SkinnerUI question....

Started by channel, June 25, 2007, 10:16PM

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Quote from: iammingy on June 25, 2007, 10:22PM

<empty line>

alright scratch that. T_T imma try to find it on my own. meanwhile im going to choose another model to practice on

Quote from: Serph21 on October 31, 2007, 12:44AM
Quote from: iammingy on June 25, 2007, 10:22PM

<empty line>

alright scratch that. T_T imma try to find it on my own. meanwhile im going to choose another model to practice on

Don't base your offsets on these ones....
I just posted that simply to show channel the format for a CFG file. You have A LOT more reliable offsets to work with in the TWO offsets centrals in this community.

im now in the part on how to import the edited bmp. im at a loss here. :(

here's what i've done. i just want to check out and practice. gave him a beard. okay here's where im at. i clicked import then chose the edited bmp then what now? :(

EDIT: i followed the offset you wrote because i just want to practice and get a feel on skinner. of course i never knew that those were not correct.

October 31, 2007, 01:06AM #94 Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 01:09AM by iammingy
Quote from: Serph21 on October 31, 2007, 12:54AM
im now in the part on how to import the edited bmp. im at a loss here. :(

here's what i've done. i just want to check out and practice. gave him a beard. okay here's where im at. i clicked import then chose the edited bmp then what now? :(

EDIT: i followed the offset you wrote because i just want to practice and get a feel on skinner. of course i never knew that those were not correct.

If this is so difficult (It shouldn't be; you just need some sleep :laugh:), then I am gonna play a little game with you... This is just a game to work out the logic in your mind. :wtflol:

Which button should you click in the window after you have clicked import? (This means the edited BMP is now in the IGB file)

A. Minimize - Minimizes the window
B. maximize - Maximizes the window
C. close - Closes the window
D. load IGB - loads an IGB file into SkinnerUI AGAIN
E. export - Exports a BMP
F. import - Imports a BMP into SkinnerUI AGAIN
G. accept - Accepts what you have done.
H. cancel - Cancels what you have done.

October 31, 2007, 01:08AM #95 Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 01:11AM by Serph21
ACCEPT! but for some reason in game it doesnt appear?

EDIT: check this out. i even made another edit of the bmp i colored the face of blade with bright green so that i can see the change when i import it. so there i imported the new edited bmp when it appears on the skinner i can see no change? what gives? i know the change should be seen in the skinner right?

yeah. the changes dont appear..

i kind of saw what the problem is awhile ago i've read that the edited bmp should be 32 bit right? when i checked the properties of my edited bmp it's only 24 bit. is this the problem?

I think this skin has another set of MIPs for the face. Try coloring his coat green and see whether it shows up in the game.

EDIT: 32bit or 24 bit... It doesn't really matter for these ones because you aren't using the alpha channel

i recolored the coat but still when i import the image the changes never seem to show up? maybe this'll help the bmp is saved as 24-bit RGB 1 layer

October 31, 2007, 01:24AM #101 Last Edit: October 31, 2007, 01:26AM by iammingy
Quote from: Serph21 on October 31, 2007, 01:22AM
i recolored the coat but still when i import the image the changes never seem to show up? maybe this'll help the bmp is saved as 24-bit RGB 1 layer

I never got the chance to produce any 32-bit BMP before I got Photoshop CS2 and my old skins work fine.

How come the pic you uploaded is 600 x 600? It should be 1024 x 1024?

EDIT: Also, you need offsets from 1024*1024 all the way to 8*8!!! (divide dimensions by 2 in between)

it's not in full size but it should 1024x1024. it's 1024x1024 on my pc. hmmm maybe i need to find another model to work on.

Serph21 I don't know if this will help but in the xml2 CFG I had to change to IGB,DXT3 and not igb,-DXT3 or they stayed the same.
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!