SkinnerUI question....

Started by channel, June 25, 2007, 10:16PM

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Quote from: Tetragene on July 01, 2007, 10:45AM
Thanks, I would appreciate it

ok, i'll get it tonight (around 10pm eastern)

I have Gimp 2.3.14
If you want, you can try a newer version of the unstable Gimp 2.3.18, it should have all the same features and more, but I have never tried it, so it may not be very stable. Version 2.3.14 has alpha channel and save as 32bit capabilities. Note that the newest version of the stable Gimp (2.2.15) might have these capabilities, but I doubt it can save to 32bit bitmap.
To download the required GTK+2 and the helpfiles, and 2.2.15 for windows
To download the newest versions of Gimp (stable start with 2.2 and unstable start with 2.3)
To download 2.3.14 the one I have and know it works:

Note: I think for all of them, you will first need the GTK+2 installed first  (see first link)

Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 01, 2007, 04:43PM
I have Gimp 2.3.14
If you want, you can try a newer version of the unstable Gimp 2.3.18, it should have all the same features and more, but I have never tried it, so it may not be very stable. Version 2.3.14 has alpha channel and save as 32bit capabilities. Note that the newest version of the stable Gimp (2.2.15) might have these capabilities, but I doubt it can save to 32bit bitmap.
To download the required GTK+2 and the helpfiles, and 2.2.15 for windows
To download the newest versions of Gimp (stable start with 2.2 and unstable start with 2.3)
To download 2.3.14 the one I have and know it works:

Note: I think for all of them, you will first need the GTK+2 installed first  (see first link)

Thanks so much, I really appreciate all your help.  And this is much better than the nearly 500mb photoshop trial I was going to download, lol

np, and yeah this isnt a trial, its the full version, so no worries about expiry date

July 01, 2007, 06:53PM #19 Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 06:56PM by Tetragene
Ok, saved the edited skins as 32bit .bmps with GIMP, which worked great (thanks again).  But when I tried to import with SkunnerUI I got a pop-up error message then it closed out (but it exports just fine).  So I tried to import it with the command line Skinner (which still gives me a "create dev" pop-up when I start it...have no clue what to do for this) and when I entered the import command and location of the file ("C:\Documents and Settings\Tetragene\My Documents\MUA\muaskinner20>muaskinner 0403.igb dazzclassic.bmp") the program just exits.  Any thoughts?  :confused:

July 01, 2007, 06:56PM #20 Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 07:03PM by Norrin Radd
did u put the muaskinner .exe and .cfg in the same folder as the pic and .igb?
Edit: and what do you mean by exits, do you mean the command line window closes?

Edit: this is what is says for me when i do it successfully:
C:\ ... >muaskinner x.igb y.igb (what I enter)
SKINNER ...           (output comments)
Importing x.bmp to y.igb  (says what it did)
C:\ ... (back to command line)

Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 01, 2007, 06:56PM
did u put the muaskinner .exe and .cfg in the same folder as the pic and .igb?
Edit: and what do you mean by exits, do you mean the command line window closes?

Edit: this is what is says for me when i do it successfully:
C:\ ... >muaskinner x.igb y.igb (what I enter)
SKINNER ...           (output comments)
Importing x.bmp to y.igb  (says what it did)
C:\ ... (back to command line)

Yeah--they're all in the same directory.  And yeah, the command line window closes out after I input anything and hit "enter."  I'm getting so discouraged :(

did you try exporting the pics from the command line?
muaskinner -xbmp x.igb

i am just curious what happens, also make sure that the case is correct because the program is case sensitive

Quote from: Norrin Radd on July 01, 2007, 07:51PM
did you try exporting the pics from the command line?
muaskinner -xbmp x.igb

i am just curious what happens, also make sure that the case is correct because the program is case sensitive

Just tried it an the same thing happened--it seems like regardless of what I type...just typing something and hitting "enter" closes it out.  I can hit just "enter" when the program starts and it will show several lines detailing how to import/export--hitting "enter" afterwards (or entering text and hitting "enter") closes it out.  Is the "create dev" pop-up (when I start muaskinner up) the source of the problem?  I can't think of any other reason why its doing that :/

July 01, 2007, 08:03PM #24 Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 08:05PM by Norrin Radd
do u type muaskinner then enter?
Ive never tried that before, i type everything on one line then enter at the end of the line
which version did u download, i will try it
Also, ive never seen the "create dev" popup
Ah i found something:
Try using -v0 -v1 or -v2 option if your gfx card gives a create dev error

July 01, 2007, 08:07PM #25 Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 08:16PM by Norrin Radd
so you could try:
MUASKINNER [-v0|-v1|-v2] [-xbmp] xxx.igb [xxx.bmp]
--> it says v0 is the default so try
muaskinner -v1 x.igb y.bmp
if that doesnt work try
muaskinner -v2 x.igb y.bmp

edit: i found this in

I am having the same issue as well.

It seems the way gimp saves the file. it just crashes.

I using a older version of the skinner which has a gui(not to bad) bad thing is when I go to make any changes and "save" it I crash when I import.

If I do nothing and immidiately import it after export works perfectly fine. so leads me to think how gimp saves the file blows it up. is there a pluging that I need to keep the format the same?

**ps incidently the -V0\v1\v2 didnt help**

July 01, 2007, 08:32PM #27 Last Edit: July 01, 2007, 08:36PM by Norrin Radd
its not gimp, because i use gimp and it works fine for me

brassbaron, did u save it as 32bit , A8 R8 G8 B8?
For the format question, you need to save it as 32bit, thats why you need the gimp version 2.3.14 (or others with 32bit handling), I also had the problem you are talking about until i saved it correctly

Possibly not.

When I save it doesnt give me those options. Let me look at gimp and try and get that popup!!!!!

great, that must be your problem then, also, check what version of gimp you have

Edit: you will get that option when you try to save as .bmp (from the extension menu)