :P

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

By the way, I've just learned that the Black Widow (Learned martial arts through military), Spider-Woman (Learned martial arts through the Taskmaster) and Hawkeye (Learned martial arts from Captain America are martial artists. So, if you feel like it, you can add any and/or all of these characters to the martial artists team.

Also, you can add Mandarin to the martial artists team (Yes, The Mandarin is a superb martial artist) if you have the Mandarin mod installed and want a good excuse to put him on a team.

January 26, 2007, 07:54PM #25 Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 08:03PM by DrewP_85
I tried creating a two new teams the team_bonus.engb file and it won't compile, i go to compile it, but it doesn't even ask me to hit enter (to start the process) then it gives me the "make sure the file is named correct and run game to view changes" as if it compiled it, but the new team_bonus.engb file isn't there. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, am I editting the wrong file, do I need to edit another file too, or is there just something wrong with my coding?  Also I'm pretty sure it's not the program, it compiles the herostat.engb file fine.

below: X-Men is the same as it was when I started the two teams after it are the new additions...but you probably already knew that.

   bonus {
   descbonus = +15%% Max Energy ;
   descname1 = X-Men ;
   powerup = shared_team_max_energy ;
   sound = common/team_bonus_xm ;
      hero {
      name = iceman ;

      hero {
      name = storm ;

      hero {
      name = wolverine ;

      hero {
      name = colossus ;


   bonus {
   descbonus = +5 Health Regeneration ;
   descname1 = West Coast ;
   descname2 = Avengers ;
   powerup = shared_team_health_regen ;
   sound = common/team_bonus_dd ;
      hero {
      name = spiderwoman ;

      hero {
      name = captainamerica ;

      hero {
      name = ironman ;

      hero {
      name = hawkeye ;

      hero {
      name = moonknight ;

      hero {
      name = thing ;

   bonus {
   descbonus = 20 Health per KO ;
   descname1 = Heavy ;
   descname2 = Metal ;
   powerup = shared_team_health_per_kill ;
   sound = common/team_bonus_ff4 ;
      hero {
      name = wolverine ;

      hero {
      name = colossus ;

      hero {
      name = ironman ;

      hero {
      name = silversurfer ;


January 26, 2007, 07:59PM #26 Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 08:04PM by BliZZ
Check between X-men and WCA, you are missing that between your 2 teams :P

EDIT: The extra '}', in case I was being unclear.

Thanks, I can't believe I missed that bracket

Hope you don't mind if I continue this topic in a part 2!!

Quote from: Noelemahc on December 25, 2006, 07:18AM
Colossus IS already in Bruisers, at least in my version of the file.

Uploaded the new file with the following changes, as requested:
U.S. Agent (Cap 3rd skin) and Vengeance (Rider 3rd skin) to 'Alternate Identities',
Hawkeye to 'Classic Avengers' and 'Weapon Specialists',
Ghost Rider to 'Marvel Knights'.
Link is the same, I replaced the archive. Have fun!

USAgent and Vengeance aren't alternate identities, they're replacements.